--- features: - | In version 1.25 of the Placement API, ``GET /allocation_candidates`` is enhanced to accept numbered groupings of resource, required/forbidden trait, and aggregate association requests. A ``resources`` query parameter key with a positive integer suffix (e.g. ``resources42``) will be logically associated with ``required`` and/or ``member_of`` query parameter keys with the same suffix (e.g. ``required42``, ``member_of42``). The resources, required/forbidden traits, and aggregate associations in that group will be satisfied by the same resource provider in the response. When more than one numbered grouping is supplied, the ``group_policy`` query parameter is required to indicate how the groups should interact. With ``group_policy=none``, separate groupings - numbered or unnumbered - may or may not be satisfied by the same provider. With ``group_policy=isolate``, numbered groups are guaranteed to be satisfied by *different* providers - though there may still be overlap with the unnumbered group. In all cases, each ``allocation_request`` will be satisfied by providers in a single non-sharing provider tree and/or sharing providers associated via aggregate with any of the providers in that tree. The ``required`` and ``member_of`` query parameters for a given group are optional. That is, you may specify ``resources42=XXX`` without a corresponding ``required42=YYY`` or ``member_of42=ZZZ``. However, the reverse (specifying ``required42=YYY`` or ``member_of42=ZZZ`` without ``resources42=XXX``) will result in an error. The semantic of the (unnumbered) ``resources``, ``required``, and ``member_of`` query parameters is unchanged: the resources, traits, and aggregate associations specified thereby may be satisfied by any provider in the same non-sharing tree or associated via the specified aggregate(s).