Installing the Live CD ====================== If you'd like to set up a sandbox installation of Nova, you can use one of these Live CD images. If you don't already have VirtualBox installed, you can download it from Download the zip or iso file and then follow these steps to try Nova in a virtual environment. (OpenSUSE image; root password is "linux" for this image) (~900 MB) (log in information is nova/nova) Once a VM is configured and started, here are the basics: #. Login to Ubuntu using ID nova and Password nova. #. Switch to running as sudo (enter nova when prompted for the password):: sudo -s #. To run Nova for the first time, enter:: cd /var/openstack/ #. Now that you're in the correct directory, enter:: ./ run .. image:: images/novashvirtually.png If it's already running, use screen -ls, and when the nova screen is presented,then enter screen -d -r nova. These are the steps to get an instance running (the image is already provided in this environment). Enter these commands in the "test" screen. :: euca-add-keypair test > test.pem chmod 600 test.pem euca-run-instances -k test -t m1.tiny ami-tiny euca-describe-instances ssh -i test.pem root@ To see output from the various workers, switch screen windows with Ctrl+A " (quotation mark). .. image:: images/novascreens.png