# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import sys import fixtures as fx import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import sqlalchemy import testtools from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi from nova import conductor from nova import context from nova.db.sqlalchemy import api as session from nova import exception from nova import objects from nova.objects import base as obj_base from nova.objects import service as service_obj from nova import test from nova.tests import fixtures from nova.tests.unit import conf_fixture from nova.tests.unit import fake_instance from nova import utils CONF = cfg.CONF class TestConfFixture(testtools.TestCase): """Test the Conf fixtures in Nova. This is a basic test that this fixture works like we expect. Expectations: 1. before using the fixture, a default value (api_paste_config) comes through untouched. 2. before using the fixture, a known default value that we override is correct. 3. after using the fixture a known value that we override is the new value. 4. after using the fixture we can set a default value to something random, and it will be reset once we are done. There are 2 copies of this test so that you can verify they do the right thing with: tox -e py27 test_fixtures -- --concurrency=1 As regardless of run order, their initial asserts would be impacted if the reset behavior isn't working correctly. """ def _test_override(self): self.assertEqual('api-paste.ini', CONF.wsgi.api_paste_config) self.assertFalse(CONF.fake_network) self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) CONF.set_default('api_paste_config', 'foo', group='wsgi') self.assertTrue(CONF.fake_network) def test_override1(self): self._test_override() def test_override2(self): self._test_override() class TestOutputStream(testtools.TestCase): """Ensure Output Stream capture works as expected. This has the added benefit of providing a code example of how you can manipulate the output stream in your own tests. """ def test_output(self): self.useFixture(fx.EnvironmentVariable('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE', '1')) self.useFixture(fx.EnvironmentVariable('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE', '1')) out = self.useFixture(fixtures.OutputStreamCapture()) sys.stdout.write("foo") sys.stderr.write("bar") self.assertEqual("foo", out.stdout) self.assertEqual("bar", out.stderr) # TODO(sdague): nuke the out and err buffers so it doesn't # make it to testr class TestLogging(testtools.TestCase): def test_default_logging(self): stdlog = self.useFixture(fixtures.StandardLogging()) root = logging.getLogger() # there should be a null handler as well at DEBUG self.assertEqual(2, len(root.handlers), root.handlers) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.info("at info") log.debug("at debug") self.assertIn("at info", stdlog.logger.output) self.assertNotIn("at debug", stdlog.logger.output) # broken debug messages should still explode, even though we # aren't logging them in the regular handler self.assertRaises(TypeError, log.debug, "this is broken %s %s", "foo") # and, ensure that one of the terrible log messages isn't # output at info warn_log = logging.getLogger('migrate.versioning.api') warn_log.info("warn_log at info, should be skipped") warn_log.error("warn_log at error") self.assertIn("warn_log at error", stdlog.logger.output) self.assertNotIn("warn_log at info", stdlog.logger.output) def test_debug_logging(self): self.useFixture(fx.EnvironmentVariable('OS_DEBUG', '1')) stdlog = self.useFixture(fixtures.StandardLogging()) root = logging.getLogger() # there should no longer be a null handler self.assertEqual(1, len(root.handlers), root.handlers) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.info("at info") log.debug("at debug") self.assertIn("at info", stdlog.logger.output) self.assertIn("at debug", stdlog.logger.output) class TestTimeout(testtools.TestCase): """Tests for our timeout fixture. Testing the actual timeout mechanism is beyond the scope of this test, because it's a pretty clear pass through to fixtures' timeout fixture, which tested in their tree. """ def test_scaling(self): # a bad scaling factor self.assertRaises(ValueError, fixtures.Timeout, 1, 0.5) # various things that should work. timeout = fixtures.Timeout(10) self.assertEqual(10, timeout.test_timeout) timeout = fixtures.Timeout("10") self.assertEqual(10, timeout.test_timeout) timeout = fixtures.Timeout("10", 2) self.assertEqual(20, timeout.test_timeout) class TestOSAPIFixture(testtools.TestCase): @mock.patch('nova.objects.Service.get_by_host_and_binary') @mock.patch('nova.objects.Service.create') def test_responds_to_version(self, mock_service_create, mock_get): """Ensure the OSAPI server responds to calls sensibly.""" self.useFixture(fixtures.OutputStreamCapture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.StandardLogging()) self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.RPCFixture('nova.test')) api = self.useFixture(fixtures.OSAPIFixture()).api # request the API root, which provides us the versions of the API resp = api.api_request('/', strip_version=True) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code, resp.content) # request a bad root url, should be a 404 # # NOTE(sdague): this currently fails, as it falls into the 300 # dispatcher instead. This is a bug. The test case is left in # here, commented out until we can address it. # # resp = api.api_request('/foo', strip_version=True) # self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400, resp.content) # request a known bad url, and we should get a 404 resp = api.api_request('/foo') self.assertEqual(404, resp.status_code, resp.content) class TestDatabaseFixture(testtools.TestCase): def test_fixture_reset(self): # because this sets up reasonable db connection strings self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.Database()) engine = session.get_engine() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute("select * from instance_types") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(0, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) # insert a 6th instance type, column 5 below is an int id # which has a constraint on it, so if new standard instance # types are added you have to bump it. conn.execute("insert into instance_types VALUES " "(NULL, NULL, NULL, 't1.test', 6, 4096, 2, 0, NULL, '87'" ", 1.0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 0)") result = conn.execute("select * from instance_types") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(1, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) # reset by invoking the fixture again # # NOTE(sdague): it's important to reestablish the db # connection because otherwise we have a reference to the old # in mem db. self.useFixture(fixtures.Database()) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute("select * from instance_types") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(0, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) def test_api_fixture_reset(self): # This sets up reasonable db connection strings self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.Database(database='api')) engine = session.get_api_engine() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute("select * from cell_mappings") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(0, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() conn.execute("insert into cell_mappings (uuid, name) VALUES " "('%s', 'fake-cell')" % (uuid,)) result = conn.execute("select * from cell_mappings") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(1, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) # reset by invoking the fixture again # # NOTE(sdague): it's important to reestablish the db # connection because otherwise we have a reference to the old # in mem db. self.useFixture(fixtures.Database(database='api')) conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute("select * from cell_mappings") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(0, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) def test_fixture_cleanup(self): # because this sets up reasonable db connection strings self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) fix = fixtures.Database() self.useFixture(fix) # manually do the cleanup that addCleanup will do fix.cleanup() # ensure the db contains nothing engine = session.get_engine() conn = engine.connect() schema = "".join(line for line in conn.connection.iterdump()) self.assertEqual(schema, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;COMMIT;") def test_api_fixture_cleanup(self): # This sets up reasonable db connection strings self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) fix = fixtures.Database(database='api') self.useFixture(fix) # No data inserted by migrations so we need to add a row engine = session.get_api_engine() conn = engine.connect() uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() conn.execute("insert into cell_mappings (uuid, name) VALUES " "('%s', 'fake-cell')" % (uuid,)) result = conn.execute("select * from cell_mappings") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(1, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) # Manually do the cleanup that addCleanup will do fix.cleanup() # Ensure the db contains nothing engine = session.get_api_engine() conn = engine.connect() schema = "".join(line for line in conn.connection.iterdump()) self.assertEqual("BEGIN TRANSACTION;COMMIT;", schema) class TestDatabaseAtVersionFixture(testtools.TestCase): def test_fixture_schema_version(self): self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) # In/after 317 aggregates did have uuid self.useFixture(fixtures.DatabaseAtVersion(318)) engine = session.get_engine() engine.connect() meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine) aggregate = sqlalchemy.Table('aggregates', meta, autoload=True) self.assertTrue(hasattr(aggregate.c, 'uuid')) # Before 317, aggregates had no uuid self.useFixture(fixtures.DatabaseAtVersion(316)) engine = session.get_engine() engine.connect() meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine) aggregate = sqlalchemy.Table('aggregates', meta, autoload=True) self.assertFalse(hasattr(aggregate.c, 'uuid')) engine.dispose() def test_fixture_after_database_fixture(self): self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.Database()) self.useFixture(fixtures.DatabaseAtVersion(318)) class TestDefaultFlavorsFixture(testtools.TestCase): @mock.patch("nova.objects.flavor.Flavor._send_notification") def test_flavors(self, mock_send_notification): self.useFixture(conf_fixture.ConfFixture()) self.useFixture(fixtures.Database()) self.useFixture(fixtures.Database(database='api')) engine = session.get_api_engine() conn = engine.connect() result = conn.execute("select * from flavors") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(0, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) self.useFixture(fixtures.DefaultFlavorsFixture()) result = conn.execute("select * from flavors") rows = result.fetchall() self.assertEqual(6, len(rows), "Rows %s" % rows) class TestIndirectionAPIFixture(testtools.TestCase): def test_indirection_api(self): # Should initially be None self.assertIsNone(obj_base.NovaObject.indirection_api) # make sure the fixture correctly sets the value fix = fixtures.IndirectionAPIFixture('foo') self.useFixture(fix) self.assertEqual('foo', obj_base.NovaObject.indirection_api) # manually do the cleanup that addCleanup will do fix.cleanup() # ensure the initial value is restored self.assertIsNone(obj_base.NovaObject.indirection_api) class TestSpawnIsSynchronousFixture(testtools.TestCase): def test_spawn_patch(self): orig_spawn = utils.spawn_n fix = fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture() self.useFixture(fix) self.assertNotEqual(orig_spawn, utils.spawn_n) def test_spawn_passes_through(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) tester = mock.MagicMock() utils.spawn_n(tester.function, 'foo', bar='bar') tester.function.assert_called_once_with('foo', bar='bar') def test_spawn_return_has_wait(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) gt = utils.spawn(lambda x: '%s' % x, 'foo') foo = gt.wait() self.assertEqual('foo', foo) def test_spawn_n_return_has_wait(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) gt = utils.spawn_n(lambda x: '%s' % x, 'foo') foo = gt.wait() self.assertEqual('foo', foo) def test_spawn_has_link(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) gt = utils.spawn(mock.MagicMock) passed_arg = 'test' call_count = [] def fake(thread, param): self.assertEqual(gt, thread) self.assertEqual(passed_arg, param) call_count.append(1) gt.link(fake, passed_arg) self.assertEqual(1, len(call_count)) def test_spawn_n_has_link(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SpawnIsSynchronousFixture()) gt = utils.spawn_n(mock.MagicMock) passed_arg = 'test' call_count = [] def fake(thread, param): self.assertEqual(gt, thread) self.assertEqual(passed_arg, param) call_count.append(1) gt.link(fake, passed_arg) self.assertEqual(1, len(call_count)) class TestBannedDBSchemaOperations(testtools.TestCase): def test_column(self): column = sqlalchemy.Column() with fixtures.BannedDBSchemaOperations(['Column']): self.assertRaises(exception.DBNotAllowed, column.drop) self.assertRaises(exception.DBNotAllowed, column.alter) def test_table(self): table = sqlalchemy.Table() with fixtures.BannedDBSchemaOperations(['Table']): self.assertRaises(exception.DBNotAllowed, table.drop) self.assertRaises(exception.DBNotAllowed, table.alter) class TestAllServicesCurrentFixture(testtools.TestCase): @mock.patch('nova.objects.Service._db_service_get_minimum_version') def test_services_current(self, mock_db): mock_db.return_value = {'nova-compute': 123} self.assertEqual(123, service_obj.Service.get_minimum_version( None, 'nova-compute')) mock_db.assert_called_once_with(None, ['nova-compute'], use_slave=False) mock_db.reset_mock() compute_rpcapi.LAST_VERSION = 123 self.useFixture(fixtures.AllServicesCurrent()) self.assertIsNone(compute_rpcapi.LAST_VERSION) self.assertEqual(service_obj.SERVICE_VERSION, service_obj.Service.get_minimum_version( None, 'nova-compute')) self.assertFalse(mock_db.called) class TestNoopConductorFixture(testtools.TestCase): @mock.patch('nova.conductor.api.ComputeTaskAPI.resize_instance') def test_task_api_not_called(self, mock_resize): self.useFixture(fixtures.NoopConductorFixture()) conductor.ComputeTaskAPI().resize_instance() self.assertFalse(mock_resize.called) @mock.patch('nova.conductor.api.API.wait_until_ready') def test_api_not_called(self, mock_wait): self.useFixture(fixtures.NoopConductorFixture()) conductor.API().wait_until_ready() self.assertFalse(mock_wait.called) class TestSingleCellSimpleFixture(testtools.TestCase): def test_single_cell(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SingleCellSimple()) cml = objects.CellMappingList.get_all(None) self.assertEqual(1, len(cml)) def test_target_cell(self): self.useFixture(fixtures.SingleCellSimple()) with context.target_cell(mock.sentinel.context, None) as c: self.assertIs(mock.sentinel.context, c) class TestWarningsFixture(test.TestCase): def test_invalid_uuid_errors(self): """Creating an oslo.versionedobject with an invalid UUID value for a UUIDField should raise an exception. """ valid_migration_kwargs = { "created_at": timeutils.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0), "updated_at": None, "deleted_at": None, "deleted": False, "id": 123, "uuid": uuids.migration, "source_compute": "compute-source", "dest_compute": "compute-dest", "source_node": "node-source", "dest_node": "node-dest", "dest_host": "host-dest", "old_instance_type_id": 42, "new_instance_type_id": 84, "instance_uuid": "fake-uuid", "status": "migrating", "migration_type": "resize", "hidden": False, "memory_total": 123456, "memory_processed": 12345, "memory_remaining": 111111, "disk_total": 234567, "disk_processed": 23456, "disk_remaining": 211111, } # this shall not throw FutureWarning objects.migration.Migration(**valid_migration_kwargs) invalid_migration_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(valid_migration_kwargs) invalid_migration_kwargs["uuid"] = "fake_id" self.assertRaises(FutureWarning, objects.migration.Migration, **invalid_migration_kwargs) class TestDownCellFixture(test.TestCase): def test_fixture(self): # The test setup creates two cell mappings (cell0 and cell1) by # default. Let's first list servers across all cells while they are # "up" to make sure that works as expected. We'll create a single # instance in cell1. ctxt = context.get_admin_context() cell1 = self.cell_mappings[test.CELL1_NAME] with context.target_cell(ctxt, cell1) as cctxt: inst = fake_instance.fake_instance_obj(cctxt) if 'id' in inst: delattr(inst, 'id') inst.create() # Now list all instances from all cells (should get one back). results = context.scatter_gather_all_cells( ctxt, objects.InstanceList.get_all) self.assertEqual(2, len(results)) self.assertEqual(0, len(results[objects.CellMapping.CELL0_UUID])) self.assertEqual(1, len(results[cell1.uuid])) # Now do the same but with the DownCellFixture which should result # in exception results from both cells. with fixtures.DownCellFixture(): results = context.scatter_gather_all_cells( ctxt, objects.InstanceList.get_all) self.assertEqual(2, len(results)) for result in results.values(): self.assertIsInstance(result, db_exc.DBError) def test_fixture_when_explicitly_passing_down_cell_mappings(self): # The test setup creates two cell mappings (cell0 and cell1) by # default. We'll create one instance per cell and pass cell0 as # the down cell. We should thus get db_exc.DBError for cell0 and # correct InstanceList object from cell1. ctxt = context.get_admin_context() cell0 = self.cell_mappings['cell0'] cell1 = self.cell_mappings['cell1'] with context.target_cell(ctxt, cell0) as cctxt: inst1 = fake_instance.fake_instance_obj(cctxt) if 'id' in inst1: delattr(inst1, 'id') inst1.create() with context.target_cell(ctxt, cell1) as cctxt: inst2 = fake_instance.fake_instance_obj(cctxt) if 'id' in inst2: delattr(inst2, 'id') inst2.create() with fixtures.DownCellFixture([cell0]): results = context.scatter_gather_all_cells( ctxt, objects.InstanceList.get_all) self.assertEqual(2, len(results)) for cell_uuid, result in results.items(): if cell_uuid == cell0.uuid: self.assertIsInstance(result, db_exc.DBError) else: self.assertIsInstance(result, objects.InstanceList) self.assertEqual(1, len(result)) self.assertEqual(inst2.uuid, result[0].uuid)