Andrew Laski a8a349c10f Cells: Limit instances pulled in _heal_instances
In order to avoid ballooning memory usage we should limit the number of
instances pulled at any time while syncing them.  This adds pagination
to the generator used in order to limit it, and an optional parameter to
optimize for when small numbers of instances are needed.

Change-Id: Ia82185af27ed11d68a8498ec4bde3da529134893
Closes-Bug: 1447732
2015-09-22 11:03:55 -04:00

219 lines
7.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012 Rackspace Hosting
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Cells Utility Methods
import random
import sys
from oslo_config import cfg
import six
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base as obj_base
# Separator used between cell names for the 'full cell name' and routing
# path
# Flag prepended to a cell name to indicate data shouldn't be synced during
# an instance save. There are no illegal chars in a cell name so using the
# meaningful PATH_CELL_SEP in an invalid way will need to suffice.
# Separator used between cell name and item
CONF.import_opt('instance_update_sync_database_limit', 'nova.cells.opts',
class ProxyObjectSerializer(obj_base.NovaObjectSerializer):
def __init__(self):
super(ProxyObjectSerializer, self).__init__()
self.serializer = super(ProxyObjectSerializer, self)
def _process_object(self, context, objprim):
return _CellProxy.obj_from_primitive(self.serializer, objprim, context)
class _CellProxy(object):
def __init__(self, obj, cell_path):
self._obj = obj
self._cell_path = cell_path
def id(self):
return cell_with_item(self._cell_path,
def host(self):
return cell_with_item(self._cell_path,
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'id':
if key == 'host':
return getattr(self._obj, key)
def obj_to_primitive(self):
obj_p = self._obj.obj_to_primitive()
obj_p['cell_proxy.class_name'] = self.__class__.__name__
obj_p['cell_proxy.cell_path'] = self._cell_path
return obj_p
def obj_from_primitive(cls, serializer, primitive, context=None):
obj_primitive = primitive.copy()
cell_path = obj_primitive.pop('cell_proxy.cell_path', None)
klass_name = obj_primitive.pop('cell_proxy.class_name', None)
obj = serializer._process_object(context, obj_primitive)
if klass_name is not None and cell_path is not None:
klass = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], klass_name)
return klass(obj, cell_path)
return obj
# dict-ish syntax sugar
def _iteritems(self):
"""For backwards-compatibility with dict-based objects.
NOTE(sbauza): May be removed in the future.
for name in self._obj.obj_fields:
if (self._obj.obj_attr_is_set(name) or
name in self._obj.obj_extra_fields):
if name == 'id':
yield name,
elif name == 'host':
yield name,
yield name, getattr(self._obj, name)
if six.PY3:
items = _iteritems
iteritems = _iteritems
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(self._obj, key)
class ComputeNodeProxy(_CellProxy):
class ServiceProxy(_CellProxy):
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key == 'compute_node':
# NOTE(sbauza): As the Service object is still having a nested
# ComputeNode object that consumers of this Proxy don't use, we can
# safely remove it from what's returned
raise AttributeError
return getattr(self._obj, key)
def get_instances_to_sync(context, updated_since=None, project_id=None,
deleted=True, shuffle=False, uuids_only=False):
"""Return a generator that will return a list of active and
deleted instances to sync with parent cells. The list may
optionally be shuffled for periodic updates so that multiple
cells services aren't self-healing the same instances in nearly
def _get_paginated_instances(context, filters, shuffle, limit, marker):
instances = objects.InstanceList.get_by_filters(
context, filters, sort_key='deleted', sort_dir='asc',
limit=limit, marker=marker)
if len(instances) > 0:
marker = instances[-1]['uuid']
# NOTE(melwitt/alaski): Need a list that supports assignment for
# shuffle. And pop() on the returned result.
instances = list(instances)
if shuffle:
return instances, marker
filters = {}
if updated_since is not None:
filters['changes-since'] = updated_since
if project_id is not None:
filters['project_id'] = project_id
if not deleted:
filters['deleted'] = False
# Active instances first.
limit = CONF.cells.instance_update_sync_database_limit
marker = None
instances = []
while True:
if not instances:
instances, marker = _get_paginated_instances(context, filters,
shuffle, limit, marker)
if not instances:
instance = instances.pop(0)
if uuids_only:
yield instance.uuid
yield instance
def cell_with_item(cell_name, item):
"""Turn cell_name and item into <cell_name>@<item>."""
if cell_name is None:
return item
return cell_name + _CELL_ITEM_SEP + str(item)
def split_cell_and_item(cell_and_item):
"""Split a combined cell@item and return them."""
result = cell_and_item.rsplit(_CELL_ITEM_SEP, 1)
if len(result) == 1:
return (None, cell_and_item)
return result
def add_cell_to_compute_node(compute_node, cell_name):
"""Fix compute_node attributes that should be unique. Allows
API cell to query the 'id' by cell@id.
# NOTE(sbauza): As compute_node is a ComputeNode object, we need to wrap it
# for adding the cell_path information
compute_proxy = ComputeNodeProxy(compute_node, cell_name)
return compute_proxy
def add_cell_to_service(service, cell_name):
"""Fix service attributes that should be unique. Allows
API cell to query the 'id' or 'host' by cell@id/host.
# NOTE(sbauza): As service is a Service object, we need to wrap it
# for adding the cell_path information
service_proxy = ServiceProxy(service, cell_name)
return service_proxy
def add_cell_to_task_log(task_log, cell_name):
"""Fix task_log attributes that should be unique. In particular,
the 'id' and 'host' fields should be prepended with cell name.
task_log['id'] = cell_with_item(cell_name, task_log['id'])
task_log['host'] = cell_with_item(cell_name, task_log['host'])