.TH ajaxterm "1" "May 2006" "ajaxterm 0.5" "User commands" .SH NAME ajaxterm \- Web based terminal written in python .SH DESCRITPION \fBajaxterm\fR is a web based terminal written in python and some AJAX javascript for client side. It can use almost any web browser and even works through firewalls. .SH USAGE \fBajaxterm.py\fR [options] .SH OPTIONS A summary of the options supported by \fBajaxterm\fR is included below. \fB-h, --help\fR show this help message and exit \fB-pPORT, --port=PORT\fR Set the TCP port (default: 8022) \fB-cCMD, --command=CMD\fR set the command (default: /bin/login or ssh localhost) \fB-l, --log\fR log requests to stderr (default: quiet mode) .SH AUTHOR Antony Lesuisse This manual page was written for the Debian system by Julien Valroff (but may be used by others). .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report any bugs to the author: Antony Lesuisse .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright Antony Lesuisse .SH SEE ALSO - \fBajaxterm\fR wiki page: http://antony.lesuisse.org/qweb/trac/wiki/AjaxTerm .br - \fBajaxterm\fR forum: http://antony.lesuisse.org/qweb/forum/viewforum.php?id=2