leizhang 5619caa741 Remove namespace check in creating traits
Remove code of checking custom namespace in trait objects.
The check logic will be implemented in api layer. This allows
command line tools can use trait object code to sync os-traits library.

Change-Id: Ia33ab4c6e7f7ca7d3ab04c854b65bd50460e31a4
Partially-Implements: blueprint resource-provider-traits
2017-03-29 09:16:01 +08:00

1570 lines
63 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
# NOTE(cdent): The resource provider objects are designed to never be
# used over RPC. Remote manipulation is done with the placement HTTP
# API. The 'remotable' decorators should not be used.
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import versionutils
import six
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.orm import contains_eager
from sqlalchemy import sql
from nova.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api
from nova.db.sqlalchemy import api_models as models
from nova.db.sqlalchemy import resource_class_cache as rc_cache
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _, _LW
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base
from nova.objects import fields
_ALLOC_TBL = models.Allocation.__table__
_INV_TBL = models.Inventory.__table__
_RP_TBL = models.ResourceProvider.__table__
_RC_TBL = models.ResourceClass.__table__
_AGG_TBL = models.PlacementAggregate.__table__
_RP_AGG_TBL = models.ResourceProviderAggregate.__table__
_RC_CACHE = None
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _ensure_rc_cache(ctx):
"""Ensures that a singleton resource class cache has been created in the
module's scope.
:param ctx: `nova.context.RequestContext` that may be used to grab a DB
global _RC_CACHE
if _RC_CACHE is not None:
_RC_CACHE = rc_cache.ResourceClassCache(ctx)
def _get_current_inventory_resources(conn, rp):
"""Returns a set() containing the resource class IDs for all resources
currently having an inventory record for the supplied resource provider.
:param conn: DB connection to use.
:param rp: Resource provider to query inventory for.
cur_res_sel =[_INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id]).where(
_INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==
existing_resources = conn.execute(cur_res_sel).fetchall()
return set([r[0] for r in existing_resources])
def _delete_inventory_from_provider(conn, rp, to_delete):
"""Deletes any inventory records from the supplied provider and set() of
resource class identifiers.
If there are allocations for any of the inventories to be deleted raise
InventoryInUse exception.
:param conn: DB connection to use.
:param rp: Resource provider from which to delete inventory.
:param to_delete: set() containing resource class IDs for records to
allocation_query =
sa.and_(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==,
allocations = conn.execute(allocation_query).fetchall()
if allocations:
resource_classes = ', '.join([_RC_CACHE.string_from_id(alloc[0])
for alloc in allocations])
raise exception.InventoryInUse(resource_classes=resource_classes,
del_stmt = _INV_TBL.delete().where(sa.and_(
_INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==,
res = conn.execute(del_stmt)
return res.rowcount
def _add_inventory_to_provider(conn, rp, inv_list, to_add):
"""Inserts new inventory records for the supplied resource provider.
:param conn: DB connection to use.
:param rp: Resource provider to add inventory to.
:param inv_list: InventoryList object
:param to_add: set() containing resource class IDs to search inv_list for
adding to resource provider.
for rc_id in to_add:
rc_str = _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(rc_id)
inv_record = inv_list.find(rc_str)
if inv_record.capacity <= 0:
raise exception.InvalidInventoryCapacity(
ins_stmt = _INV_TBL.insert().values(,
def _update_inventory_for_provider(conn, rp, inv_list, to_update):
"""Updates existing inventory records for the supplied resource provider.
:param conn: DB connection to use.
:param rp: Resource provider on which to update inventory.
:param inv_list: InventoryList object
:param to_update: set() containing resource class IDs to search inv_list
for updating in resource provider.
:returns: A list of (uuid, class) tuples that have exceeded their
capacity after this inventory update.
exceeded = []
for rc_id in to_update:
rc_str = _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(rc_id)
inv_record = inv_list.find(rc_str)
if inv_record.capacity <= 0:
raise exception.InvalidInventoryCapacity(
allocation_query =
_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==,
_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_class_id == rc_id))
allocations = conn.execute(allocation_query).first()
if (allocations
and allocations['usage'] is not None
and allocations['usage'] > inv_record.capacity):
exceeded.append((rp.uuid, rc_str))
upd_stmt = _INV_TBL.update().where(sa.and_(
_INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id ==,
_INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id == rc_id)).values(,
res = conn.execute(upd_stmt)
if not res.rowcount:
raise exception.InventoryWithResourceClassNotFound(
return exceeded
def _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp):
"""Increments the supplied provider's generation value, supplying the
currently-known generation. Returns whether the increment succeeded.
:param conn: DB connection to use.
:param rp: `ResourceProvider` whose generation should be updated.
:returns: The new resource provider generation value if successful.
:raises nova.exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected: if another thread updated
the same resource provider's view of its inventory or allocations
in between the time when this object was originally read
and the call to set the inventory.
rp_gen = rp.generation
new_generation = rp_gen + 1
upd_stmt = _RP_TBL.update().where(sa.and_( ==,
_RP_TBL.c.generation == rp_gen)).values(
res = conn.execute(upd_stmt)
if res.rowcount != 1:
raise exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected
return new_generation
def _add_inventory(context, rp, inventory):
"""Add one Inventory that wasn't already on the provider.
:raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if inventory.resource_class
cannot be found in either the standard classes or the DB.
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(inventory.resource_class)
inv_list = InventoryList(objects=[inventory])
conn = context.session.connection()
with conn.begin():
conn, rp, inv_list, set([rc_id]))
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp)
def _update_inventory(context, rp, inventory):
"""Update an inventory already on the provider.
:raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if inventory.resource_class
cannot be found in either the standard classes or the DB.
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(inventory.resource_class)
inv_list = InventoryList(objects=[inventory])
conn = context.session.connection()
with conn.begin():
exceeded = _update_inventory_for_provider(
conn, rp, inv_list, set([rc_id]))
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp)
return exceeded
def _delete_inventory(context, rp, resource_class):
"""Delete up to one Inventory of the given resource_class string.
:raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if resource_class
cannot be found in either the standard classes or the DB.
conn = context.session.connection()
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(resource_class)
with conn.begin():
if not _delete_inventory_from_provider(conn, rp, [rc_id]):
raise exception.NotFound(
'No inventory of class %s found for delete'
% resource_class)
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp)
def _set_inventory(context, rp, inv_list):
"""Given an InventoryList object, replaces the inventory of the
resource provider in a safe, atomic fashion using the resource
provider's generation as a consistent view marker.
:param context: Nova RequestContext.
:param rp: `ResourceProvider` object upon which to set inventory.
:param inv_list: `InventoryList` object to save to backend storage.
:returns: A list of (uuid, class) tuples that have exceeded their
capacity after this inventory update.
:raises nova.exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected: if another thread updated
the same resource provider's view of its inventory or allocations
in between the time when this object was originally read
and the call to set the inventory.
:raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if any resource class in any
inventory in inv_list cannot be found in either the standard
classes or the DB.
:raises `exception.InventoryInUse` if we attempt to delete inventory
from a provider that has allocations for that resource class.
conn = context.session.connection()
existing_resources = _get_current_inventory_resources(conn, rp)
these_resources = set([_RC_CACHE.id_from_string(r.resource_class)
for r in inv_list.objects])
# Determine which resources we should be adding, deleting and/or
# updating in the resource provider's inventory by comparing sets
# of resource class identifiers.
to_add = these_resources - existing_resources
to_delete = existing_resources - these_resources
to_update = these_resources & existing_resources
exceeded = []
with conn.begin():
if to_delete:
_delete_inventory_from_provider(conn, rp, to_delete)
if to_add:
_add_inventory_to_provider(conn, rp, inv_list, to_add)
if to_update:
exceeded = _update_inventory_for_provider(conn, rp, inv_list,
# Here is where we update the resource provider's generation value.
# If this update updates zero rows, that means that another
# thread has updated the inventory for this resource provider
# between the time the caller originally read the resource provider
# record and inventory information and this point. We raise an
# exception here which will rollback the above transaction and
# return an error to the caller to indicate that they can attempt
# to retry the inventory save after reverifying any capacity
# conditions and re-reading the existing inventory information.
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp)
return exceeded
class ResourceProvider(base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Add destroy()
# Version 1.2: Add get_aggregates(), set_aggregates()
# Version 1.3: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.3'
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(read_only=True),
'uuid': fields.UUIDField(nullable=False),
'name': fields.StringField(nullable=False),
'generation': fields.IntegerField(nullable=False),
def create(self):
if 'id' in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
if 'uuid' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='uuid is required')
if 'name' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='name is required')
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
db_rp = self._create_in_db(self._context, updates)
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_rp)
def destroy(self):
def save(self):
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
if updates and list(updates.keys()) != ['name']:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(
reason='Immutable fields changed')
self._update_in_db(self._context,, updates)
def get_by_uuid(cls, context, uuid):
db_resource_provider = cls._get_by_uuid_from_db(context, uuid)
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(), db_resource_provider)
def add_inventory(self, inventory):
"""Add one new Inventory to the resource provider.
Fails if Inventory of the provided resource class is
already present.
_add_inventory(self._context, self, inventory)
def delete_inventory(self, resource_class):
"""Delete Inventory of provided resource_class."""
_delete_inventory(self._context, self, resource_class)
def set_inventory(self, inv_list):
"""Set all resource provider Inventory to be the provided list."""
exceeded = _set_inventory(self._context, self, inv_list)
for uuid, rclass in exceeded:
LOG.warning(_LW('Resource provider %(uuid)s is now over-'
'capacity for %(resource)s'),
{'uuid': uuid, 'resource': rclass})
def update_inventory(self, inventory):
"""Update one existing Inventory of the same resource class.
Fails if no Inventory of the same class is present.
exceeded = _update_inventory(self._context, self, inventory)
for uuid, rclass in exceeded:
LOG.warning(_LW('Resource provider %(uuid)s is now over-'
'capacity for %(resource)s'),
{'uuid': uuid, 'resource': rclass})
def get_aggregates(self):
"""Get the aggregate uuids associated with this resource provider."""
return self._get_aggregates(self._context,
def set_aggregates(self, aggregate_uuids):
"""Set the aggregate uuids associated with this resource provider.
If an aggregate does not exist, one will be created using the
provided uuid.
self._set_aggregates(self._context,, aggregate_uuids)
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
db_rp = models.ResourceProvider()
return db_rp
def _delete(context, _id):
# Don't delete the resource provider if it has allocations.
rp_allocations = context.session.query(models.Allocation).filter(
models.Allocation.resource_provider_id == _id).count()
if rp_allocations:
raise exception.ResourceProviderInUse()
# Delete any inventory associated with the resource provider
filter(models.Inventory.resource_provider_id == _id).delete()
# Delete any aggregate associations for the resource provider
# The name substitution on the next line is needed to satisfy pep8
RPA_model = models.ResourceProviderAggregate
filter(RPA_model.resource_provider_id == _id).delete()
# Now delete the RP records
result = context.session.query(models.ResourceProvider).\
filter( == _id).delete()
if not result:
raise exception.NotFound()
def _update_in_db(context, id, updates):
db_rp = context.session.query(models.ResourceProvider).filter_by(
def _from_db_object(context, resource_provider, db_resource_provider):
for field in resource_provider.fields:
setattr(resource_provider, field, db_resource_provider[field])
resource_provider._context = context
return resource_provider
def _get_by_uuid_from_db(context, uuid):
result = context.session.query(models.ResourceProvider).filter_by(
if not result:
raise exception.NotFound(
'No resource provider with uuid %s found'
% uuid)
return result
def _get_aggregates(context, rp_id):
conn = context.session.connection()
join_statement = sa.join(
_AGG_TBL, _RP_AGG_TBL, sa.and_( == _RP_AGG_TBL.c.aggregate_id,
_RP_AGG_TBL.c.resource_provider_id == rp_id))
sel =[_AGG_TBL.c.uuid]).select_from(join_statement)
return [r[0] for r in conn.execute(sel).fetchall()]
def _set_aggregates(cls, context, rp_id, provided_aggregates):
# When aggregate uuids are persisted no validation is done
# to ensure that they refer to something that has meaning
# elsewhere. It is assumed that code which makes use of the
# aggregates, later, will validate their fitness.
# TODO(cdent): At the moment we do not delete
# a PlacementAggregate that no longer has any associations
# with at least one resource provider. We may wish to do that
# to avoid bloat if it turns out we're creating a lot of noise.
# Not doing now to move things along.
provided_aggregates = set(provided_aggregates)
existing_aggregates = set(cls._get_aggregates(context, rp_id))
to_add = provided_aggregates - existing_aggregates
target_aggregates = list(provided_aggregates)
# Create any aggregates that do not yet exist in
# PlacementAggregates. This is different from
# the set in existing_aggregates; those are aggregates for
# which there are associations for the resource provider
# at rp_id. The following loop checks for the existence of any
# aggregate with the provided uuid. In this way we only
# create a new row in the PlacementAggregate table if the
# aggregate uuid has never been seen before. Code further
# below will update the associations.
for agg_uuid in to_add:
found_agg = context.session.query(models.PlacementAggregate.uuid).\
if not found_agg:
new_aggregate = models.PlacementAggregate(uuid=agg_uuid)
# Flush each aggregate to explicitly call the INSERT
# statement that could result in an integrity error
# if some other thread has added this agg_uuid. This
# also makes sure that the new aggregates have
# ids when the SELECT below happens.
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
# Something else has already added this agg_uuid
# Remove all aggregate associations so we can refresh them
# below. This means that all associations are added, but the
# aggregates themselves stay around.
# Set resource_provider_id, aggregate_id pairs to
# ResourceProviderAggregate table.
if target_aggregates:
select_agg_id =[rp_id,]).\
insert_aggregates = models.ResourceProviderAggregate.__table__.\
insert().from_select(['resource_provider_id', 'aggregate_id'],
conn = context.session.connection()
class ResourceProviderList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial Version
# Version 1.1: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.1'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('ResourceProvider'),
def _get_all_by_filters_from_db(context, filters):
# Eg. filters can be:
# filters = {
# 'name': <name>,
# 'uuid': <uuid>,
# 'member_of': [<aggregate_uuid>, <aggregate_uuid>]
# 'resources': {
# 'VCPU': 1,
# 'MEMORY_MB': 1024
# }
# }
if not filters:
filters = {}
# Since we modify the filters, copy them so that we don't modify
# them in the calling program.
filters = copy.deepcopy(filters)
name = filters.pop('name', None)
uuid = filters.pop('uuid', None)
can_host = filters.pop('can_host', 0)
member_of = filters.pop('member_of', [])
resources = filters.pop('resources', {})
# NOTE(sbauza): We want to key the dict by the resource class IDs
# and we want to make sure those class names aren't incorrect.
resources = {_RC_CACHE.id_from_string(r_name): amount
for r_name, amount in resources.items()}
query = context.session.query(models.ResourceProvider)
if name:
query = query.filter( == name)
if uuid:
query = query.filter(models.ResourceProvider.uuid == uuid)
query = query.filter(models.ResourceProvider.can_host == can_host)
# If 'member_of' has values join with the PlacementAggregates to
# get those resource providers that are associated with any of the
# list of aggregate uuids provided with 'member_of'.
if member_of:
join_statement = sa.join(_AGG_TBL, _RP_AGG_TBL, sa.and_( == _RP_AGG_TBL.c.aggregate_id,
resource_provider_id = _RP_AGG_TBL.c.resource_provider_id
rps_in_aggregates =
query = query.filter(
if not resources:
# Returns quickly the list in case we don't need to check the
# resource usage
return query.all()
# NOTE(sbauza): In case we want to look at the resource criteria, then
# the SQL generated from this case looks something like:
# rp.*
# FROM resource_providers AS rp
# JOIN inventories AS inv
# ON = inv.resource_provider_id
# SELECT resource_provider_id, resource_class_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id IN ($RESOURCE_CLASSES)
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id, resource_class_id
# ) AS usage
# ON inv.resource_provider_id = usage.resource_provider_id
# AND inv.resource_class_id = usage.resource_class_id
# AND (inv.resource_class_id = $X AND (used + $AMOUNT_X <= (
# total + reserved) * inv.allocation_ratio) AND
# inv.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_X AND inv.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_X AND
# $AMOUNT_X % inv.step_size == 0)
# OR (inv.resource_class_id = $Y AND (used + $AMOUNT_Y <= (
# total + reserved) * inv.allocation_ratio) AND
# inv.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_Y AND inv.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_Y AND
# $AMOUNT_Y % inv.step_size == 0)
# OR (inv.resource_class_id = $Z AND (used + $AMOUNT_Z <= (
# total + reserved) * inv.allocation_ratio) AND
# inv.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_Z AND inv.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_Z AND
# $AMOUNT_Z % inv.step_size == 0))
# COUNT(DISTINCT(inv.resource_class_id)) == len($RESOURCE_CLASSES)
# with a possible additional WHERE clause for the name and uuid that
# comes from the above filters
# First JOIN between inventories and RPs is here
join_clause = == _INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id
query = query.join(_INV_TBL, join_clause)
# Now, below is the LEFT JOIN for getting the allocations usage
usage =[_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id,
usage = usage.where(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_class_id.in_(
usage = usage.group_by(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id,
usage = sa.alias(usage, name='usage')
query = query.outerjoin(
usage.c.resource_provider_id == (
usage.c.resource_class_id == _INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id))
# And finally, we verify for each resource class if the requested
# amount isn't more than the left space (considering the allocation
# ratio, the reserved space and the min and max amount possible sizes)
where_clauses = [
_INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id == r_idx,
(func.coalesce(usage.c.used, 0) + amount <= ( - _INV_TBL.c.reserved
) * _INV_TBL.c.allocation_ratio),
_INV_TBL.c.min_unit <= amount,
_INV_TBL.c.max_unit >= amount,
amount % _INV_TBL.c.step_size == 0
for (r_idx, amount) in resources.items()]
query = query.filter(sa.or_(*where_clauses))
query = query.group_by(
# NOTE(sbauza): Only RPs having all the asked resources can be provided
query = query.having(sql.func.count(
sa.distinct(_INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id)) == len(resources))
return query.all()
def get_all_by_filters(cls, context, filters=None):
"""Returns a list of `ResourceProvider` objects that have sufficient
resources in their inventories to satisfy the amounts specified in the
`filters` parameter.
If no resource providers can be found, the function will return an
empty list.
:param context: `nova.context.RequestContext` that may be used to grab
a DB connection.
:param filters: Can be `name`, `uuid`, `member_of` or `resources` where
`member_of` is a list of aggregate uuids and
`resources` is a dict of amounts keyed by resource
:type filters: dict
resource_providers = cls._get_all_by_filters_from_db(context, filters)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context),
objects.ResourceProvider, resource_providers)
class _HasAResourceProvider(base.NovaObject):
"""Code shared between Inventory and Allocation
Both contain a ResourceProvider.
def _make_db(updates):
resource_provider = updates.pop('resource_provider')
updates['resource_provider_id'] =
except (KeyError, NotImplementedError):
raise exception.ObjectActionError(
reason='resource_provider required')
rc_str = updates.pop('resource_class')
except KeyError:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(
reason='resource_class required')
updates['resource_class_id'] = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(rc_str)
return updates
def _from_db_object(context, target, source):
for field in target.fields:
if field not in ('resource_provider', 'resource_class'):
setattr(target, field, source[field])
if 'resource_class' not in target:
rc_str = _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(source['resource_class_id'])
target.resource_class = rc_str
if ('resource_provider' not in target and
'resource_provider' in source):
target.resource_provider = ResourceProvider()
target._context = context
return target
def _create_inventory_in_db(context, updates):
db_inventory = models.Inventory()
return db_inventory
def _update_inventory_in_db(context, id_, updates):
result = context.session.query(
if not result:
raise exception.NotFound()
class Inventory(_HasAResourceProvider):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Changed resource_class to allow custom strings
# Version 1.2: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.2'
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(read_only=True),
'resource_provider': fields.ObjectField('ResourceProvider'),
'resource_class': fields.ResourceClassField(read_only=True),
'total': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(),
'reserved': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(default=0),
'min_unit': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(default=1),
'max_unit': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(default=1),
'step_size': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(default=1),
'allocation_ratio': fields.NonNegativeFloatField(default=1.0),
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
super(Inventory, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version)
target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if target_version < (1, 1) and 'resource_class' in primitive:
rc = primitive['resource_class']
def capacity(self):
"""Inventory capacity, adjusted by allocation_ratio."""
return int(( - self.reserved) * self.allocation_ratio)
def create(self):
if 'id' in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
updates = self._make_db(self.obj_get_changes())
db_inventory = self._create_in_db(self._context, updates)
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_inventory)
def save(self):
if 'id' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='save',
reason='not created')
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
updates.pop('id', None)
self._update_in_db(self._context,, updates)
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
return _create_inventory_in_db(context, updates)
def _update_in_db(context, id_, updates):
return _update_inventory_in_db(context, id_, updates)
class InventoryList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial Version
# Version 1.1: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.1'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Inventory'),
def find(self, res_class):
"""Return the inventory record from the list of Inventory records that
matches the supplied resource class, or None.
:param res_class: An integer or string representing a resource
class. If the value is a string, the method first
looks up the resource class identifier from the
if not isinstance(res_class, six.string_types):
raise ValueError
for inv_rec in self.objects:
if inv_rec.resource_class == res_class:
return inv_rec
def _get_all_by_resource_provider(context, rp_uuid):
return context.session.query(models.Inventory).\
filter(models.ResourceProvider.uuid == rp_uuid).all()
def get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(cls, context, rp_uuid):
db_inventory_list = cls._get_all_by_resource_provider(context,
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), objects.Inventory,
class Allocation(_HasAResourceProvider):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Changed resource_class to allow custom strings
# Version 1.2: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.2'
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(),
'resource_provider': fields.ObjectField('ResourceProvider'),
'consumer_id': fields.UUIDField(),
'resource_class': fields.ResourceClassField(),
'used': fields.IntegerField(),
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
super(Allocation, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version)
target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if target_version < (1, 1) and 'resource_class' in primitive:
rc = primitive['resource_class']
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
db_allocation = models.Allocation()
# We may be in a nested context manager so must flush so the
# caller receives an id.
return db_allocation
def _destroy(context, id):
result = context.session.query(models.Allocation).filter_by(
if not result:
raise exception.NotFound()
def destroy(self):
def _delete_current_allocs(conn, allocs):
"""Deletes any existing allocations that correspond to the allocations to
be written. This is wrapped in a transaction, so if the write subsequently
fails, the deletion will also be rolled back.
for alloc in allocs:
rp_id =
consumer_id = alloc.consumer_id
del_sql = _ALLOC_TBL.delete().where(
sa.and_(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id == rp_id,
_ALLOC_TBL.c.consumer_id == consumer_id))
def _check_capacity_exceeded(conn, allocs):
"""Checks to see if the supplied allocation records would result in any of
the inventories involved having their capacity exceeded.
Raises an InvalidAllocationCapacityExceeded exception if any inventory
would be exhausted by the allocation. Raises an
InvalidAllocationConstraintsViolated exception if any of the `step_size`,
`min_unit` or `max_unit` constraints in an inventory will be violated
by any one of the allocations.
If no inventories would be exceeded or violated by the allocations, the
function returns a list of `ResourceProvider` objects that contain the
generation at the time of the check.
:param conn: SQLalchemy Connection object to use
:param allocs: List of `Allocation` objects to check
# The SQL generated below looks like this:
# rp.uuid,
# rp.generation,
# inv.resource_class_id,
# inv.reserved,
# inv.allocation_ratio,
# allocs.used
# FROM resource_providers AS rp
# JOIN inventories AS i1
# ON = i1.resource_provider_id
# SELECT resource_provider_id, resource_class_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id IN ($RESOURCE_CLASSES)
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id, resource_class_id
# ) AS allocs
# ON inv.resource_provider_id = allocs.resource_provider_id
# AND inv.resource_class_id = allocs.resource_class_id
# AND inv.resource_class_id IN ($RESOURCE_CLASSES)
# We then take the results of the above and determine if any of the
# inventory will have its capacity exceeded.
rc_ids = set([_RC_CACHE.id_from_string(a.resource_class)
for a in allocs])
provider_uuids = set([a.resource_provider.uuid for a in allocs])
usage =[_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id,
usage = usage.where(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_class_id.in_(rc_ids))
usage = usage.group_by(_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_provider_id,
usage = sa.alias(usage, name='usage')
inv_join = sql.join(_RP_TBL, _INV_TBL,
sql.and_( == _INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id,
primary_join = sql.outerjoin(inv_join, usage,
_INV_TBL.c.resource_provider_id == usage.c.resource_provider_id,
_INV_TBL.c.resource_class_id == usage.c.resource_class_id)
cols_in_output = ['resource_provider_id'),
sel =
sel = sel.where(
records = conn.execute(sel)
# Create a map keyed by (rp_uuid, res_class) for the records in the DB
usage_map = {}
provs_with_inv = set()
for record in records:
map_key = (record['uuid'], record['resource_class_id'])
if map_key in usage_map:
raise KeyError("%s already in usage_map, bad query" % str(map_key))
usage_map[map_key] = record
# Ensure that all providers have existing inventory
missing_provs = provider_uuids - provs_with_inv
if missing_provs:
class_str = ', '.join([_RC_CACHE.string_from_id(rc_id)
for rc_id in rc_ids])
provider_str = ', '.join(missing_provs)
raise exception.InvalidInventory(resource_class=class_str,
res_providers = {}
for alloc in allocs:
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(alloc.resource_class)
rp_uuid = alloc.resource_provider.uuid
key = (rp_uuid, rc_id)
usage = usage_map[key]
amount_needed = alloc.used
allocation_ratio = usage['allocation_ratio']
min_unit = usage['min_unit']
max_unit = usage['max_unit']
step_size = usage['step_size']
# check min_unit, max_unit, step_size
if (amount_needed < min_unit or amount_needed > max_unit or
amount_needed % step_size != 0):
_LW("Allocation for %(rc)s on resource provider %(rp)s "
"violates min_unit, max_unit, or step_size. "
"Requested: %(requested)s, min_unit: %(min_unit)s, "
"max_unit: %(max_unit)s, step_size: %(step_size)s"),
{'rc': alloc.resource_class,
'rp': rp_uuid,
'requested': amount_needed,
'min_unit': min_unit,
'max_unit': max_unit,
'step_size': step_size})
raise exception.InvalidAllocationConstraintsViolated(
# usage["used"] can be returned as None
used = usage['used'] or 0
capacity = (usage['total'] - usage['reserved']) * allocation_ratio
if capacity < (used + amount_needed):
_LW("Over capacity for %(rc)s on resource provider %(rp)s. "
"Needed: %(needed)s, Used: %(used)s, Capacity: %(cap)s"),
{'rc': alloc.resource_class,
'rp': rp_uuid,
'needed': amount_needed,
'used': used,
'cap': capacity})
raise exception.InvalidAllocationCapacityExceeded(
if rp_uuid not in res_providers:
res_providers[rp_uuid] = alloc.resource_provider
return list(res_providers.values())
class AllocationList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial Version
# Version 1.1: Add create_all() and delete_all()
# Version 1.2: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.2'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Allocation'),
def _delete_allocations(context, allocations):
for allocation in allocations:
allocation._context = context
def _get_allocations_from_db(context, resource_provider_uuid=None,
query = (context.session.query(models.Allocation)
if resource_provider_uuid:
query = query.filter(
models.ResourceProvider.uuid == resource_provider_uuid)
if consumer_id:
query = query.filter(
models.Allocation.consumer_id == consumer_id)
return query.all()
def _set_allocations(context, allocs):
"""Write a set of allocations.
We must check that there is capacity for each allocation.
If there is not we roll back the entire set.
:raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if any resource class in any
allocation in allocs cannot be found in either the standard
classes or the DB.
conn = context.session.connection()
# Short-circuit out if there are any allocations with string
# resource class names that don't exist this will raise a
# ResourceClassNotFound exception.
for alloc in allocs:
if 'id' in alloc:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
# Before writing any allocation records, we check that the submitted
# allocations do not cause any inventory capacity to be exceeded for
# any resource provider and resource class involved in the allocation
# transaction. _check_capacity_exceeded() raises an exception if any
# inventory capacity is exceeded. If capacity is not exceeeded, the
# function returns a list of ResourceProvider objects containing the
# generation of the resource provider at the time of the check. These
# objects are used at the end of the allocation transaction as a guard
# against concurrent updates.
with conn.begin():
# First delete any existing allocations for that rp/consumer combo.
_delete_current_allocs(conn, allocs)
before_gens = _check_capacity_exceeded(conn, allocs)
# Now add the allocations that were passed in.
for alloc in allocs:
rp = alloc.resource_provider
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(alloc.resource_class)
ins_stmt = _ALLOC_TBL.insert().values(,
result = conn.execute(ins_stmt) = result.lastrowid
# Generation checking happens here. If the inventory for
# this resource provider changed out from under us,
# this will raise a ConcurrentUpdateDetected which can be caught
# by the caller to choose to try again. It will also rollback the
# transaction so that these changes always happen atomically.
for rp in before_gens:
rp.generation = _increment_provider_generation(conn, rp)
def get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(cls, context, rp_uuid):
db_allocation_list = cls._get_allocations_from_db(
context, resource_provider_uuid=rp_uuid)
return base.obj_make_list(
context, cls(context), objects.Allocation, db_allocation_list)
def get_all_by_consumer_id(cls, context, consumer_id):
db_allocation_list = cls._get_allocations_from_db(
context, consumer_id=consumer_id)
return base.obj_make_list(
context, cls(context), objects.Allocation, db_allocation_list)
def create_all(self):
"""Create the supplied allocations."""
# TODO(jaypipes): Retry the allocation writes on
# ConcurrentUpdateDetected
self._set_allocations(self._context, self.objects)
def delete_all(self):
self._delete_allocations(self._context, self.objects)
def __repr__(self):
strings = [repr(x) for x in self.objects]
return "AllocationList[" + ", ".join(strings) + "]"
class Usage(base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Changed resource_class to allow custom strings
VERSION = '1.1'
fields = {
'resource_class': fields.ResourceClassField(read_only=True),
'usage': fields.NonNegativeIntegerField(),
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
super(Usage, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version)
target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if target_version < (1, 1) and 'resource_class' in primitive:
rc = primitive['resource_class']
def _from_db_object(context, target, source):
for field in target.fields:
if field not in ('resource_class'):
setattr(target, field, source[field])
if 'resource_class' not in target:
rc_str = _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(source['resource_class_id'])
target.resource_class = rc_str
target._context = context
return target
class UsageList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.1'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Usage'),
def _get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(context, rp_uuid):
query = (context.session.query(models.Inventory.resource_class_id,
func.coalesce(func.sum(models.Allocation.used), 0))
models.Inventory.resource_provider_id ==
sql.and_(models.Inventory.resource_provider_id ==
models.Inventory.resource_class_id ==
.filter(models.ResourceProvider.uuid == rp_uuid)
result = [dict(resource_class_id=item[0], usage=item[1])
for item in query.all()]
return result
def get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(cls, context, rp_uuid):
usage_list = cls._get_all_by_resource_provider_uuid(context, rp_uuid)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), Usage, usage_list)
def __repr__(self):
strings = [repr(x) for x in self.objects]
return "UsageList[" + ", ".join(strings) + "]"
class ResourceClass(base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
"""All non-standard resource classes must begin with this string."""
"""Any user-defined resource classes must have an identifier greater than
or equal to this number.
# Retry count for handling possible race condition in creating resource
# class. We don't ever want to hit this, as it is simply a race when
# creating these classes, but this is just a stopgap to prevent a potential
# infinite loop.
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(read_only=True),
'name': fields.ResourceClassField(nullable=False),
def _from_db_object(context, target, source):
for field in target.fields:
setattr(target, field, source[field])
target._context = context
return target
def get_by_name(cls, context, name):
"""Return a ResourceClass object with the given string name.
:param name: String name of the resource class to find
:raises: ResourceClassNotFound if no such resource class was found
rc_id = _RC_CACHE.id_from_string(name)
obj = cls(context, id=rc_id, name=name)
return obj
def _get_next_id(context):
"""Utility method to grab the next resource class identifier to use for
user-defined resource classes.
query = context.session.query(func.max(
max_id =[0]
if not max_id:
return max_id + 1
def create(self):
if 'id' in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
if 'name' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='name is required')
if in fields.ResourceClass.STANDARD:
raise exception.ResourceClassExists(
if not
raise exception.ObjectActionError(
reason='name must start with ' + self.CUSTOM_NAMESPACE)
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
# There is the possibility of a race when adding resource classes, as
# the ID is generated locally. This loop catches that exception, and
# retries until either it succeeds, or a different exception is
# encountered.
while retries:
retries -= 1
rc = self._create_in_db(self._context, updates)
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, rc)
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
if 'id' in e.columns:
# Race condition for ID creation; try again
# The duplication is on the other unique column, 'name'. So do
# not retry; raise the exception immediately.
raise exception.ResourceClassExists(
# We have no idea how common it will be in practice for the retry
# limit to be exceeded. We set it high in the hope that we never
# hit this point, but added this log message so we know that this
# specific situation occurred.
LOG.warning(_LW("Exceeded retry limit on ID generation while "
"creating ResourceClass %(name)s"),
msg = _("creating resource class %s") %
raise exception.MaxDBRetriesExceeded(action=msg)
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
next_id = ResourceClass._get_next_id(context)
rc = models.ResourceClass()
rc.update(updates) = next_id
return rc
def destroy(self):
if 'id' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='destroy',
reason='ID attribute not found')
# Never delete any standard resource class, since the standard resource
# classes don't even exist in the database table anyway.
if in (rc['id'] for rc in _RC_CACHE.STANDARDS):
raise exception.ResourceClassCannotDeleteStandard(
def _destroy(context, _id, name):
# Don't delete the resource class if it is referred to in the
# inventories table.
num_inv = context.session.query(models.Inventory).filter(
models.Inventory.resource_class_id == _id).count()
if num_inv:
raise exception.ResourceClassInUse(resource_class=name)
res = context.session.query(models.ResourceClass).filter( == _id).delete()
if not res:
raise exception.NotFound()
def save(self):
if 'id' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='save',
reason='ID attribute not found')
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
# Never update any standard resource class, since the standard resource
# classes don't even exist in the database table anyway.
if in (rc['id'] for rc in _RC_CACHE.STANDARDS):
raise exception.ResourceClassCannotUpdateStandard(
self._save(self._context,,, updates)
def _save(context, id, name, updates):
db_rc = context.session.query(models.ResourceClass).filter_by(
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exception.ResourceClassExists(resource_class=name)
class ResourceClassList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Turn off remotable
VERSION = '1.1'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('ResourceClass'),
def _get_all(context):
customs = list(context.session.query(models.ResourceClass).all())
return _RC_CACHE.STANDARDS + customs
def get_all(cls, context):
resource_classes = cls._get_all(context)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context),
objects.ResourceClass, resource_classes)
def __repr__(self):
strings = [repr(x) for x in self.objects]
return "ResourceClassList[" + ", ".join(strings) + "]"
class Trait(base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
# All the user-defined traits must begin with this prefix.
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(read_only=True),
'name': fields.StringField(nullable=False)
def _from_db_object(context, trait, db_trait):
for key in trait.fields:
setattr(trait, key, db_trait[key])
trait._context = context
return trait
def _create_in_db(context, updates):
trait = models.Trait()
return trait
def create(self):
if 'id' in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='already created')
if 'name' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='create',
reason='name is required')
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
db_trait = self._create_in_db(self._context, updates)
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exception.TraitExists(
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_trait)
def _get_by_name_from_db(context, name):
result = context.session.query(models.Trait).filter_by(
if not result:
raise exception.TraitNotFound(name=name)
return result
def get_by_name(cls, context, name):
db_trait = cls._get_by_name_from_db(context, name)
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(), db_trait)
def _destroy_in_db(context, name):
res = context.session.query(models.Trait).filter_by(
if not res:
raise exception.TraitNotFound(name=name)
def destroy(self):
if 'name' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='destroy',
reason='name is required')
if not
raise exception.TraitCannotDeleteStandard(
if 'id' not in self:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(action='destroy',
reason='ID attribute not found')
class TraitList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
VERSION = '1.0'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('Trait')
def _get_all_from_db(context, filters):
if not filters:
filters = {}
query = context.session.query(models.Trait)
if 'name_in' in filters:
query = query.filter(['name_in']))
if 'prefix' in filters:
query = query.filter(['prefix'] + '%'))
return query.all()
def get_all(cls, context, filters=None):
db_traits = cls._get_all_from_db(context, filters)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), Trait, db_traits)