# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Compute-related Utilities and helpers.""" import contextlib import functools import inspect import itertools import math import traceback import netifaces from oslo_log import log from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import six from nova import block_device from nova.compute import power_state from nova.compute import task_states from nova.compute import vm_states import nova.conf from nova import exception from nova import notifications from nova.notifications.objects import aggregate as aggregate_notification from nova.notifications.objects import base as notification_base from nova.notifications.objects import compute_task as task_notification from nova.notifications.objects import exception as notification_exception from nova.notifications.objects import flavor as flavor_notification from nova.notifications.objects import instance as instance_notification from nova.notifications.objects import keypair as keypair_notification from nova.notifications.objects import libvirt as libvirt_notification from nova.notifications.objects import metrics as metrics_notification from nova.notifications.objects import request_spec as reqspec_notification from nova.notifications.objects import scheduler as scheduler_notification from nova.notifications.objects import server_group as sg_notification from nova.notifications.objects import volume as volume_notification from nova import objects from nova.objects import fields from nova import rpc from nova import safe_utils from nova import utils from nova.virt import driver CONF = nova.conf.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def exception_to_dict(fault, message=None): """Converts exceptions to a dict for use in notifications. :param fault: Exception that occurred :param message: Optional fault message, otherwise the message is derived from the fault itself. :returns: dict with the following items: - exception: the fault itself - message: one of (in priority order): - the provided message to this method - a formatted NovaException message - the fault class name - code: integer code for the fault (defaults to 500) """ # TODO(johngarbutt) move to nova/exception.py to share with wrap_exception code = 500 if hasattr(fault, "kwargs"): code = fault.kwargs.get('code', 500) # get the message from the exception that was thrown # if that does not exist, use the name of the exception class itself try: if not message: message = fault.format_message() # These exception handlers are broad so we don't fail to log the fault # just because there is an unexpected error retrieving the message except Exception: # In this case either we have a NovaException which failed to format # the message or we have a non-nova exception which could contain # sensitive details. Since we're not sure, be safe and set the message # to the exception class name. Note that we don't guard on # context.is_admin here because the message is always shown in the API, # even to non-admin users (e.g. NoValidHost) but only the traceback # details are shown to users with the admin role. Checking for admin # context here is also not helpful because admins can perform # operations on a tenant user's server (migrations, reboot, etc) and # service startup and periodic tasks could take actions on a server # and those use an admin context. message = fault.__class__.__name__ # NOTE(dripton) The message field in the database is limited to 255 chars. # MySQL silently truncates overly long messages, but PostgreSQL throws an # error if we don't truncate it. u_message = utils.safe_truncate(message, 255) fault_dict = dict(exception=fault) fault_dict["message"] = u_message fault_dict["code"] = code return fault_dict def _get_fault_details(exc_info, error_code): details = '' # TODO(mriedem): Why do we only include the details if the code is 500? # Though for non-nova exceptions the code will probably be 500. if exc_info and error_code == 500: # We get the full exception details including the value since # the fault message may not contain that information for non-nova # exceptions (see exception_to_dict). details = ''.join(traceback.format_exception( exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])) return six.text_type(details) def add_instance_fault_from_exc(context, instance, fault, exc_info=None, fault_message=None): """Adds the specified fault to the database.""" fault_obj = objects.InstanceFault(context=context) fault_obj.host = CONF.host fault_obj.instance_uuid = instance.uuid fault_obj.update(exception_to_dict(fault, message=fault_message)) code = fault_obj.code fault_obj.details = _get_fault_details(exc_info, code) fault_obj.create() def get_device_name_for_instance(instance, bdms, device): """Validates (or generates) a device name for instance. This method is a wrapper for get_next_device_name that gets the list of used devices and the root device from a block device mapping. :raises TooManyDiskDevices: if the maxmimum allowed devices to attach to a single instance is exceeded. """ mappings = block_device.instance_block_mapping(instance, bdms) return get_next_device_name(instance, mappings.values(), mappings['root'], device) def default_device_names_for_instance(instance, root_device_name, *block_device_lists): """Generate missing device names for an instance. :raises TooManyDiskDevices: if the maxmimum allowed devices to attach to a single instance is exceeded. """ dev_list = [bdm.device_name for bdm in itertools.chain(*block_device_lists) if bdm.device_name] if root_device_name not in dev_list: dev_list.append(root_device_name) for bdm in itertools.chain(*block_device_lists): dev = bdm.device_name if not dev: dev = get_next_device_name(instance, dev_list, root_device_name) bdm.device_name = dev bdm.save() dev_list.append(dev) def check_max_disk_devices_to_attach(num_devices): maximum = CONF.compute.max_disk_devices_to_attach if maximum < 0: return if num_devices > maximum: raise exception.TooManyDiskDevices(maximum=maximum) def get_next_device_name(instance, device_name_list, root_device_name=None, device=None): """Validates (or generates) a device name for instance. If device is not set, it will generate a unique device appropriate for the instance. It uses the root_device_name (if provided) and the list of used devices to find valid device names. If the device name is valid but applicable to a different backend (for example /dev/vdc is specified but the backend uses /dev/xvdc), the device name will be converted to the appropriate format. :raises TooManyDiskDevices: if the maxmimum allowed devices to attach to a single instance is exceeded. """ req_prefix = None req_letter = None if device: try: req_prefix, req_letter = block_device.match_device(device) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=device) if not root_device_name: root_device_name = block_device.DEFAULT_ROOT_DEV_NAME try: prefix = block_device.match_device( block_device.prepend_dev(root_device_name))[0] except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=root_device_name) # NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is setting default_root_device if driver.is_xenapi(): prefix = '/dev/xvd' if req_prefix != prefix: LOG.debug("Using %(prefix)s instead of %(req_prefix)s", {'prefix': prefix, 'req_prefix': req_prefix}) used_letters = set() for device_path in device_name_list: letter = block_device.get_device_letter(device_path) used_letters.add(letter) # NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is properly setting # default_ephemeral_device and default_swap_device if driver.is_xenapi(): flavor = instance.get_flavor() if flavor.ephemeral_gb: used_letters.add('b') if flavor.swap: used_letters.add('c') check_max_disk_devices_to_attach(len(used_letters) + 1) if not req_letter: req_letter = _get_unused_letter(used_letters) if req_letter in used_letters: raise exception.DevicePathInUse(path=device) return prefix + req_letter def get_root_bdm(context, instance, bdms=None): if bdms is None: if isinstance(instance, objects.Instance): uuid = instance.uuid else: uuid = instance['uuid'] bdms = objects.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid( context, uuid) return bdms.root_bdm() def is_volume_backed_instance(context, instance, bdms=None): root_bdm = get_root_bdm(context, instance, bdms) if root_bdm is not None: return root_bdm.is_volume # in case we hit a very old instance without root bdm, we _assume_ that # instance is backed by a volume, if and only if image_ref is not set if isinstance(instance, objects.Instance): return not instance.image_ref return not instance['image_ref'] def heal_reqspec_is_bfv(ctxt, request_spec, instance): """Calculates the is_bfv flag for a RequestSpec created before Rocky. Starting in Rocky, new instances have their RequestSpec created with the "is_bfv" flag to indicate if they are volume-backed which is used by the scheduler when determining root disk resource allocations. RequestSpecs created before Rocky will not have the is_bfv flag set so we need to calculate it here and update the RequestSpec. :param ctxt: nova.context.RequestContext auth context :param request_spec: nova.objects.RequestSpec used for scheduling :param instance: nova.objects.Instance being scheduled """ if 'is_bfv' in request_spec: return # Determine if this is a volume-backed instance and set the field # in the request spec accordingly. request_spec.is_bfv = is_volume_backed_instance(ctxt, instance) request_spec.save() def convert_mb_to_ceil_gb(mb_value): gb_int = 0 if mb_value: gb_float = mb_value / 1024.0 # ensure we reserve/allocate enough space by rounding up to nearest GB gb_int = int(math.ceil(gb_float)) return gb_int def _get_unused_letter(used_letters): # Return the first unused device letter index = 0 while True: letter = block_device.generate_device_letter(index) if letter not in used_letters: return letter index += 1 def get_value_from_system_metadata(instance, key, type, default): """Get a value of a specified type from image metadata. @param instance: The instance object @param key: The name of the property to get @param type: The python type the value is be returned as @param default: The value to return if key is not set or not the right type """ value = instance.system_metadata.get(key, default) try: return type(value) except ValueError: LOG.warning("Metadata value %(value)s for %(key)s is not of " "type %(type)s. Using default value %(default)s.", {'value': value, 'key': key, 'type': type, 'default': default}, instance=instance) return default def notify_usage_exists(notifier, context, instance_ref, host, current_period=False, ignore_missing_network_data=True, system_metadata=None, extra_usage_info=None): """Generates 'exists' unversioned legacy and transformed notification for an instance for usage auditing purposes. :param notifier: a messaging.Notifier :param context: request context for the current operation :param instance_ref: nova.objects.Instance object from which to report usage :param host: the host emitting the notification :param current_period: if True, this will generate a usage for the current usage period; if False, this will generate a usage for the previous audit period. :param ignore_missing_network_data: if True, log any exceptions generated while getting network info; if False, raise the exception. :param system_metadata: system_metadata override for the instance. If None, the instance_ref.system_metadata will be used. :param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or override in the notification if not None. """ audit_start, audit_end = notifications.audit_period_bounds(current_period) bw = notifications.bandwidth_usage(context, instance_ref, audit_start, ignore_missing_network_data) if system_metadata is None: system_metadata = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance_ref) # add image metadata to the notification: image_meta = notifications.image_meta(system_metadata) extra_info = dict(audit_period_beginning=str(audit_start), audit_period_ending=str(audit_end), bandwidth=bw, image_meta=image_meta) if extra_usage_info: extra_info.update(extra_usage_info) notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance_ref, 'exists', extra_usage_info=extra_info) audit_period = instance_notification.AuditPeriodPayload( audit_period_beginning=audit_start, audit_period_ending=audit_end) bandwidth = [instance_notification.BandwidthPayload( network_name=label, in_bytes=b['bw_in'], out_bytes=b['bw_out']) for label, b in bw.items()] payload = instance_notification.InstanceExistsPayload( context=context, instance=instance_ref, audit_period=audit_period, bandwidth=bandwidth) notification = instance_notification.InstanceExistsNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.EXISTS), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) def notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance, event_suffix, network_info=None, extra_usage_info=None, fault=None): """Send an unversioned legacy notification about an instance. All new notifications should use notify_about_instance_action which sends a versioned notification. :param notifier: a messaging.Notifier :param event_suffix: Event type like "delete.start" or "exists" :param network_info: Networking information, if provided. :param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or override in the notification. """ if not extra_usage_info: extra_usage_info = {} usage_info = notifications.info_from_instance(context, instance, network_info, populate_image_ref_url=True, **extra_usage_info) if fault: # NOTE(johngarbutt) mirrors the format in wrap_exception fault_payload = exception_to_dict(fault) LOG.debug(fault_payload["message"], instance=instance) usage_info.update(fault_payload) if event_suffix.endswith("error"): method = notifier.error else: method = notifier.info method(context, 'compute.instance.%s' % event_suffix, usage_info) def _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb): fault = None priority = fields.NotificationPriority.INFO if exception: priority = fields.NotificationPriority.ERROR fault = notification_exception.ExceptionPayload.from_exc_and_traceback( exception, tb) return fault, priority @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_instance_action(context, instance, host, action, phase=None, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE, exception=None, bdms=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about the action made on the instance :param instance: the instance which the action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param action: the name of the action :param phase: the phase of the action :param source: the source of the notification :param exception: the thrown exception (used in error notifications) :param bdms: BlockDeviceMappingList object for the instance. If it is not provided then we will load it from the db if so configured :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionPayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, bdms=bdms) notification = instance_notification.InstanceActionNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=source), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_instance_create(context, instance, host, phase=None, exception=None, bdms=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about instance creation :param context: the request context :param instance: the instance being created :param host: the host emitting the notification :param phase: the phase of the creation :param exception: the thrown exception (used in error notifications) :param bdms: BlockDeviceMappingList object for the instance. If it is not provided then we will load it from the db if so configured :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceCreatePayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, bdms=bdms) notification = instance_notification.InstanceCreateNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.CREATE, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_scheduler_action(context, request_spec, action, phase=None, source=fields.NotificationSource.SCHEDULER): """Send versioned notification about the action made by the scheduler :param context: the RequestContext object :param request_spec: the RequestSpec object :param action: the name of the action :param phase: the phase of the action :param source: the source of the notification """ payload = reqspec_notification.RequestSpecPayload( request_spec=request_spec) notification = scheduler_notification.SelectDestinationsNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=source), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='scheduler', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_volume_attach_detach(context, instance, host, action, phase, volume_id=None, exception=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about the action made on the instance :param instance: the instance which the action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param action: the name of the action :param phase: the phase of the action :param volume_id: id of the volume will be attached :param exception: the thrown exception (used in error notifications) :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionVolumePayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, volume_id=volume_id) notification = instance_notification.InstanceActionVolumeNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_instance_rescue_action(context, instance, host, rescue_image_ref, phase=None, exception=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about the action made on the instance :param instance: the instance which the action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param rescue_image_ref: the rescue image ref :param phase: the phase of the action :param exception: the thrown exception (used in error notifications) :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionRescuePayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, rescue_image_ref=rescue_image_ref) notification = instance_notification.InstanceActionRescueNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.RESCUE, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_keypair_action(context, keypair, action, phase): """Send versioned notification about the keypair action on the instance :param context: the request context :param keypair: the keypair which the action performed on :param action: the name of the action :param phase: the phase of the action """ payload = keypair_notification.KeypairPayload(keypair=keypair) notification = keypair_notification.KeypairNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.API), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='keypair', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_volume_swap(context, instance, host, phase, old_volume_id, new_volume_id, exception=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about the volume swap action on the instance :param context: the request context :param instance: the instance which the action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param phase: the phase of the action :param old_volume_id: the ID of the volume that is copied from and detached :param new_volume_id: the ID of the volume that is copied to and attached :param exception: an exception :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionVolumeSwapPayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, old_volume_id=old_volume_id, new_volume_id=new_volume_id) instance_notification.InstanceActionVolumeSwapNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.VOLUME_SWAP, phase=phase), payload=payload).emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_instance_snapshot(context, instance, host, phase, snapshot_image_id): """Send versioned notification about the snapshot action executed on the instance :param context: the request context :param instance: the instance from which a snapshot image is being created :param host: the host emitting the notification :param phase: the phase of the action :param snapshot_image_id: the ID of the snapshot """ payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionSnapshotPayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=None, snapshot_image_id=snapshot_image_id) instance_notification.InstanceActionSnapshotNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.SNAPSHOT, phase=phase), payload=payload).emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_resize_prep_instance(context, instance, host, phase, new_flavor): """Send versioned notification about the instance resize action on the instance :param context: the request context :param instance: the instance which the resize action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param phase: the phase of the action :param new_flavor: new flavor """ payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionResizePrepPayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=None, new_flavor=flavor_notification.FlavorPayload(flavor=new_flavor)) instance_notification.InstanceActionResizePrepNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=fields.NotificationAction.RESIZE_PREP, phase=phase), payload=payload).emit(context) def notify_about_server_group_update(context, event_suffix, sg_payload): """Send a notification about server group update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param sg_payload: payload for server group update """ notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='servergroup') notifier.info(context, 'servergroup.%s' % event_suffix, sg_payload) def notify_about_aggregate_update(context, event_suffix, aggregate_payload): """Send a notification about aggregate update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param aggregate_payload: payload for aggregate update """ aggregate_identifier = aggregate_payload.get('aggregate_id', None) if not aggregate_identifier: aggregate_identifier = aggregate_payload.get('name', None) if not aggregate_identifier: LOG.debug("No aggregate id or name specified for this " "notification and it will be ignored") return notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='aggregate', host=aggregate_identifier) notifier.info(context, 'aggregate.%s' % event_suffix, aggregate_payload) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_aggregate_action(context, aggregate, action, phase): payload = aggregate_notification.AggregatePayload(aggregate) notification = aggregate_notification.AggregateNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.API), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='aggregate', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_aggregate_cache(context, aggregate, host, image_status, index, total): """Send a notification about aggregate cache_images progress. :param context: The RequestContext :param aggregate: The target aggregate :param host: The host within the aggregate for which to report status :param image_status: The result from the compute host, which is a dict of {image_id: status} :param index: An integer indicating progress toward completion, between 1 and $total :param total: The total number of hosts being processed in this operation, to bound $index """ success_statuses = ('cached', 'existing') payload = aggregate_notification.AggregateCachePayload(aggregate, host, index, total) payload.images_cached = [] payload.images_failed = [] for img, status in image_status.items(): if status in success_statuses: payload.images_cached.append(img) else: payload.images_failed.append(img) notification = aggregate_notification.AggregateCacheNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.CONDUCTOR), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='aggregate', action=fields.NotificationAction.IMAGE_CACHE, phase=fields.NotificationPhase.PROGRESS), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) def notify_about_host_update(context, event_suffix, host_payload): """Send a notification about host update. :param event_suffix: Event type like "create.start" or "create.end" :param host_payload: payload for host update. It is a dict and there should be at least the 'host_name' key in this dict. """ host_identifier = host_payload.get('host_name') if not host_identifier: LOG.warning("No host name specified for the notification of " "HostAPI.%s and it will be ignored", event_suffix) return notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service='api', host=host_identifier) notifier.info(context, 'HostAPI.%s' % event_suffix, host_payload) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_server_group_action(context, group, action): payload = sg_notification.ServerGroupPayload(group) notification = sg_notification.ServerGroupNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.API), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='server_group', action=action), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_server_group_add_member(context, group_id): group = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_uuid(context, group_id) payload = sg_notification.ServerGroupPayload(group) notification = sg_notification.ServerGroupNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.API), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='server_group', action=fields.NotificationAction.ADD_MEMBER), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_instance_rebuild(context, instance, host, action=fields.NotificationAction.REBUILD, phase=None, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE, exception=None, bdms=None, tb=None): """Send versioned notification about instance rebuild :param instance: the instance which the action performed on :param host: the host emitting the notification :param action: the name of the action :param phase: the phase of the action :param source: the source of the notification :param exception: the thrown exception (used in error notifications) :param bdms: BlockDeviceMappingList object for the instance. If it is not provided then we will load it from the db if so configured :param tb: the traceback (used in error notifications) """ fault, priority = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = instance_notification.InstanceActionRebuildPayload( context=context, instance=instance, fault=fault, bdms=bdms) notification = instance_notification.InstanceActionRebuildNotification( context=context, priority=priority, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=source), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='instance', action=action, phase=phase), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_metrics_update(context, host, host_ip, nodename, monitor_metric_list): """Send versioned notification about updating metrics :param context: the request context :param host: the host emitting the notification :param host_ip: the IP address of the host :param nodename: the node name :param monitor_metric_list: the MonitorMetricList object """ payload = metrics_notification.MetricsPayload( host=host, host_ip=host_ip, nodename=nodename, monitor_metric_list=monitor_metric_list) notification = metrics_notification.MetricsNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='metrics', action=fields.NotificationAction.UPDATE), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_libvirt_connect_error(context, ip, exception, tb): """Send a versioned notification about libvirt connect error. :param context: the request context :param ip: the IP address of the host :param exception: the thrown exception :param tb: the traceback """ fault, _ = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = libvirt_notification.LibvirtErrorPayload(ip=ip, reason=fault) notification = libvirt_notification.LibvirtErrorNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.ERROR, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='libvirt', action=fields.NotificationAction.CONNECT, phase=fields.NotificationPhase.ERROR), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_volume_usage(context, vol_usage, host): """Send versioned notification about the volume usage :param context: the request context :param vol_usage: the volume usage object :param host: the host emitting the notification """ payload = volume_notification.VolumeUsagePayload( vol_usage=vol_usage) notification = volume_notification.VolumeUsageNotification( context=context, priority=fields.NotificationPriority.INFO, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=host, source=fields.NotificationSource.COMPUTE), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='volume', action=fields.NotificationAction.USAGE), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) @rpc.if_notifications_enabled def notify_about_compute_task_error(context, action, instance_uuid, request_spec, state, exception, tb): """Send a versioned notification about compute task error. :param context: the request context :param action: the name of the action :param instance_uuid: the UUID of the instance :param request_spec: the request spec object or the dict includes request spec information :param state: the vm state of the instance :param exception: the thrown exception :param tb: the traceback """ if (request_spec is not None and not isinstance(request_spec, objects.RequestSpec)): request_spec = objects.RequestSpec.from_primitives( context, request_spec, {}) fault, _ = _get_fault_and_priority_from_exc_and_tb(exception, tb) payload = task_notification.ComputeTaskPayload( instance_uuid=instance_uuid, request_spec=request_spec, state=state, reason=fault) notification = task_notification.ComputeTaskNotification( priority=fields.NotificationPriority.ERROR, publisher=notification_base.NotificationPublisher( host=CONF.host, source=fields.NotificationSource.CONDUCTOR), event_type=notification_base.EventType( object='compute_task', action=action, phase=fields.NotificationPhase.ERROR), payload=payload) notification.emit(context) def refresh_info_cache_for_instance(context, instance): """Refresh the info cache for an instance. :param instance: The instance object. """ if instance.info_cache is not None and not instance.deleted: # Catch the exception in case the instance got deleted after the check # instance.deleted was executed try: instance.info_cache.refresh() except exception.InstanceInfoCacheNotFound: LOG.debug("Can not refresh info_cache because instance " "was not found", instance=instance) def get_reboot_type(task_state, current_power_state): """Checks if the current instance state requires a HARD reboot.""" if current_power_state != power_state.RUNNING: return 'HARD' if task_state in task_states.soft_reboot_states: return 'SOFT' return 'HARD' def get_machine_ips(): """Get the machine's ip addresses :returns: list of Strings of ip addresses """ addresses = [] for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): try: iface_data = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) for family in iface_data: if family not in (netifaces.AF_INET, netifaces.AF_INET6): continue for address in iface_data[family]: addr = address['addr'] # If we have an ipv6 address remove the # %ether_interface at the end if family == netifaces.AF_INET6: addr = addr.split('%')[0] addresses.append(addr) except ValueError: pass return addresses def upsize_quota_delta(new_flavor, old_flavor): """Calculate deltas required to adjust quota for an instance upsize. :param new_flavor: the target instance type :param old_flavor: the original instance type """ def _quota_delta(resource): return (new_flavor[resource] - old_flavor[resource]) deltas = {} if _quota_delta('vcpus') > 0: deltas['cores'] = _quota_delta('vcpus') if _quota_delta('memory_mb') > 0: deltas['ram'] = _quota_delta('memory_mb') return deltas def get_headroom(quotas, usages, deltas): headroom = {res: quotas[res] - usages[res] for res in quotas.keys()} # If quota_cores is unlimited [-1]: # - set cores headroom based on instances headroom: if quotas.get('cores') == -1: if deltas.get('cores'): hc = headroom.get('instances', 1) * deltas['cores'] headroom['cores'] = hc / deltas.get('instances', 1) else: headroom['cores'] = headroom.get('instances', 1) # If quota_ram is unlimited [-1]: # - set ram headroom based on instances headroom: if quotas.get('ram') == -1: if deltas.get('ram'): hr = headroom.get('instances', 1) * deltas['ram'] headroom['ram'] = hr / deltas.get('instances', 1) else: headroom['ram'] = headroom.get('instances', 1) return headroom def check_num_instances_quota(context, instance_type, min_count, max_count, project_id=None, user_id=None, orig_num_req=None): """Enforce quota limits on number of instances created.""" # project_id is used for the TooManyInstances error message if project_id is None: project_id = context.project_id # Determine requested cores and ram req_cores = max_count * instance_type.vcpus req_ram = max_count * instance_type.memory_mb deltas = {'instances': max_count, 'cores': req_cores, 'ram': req_ram} try: objects.Quotas.check_deltas(context, deltas, project_id, user_id=user_id, check_project_id=project_id, check_user_id=user_id) except exception.OverQuota as exc: quotas = exc.kwargs['quotas'] overs = exc.kwargs['overs'] usages = exc.kwargs['usages'] # This is for the recheck quota case where we used a delta of zero. if min_count == max_count == 0: # orig_num_req is the original number of instances requested in the # case of a recheck quota, for use in the over quota exception. req_cores = orig_num_req * instance_type.vcpus req_ram = orig_num_req * instance_type.memory_mb requested = {'instances': orig_num_req, 'cores': req_cores, 'ram': req_ram} (overs, reqs, total_alloweds, useds) = get_over_quota_detail( deltas, overs, quotas, requested) msg = "Cannot run any more instances of this type." params = {'overs': overs, 'pid': project_id, 'msg': msg} LOG.debug("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s. %(msg)s", params) raise exception.TooManyInstances(overs=overs, req=reqs, used=useds, allowed=total_alloweds) # OK, we exceeded quota; let's figure out why... headroom = get_headroom(quotas, usages, deltas) allowed = headroom.get('instances', 1) # Reduce 'allowed' instances in line with the cores & ram headroom if instance_type.vcpus: allowed = min(allowed, headroom['cores'] // instance_type.vcpus) if instance_type.memory_mb: allowed = min(allowed, headroom['ram'] // instance_type.memory_mb) # Convert to the appropriate exception message if allowed <= 0: msg = "Cannot run any more instances of this type." elif min_count <= allowed <= max_count: # We're actually OK, but still need to check against allowed return check_num_instances_quota(context, instance_type, min_count, allowed, project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id) else: msg = "Can only run %s more instances of this type." % allowed num_instances = (str(min_count) if min_count == max_count else "%s-%s" % (min_count, max_count)) requested = dict(instances=num_instances, cores=req_cores, ram=req_ram) (overs, reqs, total_alloweds, useds) = get_over_quota_detail( headroom, overs, quotas, requested) params = {'overs': overs, 'pid': project_id, 'min_count': min_count, 'max_count': max_count, 'msg': msg} if min_count == max_count: LOG.debug("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s," " tried to run %(min_count)d instances. " "%(msg)s", params) else: LOG.debug("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s," " tried to run between %(min_count)d and" " %(max_count)d instances. %(msg)s", params) raise exception.TooManyInstances(overs=overs, req=reqs, used=useds, allowed=total_alloweds) return max_count def get_over_quota_detail(headroom, overs, quotas, requested): reqs = [] useds = [] total_alloweds = [] for resource in overs: reqs.append(str(requested[resource])) useds.append(str(quotas[resource] - headroom[resource])) total_alloweds.append(str(quotas[resource])) (overs, reqs, useds, total_alloweds) = map(', '.join, ( overs, reqs, useds, total_alloweds)) return overs, reqs, total_alloweds, useds def remove_shelved_keys_from_system_metadata(instance): # Delete system_metadata for a shelved instance for key in ['shelved_at', 'shelved_image_id', 'shelved_host']: if key in instance.system_metadata: del (instance.system_metadata[key]) def create_image(context, instance, name, image_type, image_api, extra_properties=None): """Create new image entry in the image service. This new image will be reserved for the compute manager to upload a snapshot or backup. :param context: security context :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance object :param name: string for name of the snapshot :param image_type: snapshot | backup :param image_api: instance of nova.image.API :param extra_properties: dict of extra image properties to include """ properties = { 'instance_uuid': instance.uuid, 'user_id': str(context.user_id), 'image_type': image_type, } properties.update(extra_properties or {}) image_meta = initialize_instance_snapshot_metadata( context, instance, name, properties) # if we're making a snapshot, omit the disk and container formats, # since the image may have been converted to another format, and the # original values won't be accurate. The driver will populate these # with the correct values later, on image upload. if image_type == 'snapshot': image_meta.pop('disk_format', None) image_meta.pop('container_format', None) return image_api.create(context, image_meta) def initialize_instance_snapshot_metadata(context, instance, name, extra_properties=None): """Initialize new metadata for a snapshot of the given instance. :param context: authenticated RequestContext; note that this may not be the owner of the instance itself, e.g. an admin creates a snapshot image of some user instance :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance object :param name: string for name of the snapshot :param extra_properties: dict of extra metadata properties to include :returns: the new instance snapshot metadata """ image_meta = utils.get_image_from_system_metadata( instance.system_metadata) image_meta['name'] = name # If the user creating the snapshot is not in the same project as # the owner of the instance, then the image visibility should be # "shared" so the owner of the instance has access to the image, like # in the case of an admin creating a snapshot of another user's # server, either directly via the createImage API or via shelve. extra_properties = extra_properties or {} if context.project_id != instance.project_id: # The glance API client-side code will use this to add the # instance project as a member of the image for access. image_meta['visibility'] = 'shared' extra_properties['instance_owner'] = instance.project_id # TODO(mriedem): Should owner_project_name and owner_user_name # be removed from image_meta['properties'] here, or added to # [DEFAULT]/non_inheritable_image_properties? It is confusing # otherwise to see the owner project not match those values. else: # The request comes from the owner of the instance so make the # image private. image_meta['visibility'] = 'private' # Delete properties that are non-inheritable properties = image_meta['properties'] for key in CONF.non_inheritable_image_properties: properties.pop(key, None) # The properties in extra_properties have precedence properties.update(extra_properties) return image_meta def delete_image(context, instance, image_api, image_id, log_exc_info=False): """Deletes the image if it still exists. Ignores ImageNotFound if the image is already gone. :param context: the nova auth request context where the context.project_id matches the owner of the image :param instance: the instance for which the snapshot image was created :param image_api: the image API used to delete the image :param image_id: the ID of the image to delete :param log_exc_info: True if this is being called from an exception handler block and traceback should be logged at DEBUG level, False otherwise. """ LOG.debug("Cleaning up image %s", image_id, instance=instance, log_exc_info=log_exc_info) try: image_api.delete(context, image_id) except exception.ImageNotFound: # Since we're trying to cleanup an image, we don't care if # if it's already gone. pass except Exception: LOG.exception("Error while trying to clean up image %s", image_id, instance=instance) def may_have_ports_or_volumes(instance): """Checks to see if an instance may have ports or volumes based on vm_state This is primarily only useful when instance.host is None. :param instance: The nova.objects.Instance in question. :returns: True if the instance may have ports of volumes, False otherwise """ # NOTE(melwitt): When an instance build fails in the compute manager, # the instance host and node are set to None and the vm_state is set # to ERROR. In the case, the instance with host = None has actually # been scheduled and may have ports and/or volumes allocated on the # compute node. if instance.vm_state in (vm_states.SHELVED_OFFLOADED, vm_states.ERROR): return True return False def get_stashed_volume_connector(bdm, instance): """Lookup a connector dict from the bdm.connection_info if set Gets the stashed connector dict out of the bdm.connection_info if set and the connector host matches the instance host. :param bdm: nova.objects.block_device.BlockDeviceMapping :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance :returns: volume connector dict or None """ if 'connection_info' in bdm and bdm.connection_info is not None: # NOTE(mriedem): We didn't start stashing the connector in the # bdm.connection_info until Mitaka so it might not be there on old # attachments. Also, if the volume was attached when the instance # was in shelved_offloaded state and it hasn't been unshelved yet # we don't have the attachment/connection information either. connector = jsonutils.loads(bdm.connection_info).get('connector') if connector: if connector.get('host') == instance.host: return connector LOG.debug('Found stashed volume connector for instance but ' 'connector host %(connector_host)s does not match ' 'the instance host %(instance_host)s.', {'connector_host': connector.get('host'), 'instance_host': instance.host}, instance=instance) if (instance.host is None and may_have_ports_or_volumes(instance)): LOG.debug('Allowing use of stashed volume connector with ' 'instance host None because instance with ' 'vm_state %(vm_state)s has been scheduled in ' 'the past.', {'vm_state': instance.vm_state}, instance=instance) return connector class EventReporter(object): """Context manager to report instance action events.""" def __init__(self, context, event_name, host, *instance_uuids): self.context = context self.event_name = event_name self.instance_uuids = instance_uuids self.host = host def __enter__(self): for uuid in self.instance_uuids: objects.InstanceActionEvent.event_start( self.context, uuid, self.event_name, want_result=False, host=self.host) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): for uuid in self.instance_uuids: objects.InstanceActionEvent.event_finish_with_failure( self.context, uuid, self.event_name, exc_val=exc_val, exc_tb=exc_tb, want_result=False) return False def wrap_instance_event(prefix): """Wraps a method to log the event taken on the instance, and result. This decorator wraps a method to log the start and result of an event, as part of an action taken on an instance. """ @utils.expects_func_args('instance') def helper(function): @functools.wraps(function) def decorated_function(self, context, *args, **kwargs): wrapped_func = safe_utils.get_wrapped_function(function) keyed_args = inspect.getcallargs(wrapped_func, self, context, *args, **kwargs) instance_uuid = keyed_args['instance']['uuid'] event_name = '{0}_{1}'.format(prefix, function.__name__) host = self.host if hasattr(self, 'host') else None with EventReporter(context, event_name, host, instance_uuid): return function(self, context, *args, **kwargs) return decorated_function return helper class UnlimitedSemaphore(object): def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass @property def balance(self): return 0 # This semaphore is used to enforce a limit on disk-IO-intensive operations # (image downloads, image conversions) at any given time. # It is initialized at ComputeManager.init_host() disk_ops_semaphore = UnlimitedSemaphore() @contextlib.contextmanager def notify_about_instance_delete(notifier, context, instance, delete_type='delete', source=fields.NotificationSource.API): try: notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance, "%s.start" % delete_type) # Note(gibi): force_delete types will be handled in a # subsequent patch if delete_type in ['delete', 'soft_delete']: notify_about_instance_action( context, instance, host=CONF.host, source=source, action=delete_type, phase=fields.NotificationPhase.START) yield finally: notify_about_instance_usage(notifier, context, instance, "%s.end" % delete_type) if delete_type in ['delete', 'soft_delete']: notify_about_instance_action( context, instance, host=CONF.host, source=source, action=delete_type, phase=fields.NotificationPhase.END)