--- features: - | When using XenAPI driver for XenServer, we can support booting instances with a vGPU attached to get better graphics processing capability. In order to use this feature, the operators should specify the enabled vGPU types in the nova compute configuration file with the configuration option - ``[devices]/enabled_vgpu_types``. Only the enabled vGPU types can be used by instances. XenServer automatically detects and groups together identical physical GPUs. Although the physical GPUs may support multiple vGPU types, at the moment nova only supports a single vGPU type for each compute node. The operators can run the following CLI commands in XenServer to get the available vGPU types if the host supports vGPU:: xe vgpu-type-list The values of ``model-name ( RO):`` from the output of the above commands are the vGPU type names which you can choose from to set the nova configure - ``[devices]/enabled_vgpu_types``. Please choose only one vGPU type to be enabled. The operators should specify a vGPU resource in the flavor's extra_specs:: nova flavor-key <flavor-id> set resources:VGPU=1 Then users can use the flavor to boot instances with a vGPU attached. At the moment, XenServer doesn't support multiple vGPUs for a single instance, so ``resources:VGPU`` in the flavor's extra_specs should always be ``1``.