# Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg vmware_group = cfg.OptGroup('vmware', title='VMWare Options', help=""" Related options: Following options must be set in order to launch VMware-based virtual machines. * compute_driver: Must use vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver. * vmware.host_username * vmware.host_password * vmware.cluster_name """) vmwareapi_vif_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('vlan_interface', default='vmnic0', help=""" This option specifies the physical ethernet adapter name for VLAN networking. Set the vlan_interface configuration option to match the ESX host interface that handles VLAN-tagged VM traffic. Possible values: * Any valid string representing VLAN interface name """), cfg.StrOpt('integration_bridge', help=""" This option should be configured only when using the NSX-MH Neutron plugin. This is the name of the integration bridge on the ESXi server or host. This should not be set for any other Neutron plugin. Hence the default value is not set. Possible values: * Any valid string representing the name of the integration bridge """), ] vmware_utils_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('console_delay_seconds', min=0, help=""" Set this value if affected by an increased network latency causing repeated characters when typing in a remote console. """), # NOTE(takashin): 'serial_port_service_uri' can be non URI format. # See https://github.com/openstack/vmware-vspc/blob/master/README.rst cfg.StrOpt('serial_port_service_uri', help=""" Identifies the remote system where the serial port traffic will be sent. This option adds a virtual serial port which sends console output to a configurable service URI. At the service URI address there will be virtual serial port concentrator that will collect console logs. If this is not set, no serial ports will be added to the created VMs. Possible values: * Any valid URI """), cfg.URIOpt('serial_port_proxy_uri', schemes=['telnet', 'telnets'], help=""" Identifies a proxy service that provides network access to the serial_port_service_uri. Possible values: * Any valid URI (The scheme is 'telnet' or 'telnets'.) Related options: This option is ignored if serial_port_service_uri is not specified. * serial_port_service_uri """), cfg.StrOpt('serial_log_dir', default='/opt/vmware/vspc', help=""" Specifies the directory where the Virtual Serial Port Concentrator is storing console log files. It should match the 'serial_log_dir' config value of VSPC. """), ] vmwareapi_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt('host_ip', help=""" Hostname or IP address for connection to VMware vCenter host."""), cfg.PortOpt('host_port', default=443, help="Port for connection to VMware vCenter host."), cfg.StrOpt('host_username', help="Username for connection to VMware vCenter host."), cfg.StrOpt('host_password', secret=True, help="Password for connection to VMware vCenter host."), cfg.StrOpt('ca_file', help=""" Specifies the CA bundle file to be used in verifying the vCenter server certificate. """), cfg.BoolOpt('insecure', default=False, help=""" If true, the vCenter server certificate is not verified. If false, then the default CA truststore is used for verification. Related options: * ca_file: This option is ignored if "ca_file" is set. """), cfg.StrOpt('cluster_name', help="Name of a VMware Cluster ComputeResource."), cfg.StrOpt('datastore_regex', help=""" Regular expression pattern to match the name of datastore. The datastore_regex setting specifies the datastores to use with Compute. For example, datastore_regex="nas.*" selects all the data stores that have a name starting with "nas". NOTE: If no regex is given, it just picks the datastore with the most freespace. Possible values: * Any matching regular expression to a datastore must be given """), cfg.FloatOpt('task_poll_interval', default=0.5, help=""" Time interval in seconds to poll remote tasks invoked on VMware VC server. """), cfg.IntOpt('api_retry_count', min=0, default=10, help=""" Number of times VMware vCenter server API must be retried on connection failures, e.g. socket error, etc. """), cfg.PortOpt('vnc_port', default=5900, help=""" This option specifies VNC starting port. Every VM created by ESX host has an option of enabling VNC client for remote connection. Above option 'vnc_port' helps you to set default starting port for the VNC client. Possible values: * Any valid port number within 5900 -(5900 + vnc_port_total) Related options: Below options should be set to enable VNC client. * vnc.enabled = True * vnc_port_total """), cfg.IntOpt('vnc_port_total', min=0, default=10000, help=""" Total number of VNC ports. """), cfg.StrOpt('vnc_keymap', default='en-us', help=""" Keymap for VNC. The keyboard mapping (keymap) determines which keyboard layout a VNC session should use by default. Possible values: * A keyboard layout which is supported by the underlying hypervisor on this node. This is usually an 'IETF language tag' (for example 'en-us'). """), cfg.BoolOpt('use_linked_clone', default=True, help=""" This option enables/disables the use of linked clone. The ESX hypervisor requires a copy of the VMDK file in order to boot up a virtual machine. The compute driver must download the VMDK via HTTP from the OpenStack Image service to a datastore that is visible to the hypervisor and cache it. Subsequent virtual machines that need the VMDK use the cached version and don't have to copy the file again from the OpenStack Image service. If set to false, even with a cached VMDK, there is still a copy operation from the cache location to the hypervisor file directory in the shared datastore. If set to true, the above copy operation is avoided as it creates copy of the virtual machine that shares virtual disks with its parent VM. """), cfg.IntOpt('connection_pool_size', min=10, default=10, help=""" This option sets the http connection pool size The connection pool size is the maximum number of connections from nova to vSphere. It should only be increased if there are warnings indicating that the connection pool is full, otherwise, the default should suffice. """) ] spbm_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('pbm_enabled', default=False, help=""" This option enables or disables storage policy based placement of instances. Related options: * pbm_default_policy """), cfg.StrOpt('pbm_wsdl_location', help=""" This option specifies the PBM service WSDL file location URL. Setting this will disable storage policy based placement of instances. Possible values: * Any valid file path e.g file:///opt/SDK/spbm/wsdl/pbmService.wsdl """), cfg.StrOpt('pbm_default_policy', help=""" This option specifies the default policy to be used. If pbm_enabled is set and there is no defined storage policy for the specific request, then this policy will be used. Possible values: * Any valid storage policy such as VSAN default storage policy Related options: * pbm_enabled """), ] vmops_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('maximum_objects', min=0, default=100, help=""" This option specifies the limit on the maximum number of objects to return in a single result. A positive value will cause the operation to suspend the retrieval when the count of objects reaches the specified limit. The server may still limit the count to something less than the configured value. Any remaining objects may be retrieved with additional requests. """), cfg.StrOpt('cache_prefix', help=""" This option adds a prefix to the folder where cached images are stored This is not the full path - just a folder prefix. This should only be used when a datastore cache is shared between compute nodes. Note: This should only be used when the compute nodes are running on same host or they have a shared file system. Possible values: * Any string representing the cache prefix to the folder """) ] ALL_VMWARE_OPTS = (vmwareapi_vif_opts + vmware_utils_opts + vmwareapi_opts + spbm_opts + vmops_opts) def register_opts(conf): conf.register_group(vmware_group) conf.register_opts(ALL_VMWARE_OPTS, group=vmware_group) def list_opts(): return {vmware_group: ALL_VMWARE_OPTS}