This creates a stub for landing content to support having the source for the api-ref site in our source tree. It includes a new sphinx extension that will be used to generate the html needed for the site which supports 2 new stanzas: .. rest_parameters:: This uses a parameters yaml file to look up the definitions of parameters and produce a structured table of those parameters and how they are used. .. rest_method:: This is a stanza used inside a section which specifies the REST method (i.e. GET /servers/{id}) which is then used to produce a nice collapsable section. This uses quite a bit of the sphinx extension API, and tries to document any non obvious actions. This extension needs additional styling from bootstrap, and some custom js / css to do the theming / collapsing. That's included as part of this. Change-Id: I41b568b782d3c85f6ef8d3bb3a6f4ae378e4dc33
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