# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from nova import context from nova import objects from nova import test from nova.tests import fixtures from nova.tests.unit import cast_as_call from nova.tests.unit import fake_network from nova.tests.unit import fake_server_actions class ComputeManagerTestCase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ComputeManagerTestCase, self).setUp() self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) self.useFixture(cast_as_call.CastAsCall(self)) self.conductor = self.start_service('conductor') self.start_service('scheduler') self.compute = self.start_service('compute') self.context = context.RequestContext('fake', 'fake') fake_server_actions.stub_out_action_events(self) fake_network.set_stub_network_methods(self) def test_instance_fault_message_no_traceback_with_retry(self): """This test simulates a spawn failure on the last retry attempt. If driver spawn raises an exception on the last retry attempt, the instance fault message should not contain a traceback for the last exception. The fault message field is limited in size and a long message with a traceback displaces the original error message. """ self.flags(max_attempts=3, group='scheduler') flavor = objects.Flavor( id=1, name='flavor1', memory_mb=256, vcpus=1, root_gb=1, ephemeral_gb=1, flavorid='1', swap=0, rxtx_factor=1.0, vcpu_weight=1, disabled=False, is_public=True, extra_specs={}, projects=[]) instance = objects.Instance(self.context, flavor=flavor, vcpus=1, memory_mb=256, root_gb=0, ephemeral_gb=0, project_id='fake') instance.create() # Amongst others, mock the resource tracker, otherwise it will # not have been sufficiently initialized and will raise a KeyError # on the self.compute_nodes dict after the TestingException. @mock.patch.object(self.conductor.manager.compute_task_mgr, '_cleanup_allocated_networks') @mock.patch.object(self.compute.manager.network_api, 'cleanup_instance_network_on_host') @mock.patch('nova.compute.utils.notify_about_instance_usage') @mock.patch.object(self.compute.manager, '_get_resource_tracker') @mock.patch.object(self.compute.manager.driver, 'spawn') def _test(mock_spawn, mock_grt, mock_notify, mock_cinoh, mock_can): mock_spawn.side_effect = test.TestingException('Preserve this') # Simulate that we're on the last retry attempt filter_properties = {'retry': {'num_attempts': 3}} request_spec = objects.RequestSpec.from_primitives( self.context, {}, filter_properties) self.compute.manager.build_and_run_instance( self.context, instance, {}, request_spec, filter_properties, block_device_mapping=[]) _test() self.assertIn('Preserve this', instance.fault.message)