prelude: |
    The 15.0.0 release includes many new features and bug fixes. It is
    difficult to cover all the changes that have been introduced. Please at
    least read the upgrade section which describes the required actions to
    upgrade your cloud from 14.0.0 (Newton) to 15.0.0 (Ocata).

    That said, a few major changes are worth mentioning. This is not an
    exhaustive list:

    - The latest API microversion supported for Ocata is v2.42. Details on
      REST API microversions added since the 14.0.0 Newton release can be found
      in the `REST API Version History`_ page.
    - The Nova FilterScheduler driver is now able to make scheduling
      decisions based on the new Placement RESTful API endpoint that becomes
      mandatory in Ocata. Accordingly, the compute nodes will
      refuse to start if you do not amend the configuration to add the
      ``[placement]`` section so they can provide their resource usage.
      For the moment, only CPU, RAM and disk resource usage are verified by
      the Placement API, but we plan to add more resource classes in the
      next release. You will find further details in the features and
      upgrade sections below, and the `Placement API`_ page.
    - Ocata contains a lot of new CellsV2 functions, but not all of it is
      fully ready for production. All deployments must set up their existing
      nodes as a cell, with database connection and MQ transport_url config
      items matching that cell. In a subsequent release, additional cells
      will be fully supported, as will a migration path for CellsV1 users.
      By default, an Ocata deployment now needs to configure at least one new
      "Cell V2" (not to be confused with the first version of cells). In
      Newton, it was possible to deploy a single cell V2 and schedule on it
      but this was optional. Now in Ocata, single CellsV2 deployments are
      More details to be found when reading the release notes below.
    - There is a new nova-status command that gives operators a better
      view of their cloud. In particular, a new subcommand called "upgrade"
      allows operators to run a pre-flight check on their deployment before
      upgrading. This helps them to proactively identify potential upgrade
      issues that could occur.

    .. _REST API Version History: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/api_microversion_history.html
    .. _Placement API: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/placement.html