  - |
    The libvirt compute driver now allows users to create instances
    with SR-IOV virtual functions which will be configured as trusted.

    The operator will have to create pools of devices with tag

    For example, modify ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` and set:

    .. code-block:: ini

      passthrough_whitelist = {"devname": "eth0", "trusted": "true",

    Where "eth0" is the interface name related to the physical

    Ensure that the version of ``ip-link`` on the compute host supports setting
    the trust mode on the device.

    Ports from the physical network will have to be created with a
    binding profile to match the trusted tag. Only ports with
    ``binding:vif_type=hw_veb`` and ``binding:vnic_type=direct`` are supported.

    .. code-block:: ini

      $ neutron port-create <net-id> \
                            --name sriov_port \
                            --vnic-type direct \
                            --binding:profile type=dict trusted=true