# variables in path consumer_uuid: type: string in: path required: true description: > The uuid of a consumer. resource_class_path: &resource_class_path type: string in: path required: true description: > The name of one resource class. resource_provider_uuid_path: &resource_provider_uuid_path type: string in: path required: true description: > The uuid of a resource provider. trait_name: type: string in: path required: true description: > The name of a trait. # variables in query member_of: type: string in: query required: false description: > A comma-separated list of strings representing aggregate uuids. The returned resource providers must be associated with at least one of the aggregates identified by uuid. project_id: &project_id type: string in: query required: true description: > The uuid of a project. resource_provider_name_query: type: string in: query required: false description: > The name of a resource provider to filter the list. resource_provider_uuid_query: <<: *resource_provider_uuid_path in: query required: false resources_query: &resources_query type: string in: query required: false description: | A comma-separated list of strings indicating an amount of resource of a specified class that a provider must have the capacity to serve:: resources=VCPU:4,DISK_GB:64,MEMORY_MB:2048 resources_query_required: <<: *resources_query required: true trait_associated: type: string in: query required: false description: > If this parameter has a true value, the returned traits will be those that are associated with at least one resource provider. Available values for the parameter are true and false. trait_name_query: type: string in: query required: false description: | A string to filter traits. The following options are available: `startswith` operator filters the traits whose name begins with a specific prefix, e.g. name=startswith:CUSTOM, `in` operator filters the traits whose name is in the specified list, e.g. name=in:HW_CPU_X86_AVX,HW_CPU_X86_SSE,HW_CPU_X86_INVALID_FEATURE. user_id: &user_id type: string in: query required: false description: > The uuid of a user. # variables in body aggregates: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of aggregate uuids. allocation_ratio: &allocation_ratio type: float in: body required: true description: | It is used in determining whether consumption of the resource of the provider can exceed physical constraints. For example, for a vCPU resource with:: allocation_ratio = 16.0 total = 8 Overall capacity is equal to 128 vCPUs. allocation_ratio_opt: <<: *allocation_ratio required: false allocation_requests: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of objects that contain a serialized HTTP body that a client may subsequently use in a call to PUT /allocations/{consumer_uuid} to claim resources against a related set of resource providers. allocations_array: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of dictionaries. allocations_by_resource_provider: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary of allocations keyed by resource provider uuid. capacity: type: integer in: body required: true description: > The amount of the resource that the provider can accommodate. inventories: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary of inventories keyed by resource classes. max_unit: &max_unit type: integer in: body required: true description: > A maximum amount any single allocation against an inventory can have. max_unit_opt: <<: *max_unit required: false min_unit: &min_unit type: integer in: body required: true description: > A minimum amount any single allocation against an inventory can have. min_unit_opt: <<: *min_unit required: false project_id_body: <<: *project_id in: body min_version: 1.8 provider_summaries: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary keyed by resource provider UUID, of dictionaries of inventory/capacity information. reserved: &reserved type: integer in: body required: true description: > The amount of the resource a provider has reserved for its own use. reserved_opt: <<: *reserved required: false resource_class: <<: *resource_class_path in: body resource_class_links: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of links associated with one resource class. resource_classes: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of ``resource_class`` objects. resource_provider_allocations: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary of allocation records keyed by consumer uuid. resource_provider_generation: type: integer in: body required: true description: > A consistent view marker that assists with the management of concurrent resource provider updates. resource_provider_links: type: array in: body required: true description: | A list of links associated with one resource provider. .. note:: Trait relationship link is available starting from version 1.6. resource_provider_name: type: string in: body required: true description: > The name of one resource provider. resource_provider_object: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary which contains the UUID of the resource provider. resource_provider_usages: type: object in: body required: true description: > The usage summary of the resource provider. This is a dictionary that describes how much each class of resource is being consumed on this resource provider. For example, ``"VCPU": 1`` means 1 VCPU is used. resource_provider_uuid: <<: *resource_provider_uuid_path in: body resource_provider_uuid_opt: <<: *resource_provider_uuid_path in: body required: false resource_providers: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of ``resource_provider`` objects. resources: type: object in: body required: true description: > A dictionary of resource records keyed by resource class name. step_size: &step_size type: integer in: body required: true description: > A representation of the divisible amount of the resource that may be requested. For example, step_size = 5 means that only values divisible by 5 (5, 10, 15, etc.) can be requested. step_size_opt: <<: *step_size required: false total: type: integer in: body required: true description: > The actual amount of the resource that the provider can accommodate. traits: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of traits. used: type: integer in: body required: true description: > The amount of the resource that has been already allocated. user_id_body: <<: *user_id in: body required: true min_version: 1.8 version_id: type: string in: body required: true description: > A common name for the version being described. Informative only. version_max: type: string in: body required: true description: > The maximum microversion that is supported. version_min: type: string in: body required: true description: > The minimum microversion that is supported. versions: type: array in: body required: true description: > A list of version objects that describe the API versions available.