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    For the VMware driver, the flavor extra specs for quotas has been extended
    to support:

    - quota:cpu_limit - The cpu of a virtual machine will not
      exceed this limit, even if there are available resources. This is
      typically used to ensure a consistent performance of virtual machines
      independent of available resources. Units are MHz.
    - quota:cpu_reservation - guaranteed minimum reservation (MHz)
    - quota:cpu_shares_level - the allocation level. This can be
      'custom', 'high', 'normal' or 'low'.
    - quota:cpu_shares_share - in the event that 'custom' is used,
      this is the number of shares.
    - quota:memory_limit - The memory utilization of a virtual
      machine will not exceed this limit, even if there are available
      resources. This is typically used to ensure a consistent performance of
      virtual machines independent of available resources. Units are MB.
    - quota:memory_reservation - guaranteed minimum reservation (MB)
    - quota:memory_shares_level - the allocation level. This can be
      'custom', 'high', 'normal' or 'low'.
    - quota:memory_shares_share - in the event that 'custom' is used,
      this is the number of shares.
    - quota:disk_io_limit - The I/O utilization of a virtual machine
      will not exceed this limit. The unit is number of I/O per second.
    - quota:disk_io_reservation - Reservation control is used to
      provide guaranteed allocation in terms of IOPS
    - quota:disk_io_shares_level - the allocation level. This can be
      'custom', 'high', 'normal' or 'low'.
    - quota:disk_io_shares_share - in the event that 'custom' is used,
      this is the number of shares.
    - quota:vif_limit - The bandwidth limit for the virtual network
      adapter. The utilization of the virtual network adapter will not exceed
      this limit, even if there are available resources. Units in Mbits/sec.
    - quota:vif_reservation - Amount of network bandwidth that is
      guaranteed to the virtual network adapter. If utilization is less than
      reservation, the resource can be used by other virtual network adapters.
      Reservation is not allowed to exceed the value of limit if limit is set.
      Units in Mbits/sec.
    - quota:vif_shares_level - the allocation level. This can be
      'custom', 'high', 'normal' or 'low'.
    - quota:vif_shares_share - in the event that 'custom' is used,
      this is the number of shares.