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    A new ``nova-manage placement heal_allocations`` CLI has been added to
    help migrate users from the deprecated CachingScheduler. Starting in
    16.0.0 (Pike), the nova-compute service no longer reports instance
    allocations to the Placement service because the FilterScheduler does
    that as part of scheduling. However, the CachingScheduler does not create
    the allocations in the Placement service, so any instances created using
    the CachingScheduler after Ocata will not have allocations in Placement.
    The new CLI allows operators using the CachingScheduler to find all
    instances in all cells which do not have allocations in Placement and
    create those allocations. The CLI will skip any instances that are
    undergoing a task state transition, so ideally this would be run when
    the API is down but it can be run, if necessary, while the API is up.
    For more details on CLI usage, see the man page entry:
