========= Real Time ========= .. versionadded:: 13.0.0 (Mitaka) Nova supports configuring `real-time policies`__ for instances. This builds upon the improved performance offered by :doc:`CPU pinning ` by providing stronger guarantees for worst case scheduler latency for vCPUs. .. __: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-time_computing Enabling Real-Time ------------------ Currently the creation of real-time instances is only supported when using the libvirt compute driver with a :oslo.config:option:`libvirt.virt_type` of ``kvm`` or ``qemu``. It requires extensive configuration of the host and this document provides but a rough overview of the changes required. Configuration will vary depending on your hardware, BIOS configuration, host and guest OS' and application. BIOS configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Configure your host BIOS as recommended in the `rt-wiki`__ page. The most important steps are: - Disable power management, including CPU sleep states - Disable SMT (hyper-threading) or any option related to logical processors These are standard steps used in benchmarking as both sets of features can result in non-deterministic behavior. .. __: https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/HOWTO:_Build_an_RT-application OS configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is inherently specific to the distro used, however, there are some common steps: - Install the real-time (preemptible) kernel (``PREEMPT_RT_FULL``) and real-time KVM modules - Configure hugepages - Isolate host cores to be used for instances from the kernel - Disable features like CPU frequency scaling (e.g. P-States on Intel processors) RHEL and RHEL-derived distros like CentOS provide packages in their repositories to accomplish. The ``kernel-rt`` and ``kernel-rt-kvm`` packages will provide the real-time kernel and real-time KVM module, respectively, while the ``tuned-profiles-realtime`` package will provide `tuned`__ profiles to configure the host for real-time workloads. You should refer to your distro documentation for more information. .. __: https://tuned-project.org/ Validation ~~~~~~~~~~ Once your BIOS and the host OS have been configured, you can validate "real-time readiness" using the ``hwlatdetect`` and ``rteval`` utilities. On RHEL and RHEL-derived hosts, you can install these using the ``rt-tests`` package. More information about the ``rteval`` tool can be found `here`__. .. __: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/rteval/rteval.git/tree/README Configuring a flavor or image ----------------------------- .. versionchanged:: 22.0.0 (Victoria) Previously, it was necessary to specify :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_realtime_mask` when realtime mode was enabled via :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_realtime`. Starting in Victoria, it is possible to omit this when an emulator thread policy is configured using the :nova:extra-spec:`hw:emulator_threads_policy` extra spec, thus allowing all guest cores to be be allocated as real-time cores. .. versionchanged:: 22.0.0 (Victoria) Previously, a leading caret was necessary when specifying the value for :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_realtime_mask` and omitting it would be equivalent to not setting the mask, resulting in a failure to spawn the instance. Compared to configuring the host, configuring the guest is relatively trivial and merely requires a combination of flavor extra specs and image metadata properties, along with a suitable real-time guest OS. Enable real-time by setting the :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_realtime` flavor extra spec to ``yes`` or a truthy value. When this is configured, it is necessary to specify where guest overhead processes should be scheduled to. This can be accomplished in one of three ways. Firstly, the :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_realtime_mask` extra spec or equivalent image metadata property can be used to indicate which guest cores should be scheduled as real-time cores, leaving the remainder to be scheduled as non-real-time cores and to handle overhead processes. For example, to allocate the first two cores of an 8 core instance as the non-real-time cores: .. code-block:: console $ openstack flavor set $FLAVOR \ --property hw:cpu_realtime=yes \ --property hw:cpu_realtime_mask=2-7 # so 0,1 are non-real-time In this configuration, any non-real-time cores configured will have an implicit ``dedicated`` :ref:`CPU pinning policy ` applied. It is possible to apply a ``shared`` policy for these non-real-time cores by specifying the ``mixed`` :ref:`CPU pinning policy ` via the :nova:extra-spec:`hw:cpu_policy` extra spec. This can be useful to increase resource utilization of the host. For example: .. code-block:: console $ openstack flavor set $FLAVOR \ --property hw:cpu_policy=mixed \ --property hw:cpu_realtime=yes \ --property hw:cpu_realtime_mask=2-7 # so 0,1 are non-real-time and unpinned Finally, you can explicitly :ref:`offload guest overhead processes to another host core ` using the :nova:extra-spec:`hw:emulator_threads_policy` extra spec. For example: .. code-block:: console $ openstack flavor set $FLAVOR \ --property hw:cpu_realtime=yes \ --property hw:emulator_thread_policy=share .. note:: Emulator thread pinning requires additional host configuration. Refer to :ref:`the documentation ` for more information. In addition to configuring the instance CPUs, it is also likely that you will need to configure guest huge pages. For information on how to configure these, refer to :doc:`the documentation ` References ---------- * `Libvirt real time instances (spec)`__ * `The Real Time Linux collaborative project`__ * `Deploying Real Time OpenStack`__ .. __: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/mitaka/implemented/libvirt-real-time.html .. __: https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/realtime/start .. __: https://that.guru/blog/deploying-real-time-openstack/