============== Manage volumes ============== Depending on the setup of your cloud provider, they may give you an endpoint to use to manage volumes. You can use the ``openstack`` CLI to manage volumes. For the purposes of the compute service, attaching, detaching and :doc:`creating a server from a volume <../user/launch-instance-from-volume>` are of primary interest. Refer to the `block storage service CLI guide on managing volumes `_. Volume multi-attach ------------------- Nova `added support for multiattach volumes`_ in the 17.0.0 Queens release. This document covers the nova-specific aspects of this feature. Refer to the `block storage admin guide`_ for more details about creating multiattach-capable volumes. Boot from volume and attaching a volume to a server that is not SHELVED_OFFLOADED is supported. Ultimately the ability to perform these actions depends on the compute host and hypervisor driver that is being used. Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The minimum required compute API microversion for attaching a multiattach-capable volume to more than one server is `2.60`_. * Cinder 12.0.0 (Queens) or newer is required. * The ``nova-compute`` service must be running at least Queens release level code (17.0.0) and the hypervisor driver must support attaching block storage devices to more than one guest. Refer to the `feature support matrix`_ for details on which compute drivers support volume multiattach. * When using the libvirt compute driver, the following native package versions determine multiattach support: * libvirt must be greater than or equal to 3.10, or * qemu must be less than 2.10 * Swapping an *in-use* multiattach volume is not supported (this is actually controlled via the block storage volume retype API). Known issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Creating multiple servers in a single request with a multiattach-capable volume as the root disk is not yet supported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1747985 * Subsequent attachments to the same volume are all attached in *read/write* mode by default in the block storage service. A future change either in nova or cinder may address this so that subsequent attachments are made in *read-only* mode, or such that the mode can be specified by the user when attaching the volume to the server. Testing ~~~~~~~ Continuous integration testing of the volume multiattach feature is done via the ``nova-multiattach`` job, defined in the `nova repository`_. The tests are defined in the `tempest repository`_. The CI job is setup to run with the **libvirt** compute driver and the **lvm** volume back end. It purposefully does not use the Pike Ubuntu Cloud Archive package mirror so that it gets qemu<2.10. .. _added support for multiattach volumes: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/queens/implemented/multi-attach-volume.html .. _block storage admin guide: https://docs.openstack.org/cinder/latest/admin/blockstorage-volume-multiattach.html .. _2.60: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/reference/api-microversion-history.html#maximum-in-queens .. _feature support matrix: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/support-matrix.html#operation_multiattach_volume .. _nova repository: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/tree/playbooks/legacy/nova-multiattach/run.yaml .. _tempest repository: http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=CONF.compute_feature_enabled.volume_multiattach&i=nope&files=&repos=tempest