# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ A connection to a hypervisor through libvirt. Supports KVM, QEMU, UML, and XEN. **Related Flags** :libvirt_type: Libvirt domain type. Can be kvm, qemu, uml, xen (default: kvm). :libvirt_uri: Override for the default libvirt URI (depends on libvirt_type). :libvirt_xml_template: Libvirt XML Template. :rescue_image_id: Rescue ami image (default: ami-rescue). :rescue_kernel_id: Rescue aki image (default: aki-rescue). :rescue_ramdisk_id: Rescue ari image (default: ari-rescue). :injected_network_template: Template file for injected network :allow_project_net_traffic: Whether to allow in project network traffic """ import os import shutil import random import subprocess import uuid from xml.dom import minidom from eventlet import greenthread from eventlet import event from eventlet import tpool import IPy from nova import context from nova import db from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova import log as logging from nova import utils #from nova.api import context from nova.auth import manager from nova.compute import instance_types from nova.compute import power_state from nova.virt import disk from nova.virt import images libvirt = None libxml2 = None Template = None LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.virt.libvirt_conn') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # TODO(vish): These flags should probably go into a shared location flags.DEFINE_string('rescue_image_id', 'ami-rescue', 'Rescue ami image') flags.DEFINE_string('rescue_kernel_id', 'aki-rescue', 'Rescue aki image') flags.DEFINE_string('rescue_ramdisk_id', 'ari-rescue', 'Rescue ari image') flags.DEFINE_string('injected_network_template', utils.abspath('virt/interfaces.template'), 'Template file for injected network') flags.DEFINE_string('libvirt_xml_template', utils.abspath('virt/libvirt.xml.template'), 'Libvirt XML Template') flags.DEFINE_string('libvirt_type', 'kvm', 'Libvirt domain type (valid options are: ' 'kvm, qemu, uml, xen)') flags.DEFINE_string('libvirt_uri', '', 'Override the default libvirt URI (which is dependent' ' on libvirt_type)') flags.DEFINE_bool('allow_project_net_traffic', True, 'Whether to allow in project network traffic') flags.DEFINE_bool('use_cow_images', True, 'Whether to use cow images') flags.DEFINE_string('ajaxterm_portrange', '10000-12000', 'Range of ports that ajaxterm should randomly try to bind') flags.DEFINE_string('firewall_driver', 'nova.virt.libvirt_conn.IptablesFirewallDriver', 'Firewall driver (defaults to iptables)') def get_connection(read_only): # These are loaded late so that there's no need to install these # libraries when not using libvirt. # Cheetah is separate because the unit tests want to load Cheetah, # but not libvirt. global libvirt global libxml2 if libvirt is None: libvirt = __import__('libvirt') if libxml2 is None: libxml2 = __import__('libxml2') _late_load_cheetah() return LibvirtConnection(read_only) def _late_load_cheetah(): global Template if Template is None: t = __import__('Cheetah.Template', globals(), locals(), ['Template'], -1) Template = t.Template def _get_net_and_mask(cidr): net = IPy.IP(cidr) return str(net.net()), str(net.netmask()) def _get_net_and_prefixlen(cidr): net = IPy.IP(cidr) return str(net.net()), str(net.prefixlen()) def _get_ip_version(cidr): net = IPy.IP(cidr) return int(net.version()) class LibvirtConnection(object): def __init__(self, read_only): self.libvirt_uri = self.get_uri() self.libvirt_xml = open(FLAGS.libvirt_xml_template).read() self._wrapped_conn = None self.read_only = read_only self.nwfilter = NWFilterFirewall(self._get_connection) if not FLAGS.firewall_driver: self.firewall_driver = self.nwfilter self.nwfilter.handle_security_groups = True else: self.firewall_driver = utils.import_object(FLAGS.firewall_driver) def init_host(self): pass def _get_connection(self): if not self._wrapped_conn or not self._test_connection(): LOG.debug(_('Connecting to libvirt: %s'), self.libvirt_uri) self._wrapped_conn = self._connect(self.libvirt_uri, self.read_only) return self._wrapped_conn _conn = property(_get_connection) def _test_connection(self): try: self._wrapped_conn.getInfo() return True except libvirt.libvirtError as e: if e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR and \ e.get_error_domain() == libvirt.VIR_FROM_REMOTE: LOG.debug(_('Connection to libvirt broke')) return False raise def get_uri(self): if FLAGS.libvirt_type == 'uml': uri = FLAGS.libvirt_uri or 'uml:///system' elif FLAGS.libvirt_type == 'xen': uri = FLAGS.libvirt_uri or 'xen:///' else: uri = FLAGS.libvirt_uri or 'qemu:///system' return uri def _connect(self, uri, read_only): auth = [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT], 'root', None] if read_only: return libvirt.openReadOnly(uri) else: return libvirt.openAuth(uri, auth, 0) def list_instances(self): return [self._conn.lookupByID(x).name() for x in self._conn.listDomainsID()] def destroy(self, instance, cleanup=True): try: virt_dom = self._conn.lookupByName(instance['name']) virt_dom.destroy() except Exception as _err: pass # If the instance is already terminated, we're still happy # We'll save this for when we do shutdown, # instead of destroy - but destroy returns immediately timer = utils.LoopingCall(f=None) while True: try: state = self.get_info(instance['name'])['state'] db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], state) if state == power_state.SHUTDOWN: break except Exception: db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], power_state.SHUTDOWN) break self.firewall_driver.unfilter_instance(instance) if cleanup: self._cleanup(instance) return True def _cleanup(self, instance): target = os.path.join(FLAGS.instances_path, instance['name']) LOG.info(_('instance %s: deleting instance files %s'), instance['name'], target) if os.path.exists(target): shutil.rmtree(target) @exception.wrap_exception def attach_volume(self, instance_name, device_path, mountpoint): virt_dom = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) mount_device = mountpoint.rpartition("/")[2] if device_path.startswith('/dev/'): xml = """ """ % (device_path, mount_device) elif ':' in device_path: (protocol, name) = device_path.split(':') xml = """ """ % (protocol, name, mount_device) else: raise exception.Invalid(_("Invalid device path %s") % device_path) virt_dom.attachDevice(xml) def _get_disk_xml(self, xml, device): """Returns the xml for the disk mounted at device""" try: doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml) except: return None ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() try: ret = ctx.xpathEval('/domain/devices/disk') for node in ret: for child in node.children: if child.name == 'target': if child.prop('dev') == device: return str(node) finally: if ctx != None: ctx.xpathFreeContext() if doc != None: doc.freeDoc() @exception.wrap_exception def detach_volume(self, instance_name, mountpoint): virt_dom = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) mount_device = mountpoint.rpartition("/")[2] xml = self._get_disk_xml(virt_dom.XMLDesc(0), mount_device) if not xml: raise exception.NotFound(_("No disk at %s") % mount_device) virt_dom.detachDevice(xml) @exception.wrap_exception def snapshot(self, instance, image_id): """ Create snapshot from a running VM instance """ raise NotImplementedError( _("Instance snapshotting is not supported for libvirt" "at this time")) @exception.wrap_exception def reboot(self, instance): self.destroy(instance, False) xml = self.to_xml(instance) self._conn.createXML(xml, 0) timer = utils.LoopingCall(f=None) def _wait_for_reboot(): try: state = self.get_info(instance['name'])['state'] db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], state) if state == power_state.RUNNING: LOG.debug(_('instance %s: rebooted'), instance['name']) timer.stop() except Exception, exn: LOG.exception(_('_wait_for_reboot failed: %s'), exn) db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], power_state.SHUTDOWN) timer.stop() timer.f = _wait_for_reboot return timer.start(interval=0.5, now=True) @exception.wrap_exception def pause(self, instance, callback): raise exception.APIError("pause not supported for libvirt.") @exception.wrap_exception def unpause(self, instance, callback): raise exception.APIError("unpause not supported for libvirt.") @exception.wrap_exception def suspend(self, instance, callback): raise exception.APIError("suspend not supported for libvirt") @exception.wrap_exception def resume(self, instance, callback): raise exception.APIError("resume not supported for libvirt") @exception.wrap_exception def rescue(self, instance): self.destroy(instance, False) xml = self.to_xml(instance, rescue=True) rescue_images = {'image_id': FLAGS.rescue_image_id, 'kernel_id': FLAGS.rescue_kernel_id, 'ramdisk_id': FLAGS.rescue_ramdisk_id} self._create_image(instance, xml, '.rescue', rescue_images) self._conn.createXML(xml, 0) timer = utils.LoopingCall(f=None) def _wait_for_rescue(): try: state = self.get_info(instance['name'])['state'] db.instance_set_state(None, instance['id'], state) if state == power_state.RUNNING: LOG.debug(_('instance %s: rescued'), instance['name']) timer.stop() except Exception, exn: LOG.exception(_('_wait_for_rescue failed: %s'), exn) db.instance_set_state(None, instance['id'], power_state.SHUTDOWN) timer.stop() timer.f = _wait_for_rescue return timer.start(interval=0.5, now=True) @exception.wrap_exception def unrescue(self, instance): # NOTE(vish): Because reboot destroys and recreates an instance using # the normal xml file, we can just call reboot here self.reboot(instance) @exception.wrap_exception def spawn(self, instance): xml = self.to_xml(instance) db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], power_state.NOSTATE, 'launching') self.nwfilter.setup_basic_filtering(instance) self.firewall_driver.prepare_instance_filter(instance) self._create_image(instance, xml) self._conn.createXML(xml, 0) LOG.debug(_("instance %s: is running"), instance['name']) self.firewall_driver.apply_instance_filter(instance) timer = utils.LoopingCall(f=None) def _wait_for_boot(): try: state = self.get_info(instance['name'])['state'] db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], state) if state == power_state.RUNNING: LOG.debug(_('instance %s: booted'), instance['name']) timer.stop() except: LOG.exception(_('instance %s: failed to boot'), instance['name']) db.instance_set_state(context.get_admin_context(), instance['id'], power_state.SHUTDOWN) timer.stop() timer.f = _wait_for_boot return timer.start(interval=0.5, now=True) def _flush_xen_console(self, virsh_output): LOG.info(_('virsh said: %r'), virsh_output) virsh_output = virsh_output[0].strip() if virsh_output.startswith('/dev/'): LOG.info(_('cool, it\'s a device')) out, err = utils.execute("sudo dd if=%s iflag=nonblock" % virsh_output, check_exit_code=False) return out else: return '' def _append_to_file(self, data, fpath): LOG.info(_('data: %r, fpath: %r'), data, fpath) fp = open(fpath, 'a+') fp.write(data) return fpath def _dump_file(self, fpath): fp = open(fpath, 'r+') contents = fp.read() LOG.info(_('Contents of file %s: %r'), fpath, contents) return contents @exception.wrap_exception def get_console_output(self, instance): console_log = os.path.join(FLAGS.instances_path, instance['name'], 'console.log') utils.execute('sudo chown %d %s' % (os.getuid(), console_log)) if FLAGS.libvirt_type == 'xen': # Xen is special virsh_output = utils.execute("virsh ttyconsole %s" % instance['name']) data = self._flush_xen_console(virsh_output) fpath = self._append_to_file(data, console_log) else: fpath = console_log return self._dump_file(fpath) @exception.wrap_exception def get_ajax_console(self, instance): def get_open_port(): start_port, end_port = FLAGS.ajaxterm_portrange.split("-") for i in xrange(0, 100): # don't loop forever port = random.randint(int(start_port), int(end_port)) # netcat will exit with 0 only if the port is in use, # so a nonzero return value implies it is unused cmd = 'netcat %s -w 1 \n" "\n" "\n" "\n") % \ (net, mask, net_v6, prefixlen_v6) else: net, mask = _get_net_and_mask(network['cidr']) extra_params = ("\n" "\n") % \ (net, mask) else: extra_params = "\n" if FLAGS.use_cow_images: driver_type = 'qcow2' else: driver_type = 'raw' xml_info = {'type': FLAGS.libvirt_type, 'name': instance['name'], 'basepath': os.path.join(FLAGS.instances_path, instance['name']), 'memory_kb': instance_type['memory_mb'] * 1024, 'vcpus': instance_type['vcpus'], 'bridge_name': network['bridge'], 'mac_address': instance['mac_address'], 'ip_address': ip_address, 'dhcp_server': dhcp_server, 'ra_server': ra_server, 'extra_params': extra_params, 'rescue': rescue, 'local': instance_type['local_gb'], 'driver_type': driver_type} if not rescue: if instance['kernel_id']: xml_info['kernel'] = xml_info['basepath'] + "/kernel" if instance['ramdisk_id']: xml_info['ramdisk'] = xml_info['basepath'] + "/ramdisk" xml_info['disk'] = xml_info['basepath'] + "/disk" xml = str(Template(self.libvirt_xml, searchList=[xml_info])) LOG.debug(_('instance %s: finished toXML method'), instance['name']) return xml def get_info(self, instance_name): try: virt_dom = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) except: raise exception.NotFound(_("Instance %s not found") % instance_name) (state, max_mem, mem, num_cpu, cpu_time) = virt_dom.info() return {'state': state, 'max_mem': max_mem, 'mem': mem, 'num_cpu': num_cpu, 'cpu_time': cpu_time} def get_diagnostics(self, instance_name): raise exception.APIError("diagnostics are not supported for libvirt") def get_disks(self, instance_name): """ Note that this function takes an instance name, not an Instance, so that it can be called by monitor. Returns a list of all block devices for this domain. """ domain = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) # TODO(devcamcar): Replace libxml2 with etree. xml = domain.XMLDesc(0) doc = None try: doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml) except: return [] ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() disks = [] try: ret = ctx.xpathEval('/domain/devices/disk') for node in ret: devdst = None for child in node.children: if child.name == 'target': devdst = child.prop('dev') if devdst == None: continue disks.append(devdst) finally: if ctx != None: ctx.xpathFreeContext() if doc != None: doc.freeDoc() return disks def get_interfaces(self, instance_name): """ Note that this function takes an instance name, not an Instance, so that it can be called by monitor. Returns a list of all network interfaces for this instance. """ domain = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) # TODO(devcamcar): Replace libxml2 with etree. xml = domain.XMLDesc(0) doc = None try: doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml) except: return [] ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() interfaces = [] try: ret = ctx.xpathEval('/domain/devices/interface') for node in ret: devdst = None for child in node.children: if child.name == 'target': devdst = child.prop('dev') if devdst == None: continue interfaces.append(devdst) finally: if ctx != None: ctx.xpathFreeContext() if doc != None: doc.freeDoc() return interfaces def block_stats(self, instance_name, disk): """ Note that this function takes an instance name, not an Instance, so that it can be called by monitor. """ domain = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) return domain.blockStats(disk) def interface_stats(self, instance_name, interface): """ Note that this function takes an instance name, not an Instance, so that it can be called by monitor. """ domain = self._conn.lookupByName(instance_name) return domain.interfaceStats(interface) def get_console_pool_info(self, console_type): #TODO(mdragon): console proxy should be implemented for libvirt, # in case someone wants to use it with kvm or # such. For now return fake data. return {'address': '', 'username': 'fakeuser', 'password': 'fakepassword'} def refresh_security_group_rules(self, security_group_id): self.firewall_driver.refresh_security_group_rules(security_group_id) def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id): self.firewall_driver.refresh_security_group_members(security_group_id) class FirewallDriver(object): def prepare_instance_filter(self, instance): """Prepare filters for the instance. At this point, the instance isn't running yet.""" raise NotImplementedError() def unfilter_instance(self, instance): """Stop filtering instance""" raise NotImplementedError() def apply_instance_filter(self, instance): """Apply instance filter. Once this method returns, the instance should be firewalled appropriately. This method should as far as possible be a no-op. It's vastly preferred to get everything set up in prepare_instance_filter. """ raise NotImplementedError() def refresh_security_group_rules(self, security_group_id): """Refresh security group rules from data store Gets called when a rule has been added to or removed from the security group.""" raise NotImplementedError() def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id): """Refresh security group members from data store Gets called when an instance gets added to or removed from the security group.""" raise NotImplementedError() class NWFilterFirewall(FirewallDriver): """ This class implements a network filtering mechanism versatile enough for EC2 style Security Group filtering by leveraging libvirt's nwfilter. First, all instances get a filter ("nova-base-filter") applied. This filter provides some basic security such as protection against MAC spoofing, IP spoofing, and ARP spoofing. This filter drops all incoming ipv4 and ipv6 connections. Outgoing connections are never blocked. Second, every security group maps to a nwfilter filter(*). NWFilters can be updated at runtime and changes are applied immediately, so changes to security groups can be applied at runtime (as mandated by the spec). Security group rules are named "nova-secgroup-" where is the internal id of the security group. They're applied only on hosts that have instances in the security group in question. Updates to security groups are done by updating the data model (in response to API calls) followed by a request sent to all the nodes with instances in the security group to refresh the security group. Each instance has its own NWFilter, which references the above mentioned security group NWFilters. This was done because interfaces can only reference one filter while filters can reference multiple other filters. This has the added benefit of actually being able to add and remove security groups from an instance at run time. This functionality is not exposed anywhere, though. Outstanding questions: The name is unique, so would there be any good reason to sync the uuid across the nodes (by assigning it from the datamodel)? (*) This sentence brought to you by the redundancy department of redundancy. """ def __init__(self, get_connection): self._libvirt_get_connection = get_connection self.static_filters_configured = False self.handle_security_groups = False def _get_connection(self): return self._libvirt_get_connection() _conn = property(_get_connection) def nova_dhcp_filter(self): """The standard allow-dhcp-server filter is an one, so it uses ebtables to allow traffic through. Without a corresponding rule in iptables, it'll get blocked anyway.""" return ''' 891e4787-e5c0-d59b-cbd6-41bc3c6b36fc ''' def nova_ra_filter(self): return ''' d707fa71-4fb5-4b27-9ab7-ba5ca19c8804 ''' def setup_basic_filtering(self, instance): """Set up basic filtering (MAC, IP, and ARP spoofing protection)""" logging.info('called setup_basic_filtering in nwfilter') if self.handle_security_groups: # No point in setting up a filter set that we'll be overriding # anyway. return logging.info('ensuring static filters') self._ensure_static_filters() instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance) self._define_filter(self._filter_container(instance_filter_name, ['nova-base'])) def _ensure_static_filters(self): if self.static_filters_configured: return self._define_filter(self._filter_container('nova-base', ['no-mac-spoofing', 'no-ip-spoofing', 'no-arp-spoofing', 'allow-dhcp-server'])) self._define_filter(self.nova_base_ipv4_filter) self._define_filter(self.nova_base_ipv6_filter) self._define_filter(self.nova_dhcp_filter) self._define_filter(self.nova_ra_filter) self._define_filter(self.nova_vpn_filter) if FLAGS.allow_project_net_traffic: self._define_filter(self.nova_project_filter) if FLAGS.use_ipv6: self._define_filter(self.nova_project_filter_v6) self.static_filters_configured = True def _filter_container(self, name, filters): xml = '''%s''' % ( name, ''.join(["" % (f,) for f in filters])) return xml nova_vpn_filter = ''' 2086015e-cf03-11df-8c5d-080027c27973 ''' def nova_base_ipv4_filter(self): retval = "" for protocol in ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp']: for direction, action, priority in [('out', 'accept', 399), ('in', 'drop', 400)]: retval += """ <%s /> """ % (action, direction, priority, protocol) retval += '' return retval def nova_base_ipv6_filter(self): retval = "" for protocol in ['tcp-ipv6', 'udp-ipv6', 'icmpv6']: for direction, action, priority in [('out', 'accept', 399), ('in', 'drop', 400)]: retval += """ <%s /> """ % (action, direction, priority, protocol) retval += '' return retval def nova_project_filter(self): retval = "" for protocol in ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp']: retval += """ <%s srcipaddr='$PROJNET' srcipmask='$PROJMASK' /> """ % protocol retval += '' return retval def nova_project_filter_v6(self): retval = "" for protocol in ['tcp-ipv6', 'udp-ipv6', 'icmpv6']: retval += """ <%s srcipaddr='$PROJNETV6' srcipmask='$PROJMASKV6' /> """ % (protocol) retval += '' return retval def _define_filter(self, xml): if callable(xml): xml = xml() # execute in a native thread and block current greenthread until done tpool.execute(self._conn.nwfilterDefineXML, xml) def unfilter_instance(self, instance): # Nothing to do pass def prepare_instance_filter(self, instance): """ Creates an NWFilter for the given instance. In the process, it makes sure the filters for the security groups as well as the base filter are all in place. """ if instance['image_id'] == FLAGS.vpn_image_id: base_filter = 'nova-vpn' else: base_filter = 'nova-base' instance_filter_name = self._instance_filter_name(instance) instance_secgroup_filter_name = '%s-secgroup' % (instance_filter_name,) instance_filter_children = [base_filter, instance_secgroup_filter_name] instance_secgroup_filter_children = ['nova-base-ipv4', 'nova-base-ipv6', 'nova-allow-dhcp-server'] if FLAGS.use_ipv6: instance_secgroup_filter_children += ['nova-allow-ra-server'] ctxt = context.get_admin_context() if FLAGS.allow_project_net_traffic: instance_filter_children += ['nova-project'] if FLAGS.use_ipv6: instance_filter_children += ['nova-project-v6'] for security_group in db.security_group_get_by_instance(ctxt, instance['id']): self.refresh_security_group_rules(security_group['id']) instance_secgroup_filter_children += [('nova-secgroup-%s' % security_group['id'])] self._define_filter( self._filter_container(instance_secgroup_filter_name, instance_secgroup_filter_children)) self._define_filter( self._filter_container(instance_filter_name, instance_filter_children)) return def apply_instance_filter(self, instance): """No-op. Everything is done in prepare_instance_filter""" pass def refresh_security_group_rules(self, security_group_id): return self._define_filter( self.security_group_to_nwfilter_xml(security_group_id)) def security_group_to_nwfilter_xml(self, security_group_id): security_group = db.security_group_get(context.get_admin_context(), security_group_id) rule_xml = "" v6protocol = {'tcp': 'tcp-ipv6', 'udp': 'udp-ipv6', 'icmp': 'icmpv6'} for rule in security_group.rules: rule_xml += "" if rule.cidr: version = _get_ip_version(rule.cidr) if(FLAGS.use_ipv6 and version == 6): net, prefixlen = _get_net_and_prefixlen(rule.cidr) rule_xml += "<%s srcipaddr='%s' srcipmask='%s' " % \ (v6protocol[rule.protocol], net, prefixlen) else: net, mask = _get_net_and_mask(rule.cidr) rule_xml += "<%s srcipaddr='%s' srcipmask='%s' " % \ (rule.protocol, net, mask) if rule.protocol in ['tcp', 'udp']: rule_xml += "dstportstart='%s' dstportend='%s' " % \ (rule.from_port, rule.to_port) elif rule.protocol == 'icmp': LOG.info('rule.protocol: %r, rule.from_port: %r, ' 'rule.to_port: %r', rule.protocol, rule.from_port, rule.to_port) if rule.from_port != -1: rule_xml += "type='%s' " % rule.from_port if rule.to_port != -1: rule_xml += "code='%s' " % rule.to_port rule_xml += '/>\n' rule_xml += "\n" xml = "