  - The Libvirt driver now uses os-vif plugins for
    handling plug/unplug actions for the Linux Bridge
    and OpenVSwitch VIF types. Each os-vif plugin will
    have its own group in nova.conf for configuration
    parameters it needs. These plugins will be installed
    by default as part of the os-vif module installation
    so no special action is required.
  - With the introduction of os-vif, some networking related
    configuration options have moved, and users will need to update
    their ``nova.conf``.

    For OpenVSwitch users the following options have moved from
    ``[DEFAULT]`` to ``[vif_plug_ovs]``

     - network_device_mtu
     - ovs_vsctl_timeout

    For Linux Bridge users the following options have moved from
    ``[DEFAULT]`` to ``[vif_plug_linux_bridge]``

     - use_ipv6
     - iptables_top_regex
     - iptables_bottom_regex
     - iptables_drop_action
     - forward_bridge_interface
     - vlan_interface
     - flat_interface
     - network_device_mtu

    For backwards compatibility, and ease of upgrade, these options
    will continue to work from ``[DEFAULT]`` during the Newton
    release. However they will not in future releases.