# Copyright 2011-2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """The cells extension.""" import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from webob import exc from nova.api.openstack import common from nova.api.openstack import extensions from nova.cells import rpcapi as cells_rpcapi import nova.conf from nova import context as nova_context from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova import rpc CONF = nova.conf.CONF authorize = extensions.extension_authorizer('compute', 'cells') def _filter_keys(item, keys): """Filters all model attributes except for keys item is a dict """ return {k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(item) if k in keys} def _fixup_cell_info(cell_info, keys): """If the transport_url is present in the cell, derive username, rpc_host, and rpc_port from it. """ if 'transport_url' not in cell_info: return # Disassemble the transport URL transport_url = cell_info.pop('transport_url') try: transport_url = rpc.get_transport_url(transport_url) except messaging.InvalidTransportURL: # Just go with None's for key in keys: cell_info.setdefault(key, None) return if not transport_url.hosts: return transport_host = transport_url.hosts[0] transport_field_map = {'rpc_host': 'hostname', 'rpc_port': 'port'} for key in keys: if key in cell_info: continue transport_field = transport_field_map.get(key, key) cell_info[key] = getattr(transport_host, transport_field) def _scrub_cell(cell, detail=False): keys = ['name', 'username', 'rpc_host', 'rpc_port'] if detail: keys.append('capabilities') cell_info = _filter_keys(cell, keys + ['transport_url']) _fixup_cell_info(cell_info, keys) cell_info['type'] = 'parent' if cell['is_parent'] else 'child' return cell_info class Controller(object): """Controller for Cell resources.""" def __init__(self, ext_mgr): self.cells_rpcapi = cells_rpcapi.CellsAPI() self.ext_mgr = ext_mgr def _get_cells(self, ctxt, req, detail=False): """Return all cells.""" # Ask the CellsManager for the most recent data items = self.cells_rpcapi.get_cell_info_for_neighbors(ctxt) items = common.limited(items, req) items = [_scrub_cell(item, detail=detail) for item in items] return dict(cells=items) @common.check_cells_enabled def index(self, req): """Return all cells in brief.""" ctxt = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(ctxt) return self._get_cells(ctxt, req) @common.check_cells_enabled def detail(self, req): """Return all cells in detail.""" ctxt = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(ctxt) return self._get_cells(ctxt, req, detail=True) @common.check_cells_enabled def info(self, req): """Return name and capabilities for this cell.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) cell_capabs = {} my_caps = CONF.cells.capabilities for cap in my_caps: key, value = cap.split('=') cell_capabs[key] = value cell = {'name': CONF.cells.name, 'type': 'self', 'rpc_host': None, 'rpc_port': 0, 'username': None, 'capabilities': cell_capabs} return dict(cell=cell) @common.check_cells_enabled def capacities(self, req, id=None): """Return capacities for a given cell or all cells.""" # TODO(kaushikc): return capacities as a part of cell info and # cells detail calls in v2.1, along with capabilities if not self.ext_mgr.is_loaded('os-cell-capacities'): raise exc.HTTPNotFound() context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) try: capacities = self.cells_rpcapi.get_capacities(context, cell_name=id) except exception.CellNotFound: msg = (_("Cell %(id)s not found.") % {'id': id}) raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) return dict(cell={"capacities": capacities}) @common.check_cells_enabled def show(self, req, id): """Return data about the given cell name. 'id' is a cell name.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) try: cell = self.cells_rpcapi.cell_get(context, id) except exception.CellNotFound as e: raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message()) return dict(cell=_scrub_cell(cell)) @common.check_cells_enabled def delete(self, req, id): """Delete a child or parent cell entry. 'id' is a cell name.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) authorize(context, action="delete") # NOTE(eliqiao): back-compatible with db layer hard-code admin # permission checks. nova_context.require_admin_context(context) try: num_deleted = self.cells_rpcapi.cell_delete(context, id) except exception.CellsUpdateUnsupported as e: raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.format_message()) if num_deleted == 0: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() return {} def _validate_cell_name(self, cell_name): """Validate cell name is not empty and doesn't contain '!', '.' or '@'. """ if not cell_name: msg = _("Cell name cannot be empty") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if '!' in cell_name or '.' in cell_name or '@' in cell_name: msg = _("Cell name cannot contain '!', '.' or '@'") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _validate_cell_type(self, cell_type): """Validate cell_type is 'parent' or 'child'.""" if cell_type not in ['parent', 'child']: msg = _("Cell type must be 'parent' or 'child'") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) def _normalize_cell(self, cell, existing=None): """Normalize input cell data. Normalizations include: * Converting cell['type'] to is_parent boolean. * Merging existing transport URL with transport information. """ # Start with the cell type conversion if 'type' in cell: self._validate_cell_type(cell['type']) cell['is_parent'] = cell['type'] == 'parent' del cell['type'] # Avoid cell type being overwritten to 'child' elif existing: cell['is_parent'] = existing['is_parent'] else: cell['is_parent'] = False # Now we disassemble the existing transport URL... transport_url = existing.get('transport_url') if existing else None transport_url = rpc.get_transport_url(transport_url) if 'rpc_virtual_host' in cell: transport_url.virtual_host = cell.pop('rpc_virtual_host') if not transport_url.hosts: transport_url.hosts.append(messaging.TransportHost()) transport_host = transport_url.hosts[0] if cell.get('rpc_port') is not None: try: cell['rpc_port'] = int(cell['rpc_port']) except ValueError: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=_('rpc_port must be integer')) # Copy over the input fields transport_field_map = { 'username': 'username', 'password': 'password', 'hostname': 'rpc_host', 'port': 'rpc_port', } for key, input_field in transport_field_map.items(): # Only override the value if we're given an override if input_field in cell: setattr(transport_host, key, cell.pop(input_field)) # Now set the transport URL cell['transport_url'] = str(transport_url) @common.check_cells_enabled def create(self, req, body): """Create a child cell entry.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) authorize(context, action="create") # NOTE(eliqiao): back-compatible with db layer hard-code admin # permission checks. nova_context.require_admin_context(context) if 'cell' not in body: msg = _("No cell information in request") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) cell = body['cell'] if 'name' not in cell: msg = _("No cell name in request") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) self._validate_cell_name(cell['name']) self._normalize_cell(cell) try: cell = self.cells_rpcapi.cell_create(context, cell) except exception.CellsUpdateUnsupported as e: raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.format_message()) return dict(cell=_scrub_cell(cell)) @common.check_cells_enabled def update(self, req, id, body): """Update a child cell entry. 'id' is the cell name to update.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) authorize(context, action="update") # NOTE(eliqiao): back-compatible with db layer hard-code admin # permission checks. nova_context.require_admin_context(context) if 'cell' not in body: msg = _("No cell information in request") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) cell = body['cell'] cell.pop('id', None) if 'name' in cell: self._validate_cell_name(cell['name']) try: # NOTE(Vek): There is a race condition here if multiple # callers are trying to update the cell # information simultaneously. Since this # operation is administrative in nature, and # will be going away in the future, I don't see # it as much of a problem... existing = self.cells_rpcapi.cell_get(context, id) except exception.CellNotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() self._normalize_cell(cell, existing) try: cell = self.cells_rpcapi.cell_update(context, id, cell) except exception.CellNotFound: raise exc.HTTPNotFound() except exception.CellsUpdateUnsupported as e: raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.format_message()) return dict(cell=_scrub_cell(cell)) @common.check_cells_enabled def sync_instances(self, req, body): """Tell all cells to sync instance info.""" context = req.environ['nova.context'] authorize(context) authorize(context, action="sync_instances") project_id = body.pop('project_id', None) deleted = body.pop('deleted', False) updated_since = body.pop('updated_since', None) if body: msg = _("Only 'updated_since', 'project_id' and 'deleted' are " "understood.") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if isinstance(deleted, six.string_types): try: deleted = strutils.bool_from_string(deleted, strict=True) except ValueError as err: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=six.text_type(err)) if updated_since: try: timeutils.parse_isotime(updated_since) except ValueError: msg = _('Invalid changes-since value') raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) self.cells_rpcapi.sync_instances(context, project_id=project_id, updated_since=updated_since, deleted=deleted) class Cells(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor): """Enables cells-related functionality such as adding neighbor cells, listing neighbor cells, and getting the capabilities of the local cell. """ name = "Cells" alias = "os-cells" namespace = "http://docs.openstack.org/compute/ext/cells/api/v1.1" updated = "2013-05-14T00:00:00Z" def get_resources(self): coll_actions = { 'detail': 'GET', 'info': 'GET', 'sync_instances': 'POST', 'capacities': 'GET', } memb_actions = { 'capacities': 'GET', } res = extensions.ResourceExtension('os-cells', Controller(self.ext_mgr), collection_actions=coll_actions, member_actions=memb_actions) return [res]