====== Traits ====== Traits are *qualitative* characteristics of resource providers. The classic example for traits can be requesting disk from different providers: a user may request 80GB of disk space for an instance (quantitative), but may also expect that the disk be SSD instead of spinning disk (qualitative). Traits provide a way to mark that a storage provider is SSD or spinning. .. note:: Traits API requests are availiable starting from version 1.6. List traits =========== Return a list of valid trait strings according to parameters specified. .. rest_method:: GET /traits Normal Response Codes: 200 Request ------- Several query parameters are available to filter the returned list of traits. If multiple different parameters are provided, the results of all filters are merged with a boolean `AND`. .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: trait_name_query - associated: trait_associated Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - traits: traits Response Example ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ./samples/traits/get-traits.json :language: javascript Show traits =========== Check if a trait name exists in this cloud. .. rest_method:: GET /traits/{name} Normal Response Codes: 204 Error response codes: itemNotFound(404) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: trait_name Response -------- No body content is returned on a successful GET. Update traits ============= Insert a new custom trait. If traits already exists 204 will be returned. There are two kinds of traits: the standard traits and the custom traits. The standard traits are interoperable across different OpenStack cloud deployments. The definition of standard traits comes from the `os-traits` library. The standard traits are read-only in the placement API which means that the user can't modify any standard traits through API. The custom traits are used by admin users to manage the non-standard qualitative information of resource providers. .. rest_method:: PUT /traits/{name} Normal Response Codes: 201, 204 Error response codes: badRequest(400) * `400 BadRequest` if trait name is not prefixed with `CUSTOM_` prefix. Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: trait_name Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - Location: location No body content is returned on a successful PUT. Delete traits ============= Delete the trait specified be `{name}`. Note that only custom traits can be deleted. .. rest_method:: DELETE /traits/{name} Normal Response Codes: 204 Error response codes: badRequest(400), itemNotFound(404), conflict(409) * `400 BadRequest` if the name to delete is standard trait. * `404 Not Found` if no such trait exists. * `409 Conflict` if the name to delete has associations with any ResourceProvider. Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - name: trait_name Response -------- No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.