# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ This provides a sphinx extension able to render the source/support-matrix.ini file into the developer documentation. It is used via a single directive in the .rst file .. support_matrix:: """ import re import six from six.moves import configparser from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers import rst class SupportMatrix(object): """Represents the entire support matrix for Nova virt drivers """ def __init__(self): # List of SupportMatrixFeature instances, describing # all the features present in Nova virt drivers self.features = [] # Dict of (name, SupportMatrixTarget) enumerating # all the hypervisor drivers that have data recorded # for them in self.features. The 'name' dict key is # the value from the SupportMatrixTarget.key attribute self.targets = {} class SupportMatrixFeature(object): STATUS_MANDATORY = "mandatory" STATUS_CHOICE = "choice" STATUS_CONDITION = "condition" STATUS_OPTIONAL = "optional" STATUS_ALL = [STATUS_MANDATORY, STATUS_CHOICE, STATUS_CONDITION, STATUS_OPTIONAL] def __init__(self, key, title, status=STATUS_OPTIONAL, group=None, notes=None, cli=[]): # A unique key (eg 'foo.bar.wizz') to identify the feature self.key = key # A human friendly short title for the feature self.title = title # One of the status constants self.status = status # Detail string if status was choice/condition self.group = group # Arbitrarily long string describing the feature in detail self.notes = notes # Dict of (name, SupportMatrixImplementation) detailing # the implementation for each hypervisor driver. The # 'name' dict key is the value from SupportMatrixTarget.key # for the hypervisor in question self.implementations = {} # A list of CLI commands which are related to that feature self.cli = cli class SupportMatrixImplementation(object): STATUS_COMPLETE = "complete" STATUS_PARTIAL = "partial" STATUS_MISSING = "missing" STATUS_UKNOWN = "unknown" STATUS_ALL = [STATUS_COMPLETE, STATUS_PARTIAL, STATUS_MISSING, STATUS_UKNOWN] def __init__(self, status=STATUS_MISSING, notes=None): # One of the status constants detailing the implementation # level self.status = status # Arbitrary string describing any caveats of the implementation. # Mandatory if status is 'partial', optional otherwise. self.notes = notes class SupportMatrixTarget(object): def __init__(self, key, title, driver, hypervisor=None, architecture=None): """:param key: Unique identifier for the hypervisor driver :param title: Human friendly name of the hypervisor :param driver: Name of the Nova driver :param hypervisor: (optional) Name of the hypervisor, if many :param architecture: (optional) Name of the architecture, if many """ self.key = key self.title = title self.driver = driver self.hypervisor = hypervisor self.architecture = architecture class SupportMatrixDirective(rst.Directive): # The argument is the filename, e.g. support-matrix.ini required_arguments = 1 def run(self): matrix = self._load_support_matrix() return self._build_markup(matrix) def _load_support_matrix(self): """Reads the support-matrix.ini file and populates an instance of the SupportMatrix class with all the data. :returns: SupportMatrix instance """ cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() env = self.state.document.settings.env fname = self.arguments[0] rel_fpath, fpath = env.relfn2path(fname) with open(fpath) as fp: cfg.readfp(fp) # This ensures that the docs are rebuilt whenever the # .ini file changes env.note_dependency(rel_fpath) matrix = SupportMatrix() matrix.targets = self._get_targets(cfg) matrix.features = self._get_features(cfg, matrix.targets) return matrix def _get_targets(self, cfg): # The 'targets' section is special - it lists all the # hypervisors that this file records data for targets = {} for item in cfg.options("targets"): if not item.startswith("driver-impl-"): continue # The driver string will optionally contain # a hypervisor and architecture qualifier # so we expect between 1 and 3 components # in the name key = item[12:] title = cfg.get("targets", item) name = key.split("-") if len(name) == 1: target = SupportMatrixTarget(key, title, name[0]) elif len(name) == 2: target = SupportMatrixTarget(key, title, name[0], name[1]) elif len(name) == 3: target = SupportMatrixTarget(key, title, name[0], name[1], name[2]) else: raise Exception("'%s' field is malformed in '[%s]' section" % (item, "DEFAULT")) targets[key] = target return targets def _get_features(self, cfg, targets): # All sections except 'targets' describe some feature of # the Nova hypervisor driver implementation features = [] for section in cfg.sections(): if section == "targets": continue if not cfg.has_option(section, "title"): raise Exception( "'title' field missing in '[%s]' section" % section) title = cfg.get(section, "title") status = SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_OPTIONAL if cfg.has_option(section, "status"): # The value is a string "status(group)" where # the 'group' part is optional status = cfg.get(section, "status") offset = status.find("(") group = None if offset != -1: group = status[offset + 1:-1] status = status[0:offset] if status not in SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_ALL: raise Exception( "'status' field value '%s' in ['%s']" "section must be %s" % (status, section, ",".join(SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_ALL))) notes = None if cfg.has_option(section, "notes"): notes = cfg.get(section, "notes") cli = [] if cfg.has_option(section, "cli"): cli = cfg.get(section, "cli") feature = SupportMatrixFeature(section, title, status, group, notes, cli) # Now we've got the basic feature details, we must process # the hypervisor driver implementation for each feature for item in cfg.options(section): if not item.startswith("driver-impl-"): continue key = item[12:] if key not in targets: raise Exception( "Driver impl '%s' in '[%s]' not declared" % (item, section)) status = cfg.get(section, item) if status not in SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_ALL: raise Exception( "'%s' value '%s' in '[%s]' section must be %s" % (item, status, section, ",".join(SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_ALL))) noteskey = "driver-notes-" + item[12:] notes = None if cfg.has_option(section, noteskey): notes = cfg.get(section, noteskey) target = targets[key] impl = SupportMatrixImplementation(status, notes) feature.implementations[target.key] = impl for key in targets: if key not in feature.implementations: raise Exception("'%s' missing in '[%s]' section" % (target.key, section)) features.append(feature) return features def _build_markup(self, matrix): """Constructs the docutils content for the support matrix """ content = [] self._build_summary(matrix, content) self._build_details(matrix, content) self._build_notes(content) return content def _build_summary(self, matrix, content): """Constructs the docutils content for the summary of the support matrix. The summary consists of a giant table, with one row for each feature, and a column for each hypervisor driver. It provides an 'at a glance' summary of the status of each driver """ summarytitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Summary") summary = nodes.table() cols = len(matrix.targets.keys()) cols += 2 summarygroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=cols) summarybody = nodes.tbody() summaryhead = nodes.thead() for i in range(cols): summarygroup.append(nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)) summarygroup.append(summaryhead) summarygroup.append(summarybody) summary.append(summarygroup) content.append(summarytitle) content.append(summary) # This sets up all the column headers - two fixed # columns for feature name & status header = nodes.row() blank = nodes.entry() blank.append(nodes.emphasis(text="Feature")) header.append(blank) blank = nodes.entry() blank.append(nodes.emphasis(text="Status")) header.append(blank) summaryhead.append(header) # then one column for each hypervisor driver impls = matrix.targets.keys() impls.sort() for key in impls: target = matrix.targets[key] implcol = nodes.entry() header.append(implcol) implcol.append(nodes.strong(text=target.title)) # We now produce the body of the table, one row for # each feature to report on for feature in matrix.features: item = nodes.row() # the hyperlink target name linking to details id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", feature.key) # first the to fixed columns for title/status keycol = nodes.entry() item.append(keycol) keyref = nodes.reference(refid=id) keytxt = nodes.inline() keycol.append(keytxt) keytxt.append(keyref) keyref.append(nodes.strong(text=feature.title)) statuscol = nodes.entry() item.append(statuscol) statuscol.append(nodes.inline( text=feature.status, classes=["sp_feature_" + feature.status])) # and then one column for each hypervisor driver impls = matrix.targets.keys() impls.sort() for key in impls: target = matrix.targets[key] impl = feature.implementations[key] implcol = nodes.entry() item.append(implcol) id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", feature.key + "_" + key) implref = nodes.reference(refid=id) impltxt = nodes.inline() implcol.append(impltxt) impltxt.append(implref) status = "" if impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_COMPLETE: status = u"\u2714" elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_MISSING: status = u"\u2716" elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_PARTIAL: status = u"\u2714" elif impl.status == SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_UKNOWN: status = u"?" implref.append(nodes.literal( text=status, classes=["sp_impl_summary", "sp_impl_" + impl.status])) summarybody.append(item) def _build_details(self, matrix, content): """Constructs the docutils content for the details of the support matrix. This is generated as a bullet list of features. Against each feature we provide the description of the feature and then the details of the hypervisor impls, with any driver specific notes that exist """ detailstitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Details") details = nodes.bullet_list() content.append(detailstitle) content.append(details) # One list entry for each feature we're reporting on for feature in matrix.features: item = nodes.list_item() status = feature.status if feature.group is not None: status += "(" + feature.group + ")" # The hypervisor target name linked from summary table id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", feature.key) # Highlight the feature title name item.append(nodes.strong(text=feature.title, ids=[id])) para = nodes.paragraph() para.append(nodes.strong(text="Status: " + status + ". ")) if feature.notes is not None: para.append(nodes.inline(text=feature.notes)) item.append(para) if feature.cli: item.append(self._create_cli_paragraph(feature)) para_divers = nodes.paragraph() para_divers.append(nodes.strong(text="drivers:")) # A sub-list giving details of each hypervisor target impls = nodes.bullet_list() for key in feature.implementations: target = matrix.targets[key] impl = feature.implementations[key] subitem = nodes.list_item() id = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", feature.key + "_" + key) subitem += [ nodes.strong(text=target.title + ": "), nodes.literal(text=impl.status, classes=["sp_impl_" + impl.status], ids=[id]), ] if impl.notes is not None: subitem.append(self._create_notes_paragraph(impl.notes)) impls.append(subitem) para_divers.append(impls) item.append(para_divers) details.append(item) def _build_notes(self, content): """Constructs a list of notes content for the support matrix. This is generated as a bullet list. """ notestitle = nodes.subtitle(text="Notes") notes = nodes.bullet_list() content.append(notestitle) content.append(notes) NOTES = [ "Virtuozzo was formerly named Parallels in this document" ] for note in NOTES: item = nodes.list_item() item.append(nodes.strong(text=note)) notes.append(item) def _create_cli_paragraph(self, feature): ''' Create a paragraph which represents the CLI commands of the feature The paragraph will have a bullet list of CLI commands. ''' para = nodes.paragraph() para.append(nodes.strong(text="CLI commands:")) commands = nodes.bullet_list() for c in feature.cli.split(";"): cli_command = nodes.list_item() cli_command += nodes.literal(text=c, classes=["sp_cli"]) commands.append(cli_command) para.append(commands) return para def _create_notes_paragraph(self, notes): """ Constructs a paragraph which represents the implementation notes The paragraph consists of text and clickable URL nodes if links were given in the notes. """ para = nodes.paragraph() # links could start with http:// or https:// link_idxs = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('https?://', notes)] start_idx = 0 for link_idx in link_idxs: # assume the notes start with text (could be empty) para.append(nodes.inline(text=notes[start_idx:link_idx])) # create a URL node until the next text or the end of the notes link_end_idx = notes.find(" ", link_idx) if link_end_idx == -1: # In case the notes end with a link without a blank link_end_idx = len(notes) uri = notes[link_idx:link_end_idx + 1] para.append(nodes.reference("", uri, refuri=uri)) start_idx = link_end_idx + 1 # get all text after the last link (could be empty) or all of the # text if no link was given para.append(nodes.inline(text=notes[start_idx:])) return para def setup(app): app.add_directive('support_matrix', SupportMatrixDirective) app.add_stylesheet('support-matrix.css')