Balazs Gibizer 2cb1eedeaf Allow enabling PCI scheduling in Placement
A new configuration option [filter_scheduler]pci_in_placement is added
that allows enabling the scheduler logic for PCI device handling in
Placement for flavor based PCI requests.

blueprint: pci-device-tracking-in-placement
Change-Id: I5ddf6d3cdc7e05cc4914b9b1e762fa02a5c7c550
2023-01-05 17:25:27 +01:00

624 lines
24 KiB

# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import copy
import typing as ty
import os_resource_classes
import os_traits
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from nova.compute import provider_tree
import nova.conf
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
from nova.objects import fields
from nova.objects import pci_device
from nova.pci import devspec
from nova.pci import manager as pci_manager
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Devs with this type are in one to one mapping with an RP in placement
fields.PciDeviceType.STANDARD, fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_PF)
# Devs with these type need to have a parent and that parent is the one
# that mapped to a placement RP
fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_VF, fields.PciDeviceType.VDPA)
def _is_placement_tracking_enabled() -> bool:
return CONF.pci.report_in_placement
def _normalize_traits(traits: ty.List[str]) -> ty.List[str]:
"""Make the trait names acceptable for placement.
It keeps the already valid standard or custom traits but normalizes trait
names that are not already normalized.
standard_traits, rest = os_traits.check_traits(traits)
custom_traits = []
for name in rest:
name = name.upper()
if os_traits.is_custom(name):
return list(standard_traits) + custom_traits
def get_traits(traits_str: str) -> ty.Set[str]:
"""Return a normalized set of placement standard and custom traits from
a string of comma separated trait names.
# traits is a comma separated list of placement trait names
if not traits_str:
return set()
return set(_normalize_traits(traits_str.split(',')))
def _get_traits_for_dev(
dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str],
) -> ty.Set[str]:
return get_traits(dev_spec_tags.get("traits", "")) | {
def _normalize_resource_class(rc: str) -> str:
rc = rc.upper()
if (
rc not in os_resource_classes.STANDARDS and
not os_resource_classes.is_custom(rc)
rc = os_resource_classes.normalize_name(rc)
# mypy: normalize_name will return non None for non None input
assert rc
return rc
def get_resource_class(
requested_name: ty.Optional[str], vendor_id: str, product_id: str
) -> str:
"""Return the normalized resource class name based on what is requested
or if nothing is requested then generated from the vendor_id and product_id
if requested_name:
rc = _normalize_resource_class(requested_name)
rc = f"CUSTOM_PCI_{vendor_id}_{product_id}".upper()
return rc
def _get_rc_for_dev(
dev: pci_device.PciDevice,
dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str],
) -> str:
"""Return the resource class to represent the device.
It is either provided by the user in the configuration as the
resource_class tag, or we are generating one from vendor_id and product_id.
The user specified resource class is normalized if it is not already an
acceptable standard or custom resource class.
rc = dev_spec_tags.get("resource_class")
return get_resource_class(rc, dev.vendor_id, dev.product_id)
class PciResourceProvider:
"""A PCI Resource Provider"""
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
self.parent_dev = None
self.children_devs: ty.List[pci_device.PciDevice] = []
self.resource_class: ty.Optional[str] = None
self.traits: ty.Optional[ty.Set[str]] = None
def devs(self) -> ty.List[pci_device.PciDevice]:
return [self.parent_dev] if self.parent_dev else self.children_devs
def to_be_deleted(self):
return not bool(self.devs)
def add_child(self, dev, dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str]) -> None:
if self.parent_dev:
raise exception.PlacementPciDependentDeviceException(
children_devs=",".join(dev.address for dev in self.devs)
rc = _get_rc_for_dev(dev, dev_spec_tags)
if self.resource_class and rc != self.resource_class:
raise exception.PlacementPciMixedResourceClassException(
dev.address for dev in self.children_devs)
traits = _get_traits_for_dev(dev_spec_tags)
if self.traits is not None and self.traits != traits:
raise exception.PlacementPciMixedTraitsException(
dev.address for dev in self.children_devs),
self.resource_class = rc
self.traits = traits
def add_parent(self, dev, dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str]) -> None:
if self.parent_dev or self.children_devs:
raise exception.PlacementPciDependentDeviceException(
children_devs=",".join(dev.address for dev in self.devs)
self.parent_dev = dev
self.resource_class = _get_rc_for_dev(dev, dev_spec_tags)
self.traits = _get_traits_for_dev(dev_spec_tags)
def remove_child(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> None:
# Nothing to do here. The update_provider_tree will handle the
# inventory decrease or the full RP removal
def remove_parent(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> None:
# Nothing to do here. The update_provider_tree we handle full RP
def _get_allocations(self) -> ty.Mapping[str, int]:
"""Return a dict of used resources keyed by consumer UUID.
Note that:
1) a single consumer can consume more than one resource from a single
RP. I.e. A VM with two VFs from the same parent PF
2) multiple consumers can consume resources from a single RP. I.e. two
VMs consuming one VF from the same PF each
3) regardless of how many consumers we have on a single PCI RP, they
are always consuming resources from the same resource class as
we are not supporting dependent devices modelled by the same RP but
different resource classes.
return collections.Counter(
for dev in self.devs
if "instance_uuid" in dev and dev.instance_uuid
def update_provider_tree(
provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree,
parent_rp_name: str,
) -> None:
if self.to_be_deleted:
# This means we need to delete the RP from placement if exists
if provider_tree.exists(
# NOTE(gibi): If there are allocations on this RP then
# Placement will reject the update the provider_tree is
# synced up.
if not provider_tree.exists(
# NOTE(gibi): We need to generate UUID for the new provider in Nova
# instead of letting Placement assign one. We are potentially
# healing a missing RP along with missing allocations on that RP.
# The allocation healing happens with POST /reshape, and that API
# only takes RP UUIDs.
# NOTE(gibi): The rest of the inventory fields (reserved,
# allocation_ratio, etc.) are defaulted by placement and the
# default value make sense for PCI devices, i.e. no overallocation
# and PCI can be allocated one by one.
# Also, this way if the operator sets reserved value in placement
# for the PCI inventories directly then nova will not override that
# value periodically.
self.resource_class: {
"total": len(self.devs),
"max_unit": len(self.devs),
provider_tree.update_traits(, self.traits)
# Here we are sure the RP exists in the provider_tree. So, we can
# record the RP UUID in each PciDevice this RP represents
rp_uuid =
for dev in self.devs:
dev.extra_info['rp_uuid'] = rp_uuid
def update_allocations(
allocations: dict,
provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree,
same_host_instances: ty.List[str],
) -> bool:
updated = False
if self.to_be_deleted:
# the RP is going away because either removed from the hypervisor
# or the compute's config is changed to ignore the device.
return updated
# we assume here that if this RP has been created in the current round
# of healing then it already has a UUID assigned.
rp_uuid =
for consumer, amount in self._get_allocations().items():
if consumer not in allocations:
# We have PCI device(s) allocated to an instance, but we don't
# see any instance allocation in placement. This
# happens for two reasons:
# 1) The instance is being migrated and therefore the
# allocation is held by the migration UUID in placement. In
# this case the PciDevice is still allocated to the instance
# UUID in the nova DB hence our lookup for the instance
# allocation here. We can ignore this case as: i) We healed
# the PCI allocation for the instance before the migration
# was started. ii) Nova simply moves the allocation from the
# instance UUID to the migration UUID in placement. So we
# assume the migration allocation is correct without
# healing. One limitation of this is that if there is in
# progress migration when nova is upgraded, then the PCI
# allocation of that migration will be missing from
# placement on the source host. But it is temporary and the
# allocation will be fixed as soon as the migration is
# completed or reverted.
# 2) We have a bug in the scheduler or placement and the whole
# instance allocation is lost. We cannot handle that here.
# It is expected to be healed via nova-manage placement
# heal_allocation CLI instead.
if consumer in same_host_instances:
# This is a nasty special case. This instance is undergoing
# a same host resize. So in Placement the source host
# allocation is held by the migration UUID *but* the
# PciDevice.instance_uuid is set for the instance UUID both
# on the source and on the destination host. As the source and
# dest are the same for migration we will see PciDevice
# objects assigned to this instance that should not be
# allocated to the instance UUID in placement.
# As noted above we don't want to take care in progress
# migration during healing. So we simply ignore this instance.
# If the instance needs healing then it will be healed when
# after the migration is confirmed or reverted.
current_allocs = allocations[consumer]['allocations']
current_rp_allocs = current_allocs.get(rp_uuid)
if current_rp_allocs:
# update an existing allocation if the current one differs
current_rc_allocs = current_rp_allocs["resources"].get(
self.resource_class, 0)
if current_rc_allocs != amount:
"resources"][self.resource_class] = amount
updated = True
# insert a new allocation as it is missing
current_allocs[rp_uuid] = {
"resources": {self.resource_class: amount}
updated = True
return updated
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.devs:
return (
f"RP({}, {self.resource_class}={len(self.devs)}, "
f"traits={','.join(sorted(self.traits or set()))})"
return f"RP({}, <EMPTY>)"
class PlacementView:
"""The PCI Placement view"""
def __init__(
hypervisor_hostname: str,
instances_under_same_host_resize: ty.List[str],
) -> None:
self.rps: ty.Dict[str, PciResourceProvider] = {}
self.root_rp_name = hypervisor_hostname
self.same_host_instances = instances_under_same_host_resize
def _get_rp_name_for_address(self, addr: str) -> str:
return f"{self.root_rp_name}_{addr.upper()}"
def _ensure_rp(self, rp_name: str) -> PciResourceProvider:
return self.rps.setdefault(rp_name, PciResourceProvider(rp_name))
def _get_rp_name_for_child(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> str:
if not dev.parent_addr:
msg = _(
"Missing parent address for PCI device s(dev)% with "
"type s(type)s"
) % {
"dev": dev.address,
"type": dev.dev_type,
raise exception.PlacementPciException(error=msg)
return self._get_rp_name_for_address(dev.parent_addr)
def _add_child(
self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice, dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
rp_name = self._get_rp_name_for_child(dev)
self._ensure_rp(rp_name).add_child(dev, dev_spec_tags)
def _add_parent(
self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice, dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
rp_name = self._get_rp_name_for_address(dev.address)
self._ensure_rp(rp_name).add_parent(dev, dev_spec_tags)
def _add_dev(
self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice, dev_spec_tags: ty.Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
if dev_spec_tags.get("physical_network"):
# NOTE(gibi): We ignore devices that has physnet configured as
# those are there for Neutron based SRIOV and that is out of scope
# for now. Later these devices will be tracked as PCI_NETDEV
# devices in placement.
if dev.dev_type in PARENT_TYPES:
self._add_parent(dev, dev_spec_tags)
elif dev.dev_type in CHILD_TYPES:
self._add_child(dev, dev_spec_tags)
msg = _(
"Unhandled PCI device type %(type)s for %(dev)s. Please "
"report a bug."
) % {
"type": dev.dev_type,
"dev": dev.address,
raise exception.PlacementPciException(error=msg)
def _remove_child(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> None:
rp_name = self._get_rp_name_for_child(dev)
def _remove_parent(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> None:
rp_name = self._get_rp_name_for_address(dev.address)
def _remove_dev(self, dev: pci_device.PciDevice) -> None:
"""Remove PCI devices from Placement that existed before but now
deleted from the hypervisor or unlisted from [pci]device_spec
if dev.dev_type in PARENT_TYPES:
elif dev.dev_type in CHILD_TYPES:
def process_dev(
dev: pci_device.PciDevice,
dev_spec: ty.Optional[devspec.PciDeviceSpec],
) -> None:
if dev.status in (
# If the PCI tracker marked the device DELETED or REMOVED then
# such device is not allocated, so we are free to drop it from
# placement too.
if not dev_spec:
if dev.instance_uuid:
"Device spec is not found for device %s in "
"[pci]device_spec. We are skipping this devices "
"during Placement update. The device is allocated by "
"%s. You should not remove an allocated device from "
"the configuration. Please restore the configuration "
"or cold migrate the instance to resolve the "
"Device spec is not found for device %s in "
"[pci]device_spec. Ignoring device in Placement "
"resource view. This should not happen. Please file a "
self._add_dev(dev, dev_spec.get_tags())
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (
f"Placement PCI view on {self.root_rp_name}: "
f"{', '.join(str(rp) for rp in self.rps.values())}"
def update_provider_tree(
self, provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree
) -> None:
for rp_name, rp in self.rps.items():
rp.update_provider_tree(provider_tree, self.root_rp_name)
def update_allocations(
allocations: dict,
provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree
) -> bool:
"""Updates the passed in allocations dict inplace with any PCI
allocations that is inferred from the PciDevice objects already added
to the view. It returns True if the allocations dict has been changed,
False otherwise.
updated = False
for rp in self.rps.values():
updated |= rp.update_allocations(
return updated
def ensure_no_dev_spec_with_devname(dev_specs: ty.List[devspec.PciDeviceSpec]):
for dev_spec in dev_specs:
if dev_spec.dev_spec_conf.get("devname"):
msg = _(
"Invalid [pci]device_spec configuration. PCI Placement "
"reporting does not support 'devname' based device "
"specification but we got %(dev_spec)s. "
"Please use PCI address in the configuration instead."
) % {"dev_spec": dev_spec.dev_spec_conf}
raise exception.PlacementPciException(error=msg)
def ensure_tracking_was_not_enabled_before(
provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree
) -> None:
# If placement tracking was enabled before then we do not support
# disabling it later. To check for that we can look for RPs with
# the COMPUTE_MANAGED_PCI_DEVICE trait. If any then we raise to
# kill the service
for rp_uuid in provider_tree.get_provider_uuids():
if (
msg = _(
"The [pci]report_in_placement is False but it was enabled "
"before on this compute. Nova does not support disabling "
"it after it is enabled."
raise exception.PlacementPciException(error=msg)
def update_provider_tree_for_pci(
provider_tree: provider_tree.ProviderTree,
nodename: str,
pci_tracker: pci_manager.PciDevTracker,
allocations: dict,
instances_under_same_host_resize: ty.List[str],
) -> bool:
"""Based on the PciDevice objects in the pci_tracker it calculates what
inventories and allocations needs to exist in placement and create the
missing peaces.
It returns True if not just the provider_tree but also allocations needed
to be changed.
:param allocations:
Dict of allocation data of the form:
# The shape of each "allocations" dict below is identical
# to the return from GET /allocations/{consumer_uuid}
"allocations": {
"generation": $RP_GEN,
"resources": {
"project_id": $PROJ_ID,
"user_id": $USER_ID,
"consumer_generation": $CONSUMER_GEN,
:param instances_under_same_host_resize: A list of instance UUIDs that
are undergoing same host resize on this host.
if not _is_placement_tracking_enabled():
# If tracking is not enabled we just return without touching anything
return False
'Collecting PCI inventories and allocations to track them in Placement'
pv = PlacementView(nodename, instances_under_same_host_resize)
for dev in pci_tracker.pci_devs:
# match the PCI device with the [pci]dev_spec config to access
# the configuration metadata tags
dev_spec = pci_tracker.dev_filter.get_devspec(dev)
pv.process_dev(dev, dev_spec)"Placement PCI resource view: %s", pv)
old_alloc = copy.deepcopy(allocations)
# update_provider_tree correlated the PciDevice objects with RPs in
# placement and recorded the RP UUID in the PciDevice object. We need to
# trigger an update on the device pools in the tracker to get the device
# RP UUID mapped to the device pools
updated = pv.update_allocations(allocations, provider_tree)
if updated:
"Placement PCI view needs allocation healing. This should only "
"happen if [filter_scheduler]pci_in_placement is still disabled. "
"Original allocations: %s New allocations: %s",
return updated