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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012 NetApp, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Volume driver for NetApp storage systems.
This driver requires NetApp OnCommand 5.0 and one or more Data
ONTAP 7-mode storage systems with installed iSCSI licenses.
import time
import string
import suds
from suds import client
from suds.sax import text
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova.openstack.common import cfg
from nova.volume import driver
LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.volume.driver")
netapp_opts = [
help='URL of the WSDL file for the DFM server'),
help='User name for the DFM server'),
help='Password for the DFM server'),
help='Hostname for the DFM server'),
help='Port number for the DFM server'),
help='Storage service to use for provisioning'),
help='Vfiler to use for provisioning'),
class NetAppISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
"""NetApp iSCSI volume driver."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(NetAppISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _check_fail(self, request, response):
if 'failed' == response.Status:
name = request.Name
reason = response.Reason
msg = _('API %(name)sfailed: %(reason)s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % locals())
def _create_client(self, wsdl_url, login, password, hostname, port):
Instantiate a "suds" client to make web services calls to the
DFM server. Note that the WSDL file is quite large and may take
a few seconds to parse.
self.client = client.Client(wsdl_url,
soap_url = 'http://%s:%s/apis/soap/v1' % (hostname, port)
def _set_storage_service(self, storage_service):
"""Set the storage service to use for provisioning"""
self.storage_service = storage_service
def _set_vfiler(self, vfiler):
"""Set the vfiler to use for provisioning"""
self.vfiler = vfiler
def _check_flags(self):
"""Ensure that the flags we care about are set."""
required_flags = ['netapp_wsdl_url', 'netapp_login', 'netapp_password',
'netapp_server_hostname', 'netapp_server_port',
for flag in required_flags:
if not getattr(FLAGS, flag, None):
raise exception.NovaException(_('%s is not set') % flag)
def do_setup(self, context):
Called one time by the manager after the driver is loaded.
Validate the flags we care about and setup the suds (web services)
self._create_client(FLAGS.netapp_wsdl_url, FLAGS.netapp_login,
FLAGS.netapp_password, FLAGS.netapp_server_hostname,
if FLAGS.netapp_vfiler:
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Invoke a web services API to make sure we can talk to the server."""
res = self.client.service.DfmAbout()
LOG.debug(_("Connected to DFM server"))
def _get_job_progress(self, job_id):
Obtain the latest progress report for the job and return the
list of progress events.
server = self.client.service
res = server.DpJobProgressEventListIterStart(JobId=job_id)
tag = res.Tag
event_list = []
while True:
res = server.DpJobProgressEventListIterNext(Tag=tag,
if not hasattr(res, 'ProgressEvents'):
event_list += res.ProgressEvents.DpJobProgressEventInfo
return event_list
def _wait_for_job(self, job_id):
Poll the job until it completes or an error is detected. Return the
final list of progress events if it completes successfully.
while True:
events = self._get_job_progress(job_id)
for event in events:
if event.EventStatus == 'error':
raise exception.NovaException(_('Job failed: %s') %
if event.EventType == 'job-end':
return events
def _dataset_name(self, project):
"""Return the dataset name for a given project """
_project = string.replace(string.replace(project, ' ', '_'), '-', '_')
return 'OpenStack_' + _project
def _does_dataset_exist(self, dataset_name):
"""Check if a dataset already exists"""
server = self.client.service
res = server.DatasetListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=dataset_name)
tag = res.Tag
except suds.WebFault:
return False
res = server.DatasetListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
if hasattr(res, 'Datasets') and res.Datasets.DatasetInfo:
return True
return False
def _create_dataset(self, dataset_name):
Create a new dataset using the storage service. The export settings are
set to create iSCSI LUNs aligned for Linux.
server = self.client.service
lunmap = self.client.factory.create('DatasetLunMappingInfo')
lunmap.IgroupOsType = 'linux'
export = self.client.factory.create('DatasetExportInfo')
export.DatasetExportProtocol = 'iscsi'
export.DatasetLunMappingInfo = lunmap
detail = self.client.factory.create('StorageSetInfo')
detail.DpNodeName = 'Primary data'
detail.DatasetExportInfo = export
if hasattr(self, 'vfiler'):
detail.ServerNameOrId = self.vfiler
details = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfStorageSetInfo')
details.StorageSetInfo = [detail]
def _provision(self, name, description, project, size):
Provision a LUN through provisioning manager. The LUN will be created
inside a dataset associated with the project. If the dataset doesn't
already exist, we create it using the storage service specified in the
nova conf.
dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
if not self._does_dataset_exist(dataset_name):
info = self.client.factory.create('ProvisionMemberRequestInfo')
info.Name = name
if description:
info.Description = description
info.Size = size
info.MaximumSnapshotSpace = 2 * long(size)
server = self.client.service
lock_id = server.DatasetEditBegin(DatasetNameOrId=dataset_name)
res = server.DatasetEditCommit(EditLockId=lock_id,
except (suds.WebFault, Exception):
msg = _('Failed to provision dataset member')
raise exception.NovaException(msg)
lun_id = None
for info in res.JobIds.JobInfo:
events = self._wait_for_job(info.JobId)
for event in events:
if event.EventType != 'lun-create':
lun_id = event.ProgressLunInfo.LunPathId
if not lun_id:
msg = _('No LUN was created by the provision job')
raise exception.NovaException(msg)
def _remove_destroy(self, name, project):
Remove the LUN from the dataset and destroy the actual LUN on the
storage system.
lun_id = self._get_lun_id(name, project)
if not lun_id:
msg = _("Failed to find LUN ID for volume %s") % (name)
raise exception.NovaException(msg)
member = self.client.factory.create('DatasetMemberParameter')
member.ObjectNameOrId = lun_id
members = self.client.factory.create('ArrayOfDatasetMemberParameter')
members.DatasetMemberParameter = [member]
dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
server = self.client.service
lock_id = server.DatasetEditBegin(DatasetNameOrId=dataset_name)
server.DatasetRemoveMember(EditLockId=lock_id, Destroy=True,
except (suds.WebFault, Exception):
msg = _('Failed to remove and delete dataset member')
raise exception.NovaException(msg)
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Driver entry point for creating a new volume"""
default_size = '104857600' # 100 MB
gigabytes = 1073741824L # 2^30
name = volume['name']
project = volume['project_id']
display_name = volume['display_name']
display_description = volume['display_description']
if display_name:
if display_description:
description = display_name + "\n" + display_description
description = display_name
elif display_description:
description = display_description
if int(volume['size']) == 0:
size = default_size
size = str(int(volume['size']) * gigabytes)
self._provision(name, description, project, size)
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Driver entry point for destroying existing volumes"""
name = volume['name']
project = volume['project_id']
self._remove_destroy(name, project)
def _get_lun_id(self, name, project):
Given the name of a volume, find the DFM (OnCommand) ID of the LUN
corresponding to that volume. Currently we do this by enumerating
all of the LUNs in the dataset and matching the names against the
OpenStack volume name.
This could become a performance bottleneck in very large installations
in which case possible options for mitigating the problem are:
1) Store the LUN ID alongside the volume in the nova DB (if possible)
2) Cache the list of LUNs in the dataset in driver memory
3) Store the volume to LUN ID mappings in a local file
dataset_name = self._dataset_name(project)
server = self.client.service
res = server.DatasetMemberListInfoIterStart(
tag = res.Tag
suffix = '/' + name
while True:
res = server.DatasetMemberListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag,
if (not hasattr(res, 'DatasetMembers') or
not res.DatasetMembers):
for member in res.DatasetMembers.DatasetMemberInfo:
if member.MemberName.endswith(suffix):
return member.MemberId
def _get_lun_details(self, lun_id):
"""Given the ID of a LUN, get the details about that LUN"""
server = self.client.service
res = server.LunListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=lun_id)
tag = res.Tag
res = server.LunListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
if hasattr(res, 'Luns') and res.Luns.LunInfo:
return res.Luns.LunInfo[0]
def _get_host_details(self, host_id):
Given the ID of a host (storage system), get the details about that
server = self.client.service
res = server.HostListInfoIterStart(ObjectNameOrId=host_id)
tag = res.Tag
res = server.HostListInfoIterNext(Tag=tag, Maximum=1)
if hasattr(res, 'Hosts') and res.Hosts.HostInfo:
return res.Hosts.HostInfo[0]
def _get_iqn_for_host(self, host_id):
"""Get the iSCSI Target Name for a storage system"""
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'iscsi-node-get-name'
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
return response.Results['node-name'][0]
def _api_elem_is_empty(self, elem):
Helper routine to figure out if a list returned from a proxy API
is empty. This is necessary because the API proxy produces nasty
looking XML.
if not type(elem) is list:
return True
if 0 == len(elem):
return True
child = elem[0]
if isinstance(child, text.Text):
return True
if type(child) is str:
return True
return False
def _get_target_portal_for_host(self, host_id, host_address):
Get the iSCSI Target Portal details for a particular IP address
on a storage system.
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'iscsi-portal-list-info'
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
portal = {}
portals = response.Results['iscsi-portal-list-entries']
if self._api_elem_is_empty(portals):
return portal
portal_infos = portals[0]['iscsi-portal-list-entry-info']
for portal_info in portal_infos:
portal['address'] = portal_info['ip-address'][0]
portal['port'] = portal_info['ip-port'][0]
portal['portal'] = portal_info['tpgroup-tag'][0]
if host_address == portal['address']:
return portal
def _get_export(self, volume):
Looks up the LUN in DFM based on the volume and project name, then get
the LUN's ID. We store that value in the database instead of the iSCSI
details because we will not have the true iSCSI details until masking
time (when initialize_connection() is called).
name = volume['name']
project = volume['project_id']
lun_id = self._get_lun_id(name, project)
if not lun_id:
msg = _("Failed to find LUN ID for volume %s")
raise exception.NovaException(msg % name)
return {'provider_location': lun_id}
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
Driver entry point to get the iSCSI details about an existing volume
return self._get_export(volume)
def create_export(self, context, volume):
Driver entry point to get the iSCSI details about a new volume
return self._get_export(volume)
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
Since exporting is idempotent in this driver, we have nothing
to do for unexporting.
def _find_igroup_for_initiator(self, host_id, initiator_name):
Look for an existing igroup (initiator group) on the storage system
containing a given iSCSI initiator and return the name of the igroup.
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'igroup-list-info'
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
igroups = response.Results['initiator-groups']
if self._api_elem_is_empty(igroups):
return None
igroup_infos = igroups[0]['initiator-group-info']
for igroup_info in igroup_infos:
if ('iscsi' != igroup_info['initiator-group-type'][0] or
'linux' != igroup_info['initiator-group-os-type'][0]):
igroup_name = igroup_info['initiator-group-name'][0]
if not igroup_name.startswith('openstack-'):
initiators = igroup_info['initiators'][0]['initiator-info']
for initiator in initiators:
if initiator_name == initiator['initiator-name'][0]:
return igroup_name
return None
def _create_igroup(self, host_id, initiator_name):
Create a new igroup (initiator group) on the storage system to hold
the given iSCSI initiator. The group will only have 1 member and will
be named "openstack-${initiator_name}".
igroup_name = 'openstack-' + initiator_name
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'igroup-create'
igroup_create_xml = (
request.Args = text.Raw(igroup_create_xml % igroup_name)
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'igroup-add'
igroup_add_xml = (
request.Args = text.Raw(igroup_add_xml % (igroup_name, initiator_name))
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
return igroup_name
def _get_lun_mappping(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
Check if a given LUN is already mapped to the given igroup (initiator
group). If the LUN is mapped, also return the LUN number for the
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'lun-map-list-info'
request.Args = text.Raw('<path>%s</path>' % (lunpath))
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
igroups = response.Results['initiator-groups']
if self._api_elem_is_empty(igroups):
return {'mapped': False}
igroup_infos = igroups[0]['initiator-group-info']
for igroup_info in igroup_infos:
if igroup_name == igroup_info['initiator-group-name'][0]:
return {'mapped': True, 'lun_num': igroup_info['lun-id'][0]}
return {'mapped': False}
def _map_initiator(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
Map the given LUN to the given igroup (initiator group). Return the LUN
number that the LUN was mapped to (the filer will choose the lowest
available number).
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'lun-map'
lun_map_xml = ('<initiator-group>%s</initiator-group>'
request.Args = text.Raw(lun_map_xml % (igroup_name, lunpath))
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
return response.Results['lun-id-assigned'][0]
def _unmap_initiator(self, host_id, lunpath, igroup_name):
"""Unmap the given LUN from the given igroup (initiator group)."""
request = self.client.factory.create('Request')
request.Name = 'lun-unmap'
lun_unmap_xml = ('<initiator-group>%s</initiator-group>'
request.Args = text.Raw(lun_unmap_xml % (igroup_name, lunpath))
response = self.client.service.ApiProxy(Target=host_id,
self._check_fail(request, response)
def _ensure_initiator_mapped(self, host_id, lunpath, initiator_name):
Check if a LUN is mapped to a given initiator already and create
the mapping if it is not. A new igroup will be created if needed.
Returns the LUN number for the mapping between the LUN and initiator
in both cases.
lunpath = '/vol/' + lunpath
igroup_name = self._find_igroup_for_initiator(host_id, initiator_name)
if not igroup_name:
igroup_name = self._create_igroup(host_id, initiator_name)
mapping = self._get_lun_mappping(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
if mapping['mapped']:
return mapping['lun_num']
return self._map_initiator(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
def _ensure_initiator_unmapped(self, host_id, lunpath, initiator_name):
Check if a LUN is mapped to a given initiator and remove the
mapping if it is. This does not destroy the igroup.
lunpath = '/vol/' + lunpath
igroup_name = self._find_igroup_for_initiator(host_id, initiator_name)
if not igroup_name:
mapping = self._get_lun_mappping(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
if mapping['mapped']:
self._unmap_initiator(host_id, lunpath, igroup_name)
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
Do the LUN masking on the storage system so the initiator can access
the LUN on the target. Also return the iSCSI properties so the
initiator can find the LUN. This implementation does not call
_get_iscsi_properties() to get the properties because cannot store the
LUN number in the database. We only find out what the LUN number will
be during this method call so we construct the properties dictionary
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
lun_id = volume['provider_location']
if not lun_id:
msg = _("No LUN ID for volume %s")
raise exception.NovaException(msg % volume['name'])
lun = self._get_lun_details(lun_id)
if not lun:
msg = _('Failed to get LUN details for LUN ID %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % lun_id)
lun_num = self._ensure_initiator_mapped(lun.HostId, lun.LunPath,
host = self._get_host_details(lun.HostId)
if not host:
msg = _('Failed to get host details for host ID %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % lun.HostId)
portal = self._get_target_portal_for_host(host.HostId,
if not portal:
msg = _('Failed to get target portal for filer: %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % host.HostName)
iqn = self._get_iqn_for_host(host.HostId)
if not iqn:
msg = _('Failed to get target IQN for filer: %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % host.HostName)
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = False
(address, port) = (portal['address'], portal['port'])
properties['target_portal'] = '%s:%s' % (address, port)
properties['target_iqn'] = iqn
properties['target_lun'] = lun_num
properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
auth = volume['provider_auth']
if auth:
(auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
properties['auth_password'] = auth_secret
return {
'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
'data': properties,
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
Unmask the LUN on the storage system so the given intiator can no
longer access it.
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
lun_id = volume['provider_location']
if not lun_id:
msg = _('No LUN ID for volume %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % (volume['name']))
lun = self._get_lun_details(lun_id)
if not lun:
msg = _('Failed to get LUN details for LUN ID %s')
raise exception.NovaException(msg % (lun_id))
self._ensure_initiator_unmapped(lun.HostId, lun.LunPath,
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
raise NotImplementedError()
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
raise NotImplementedError()
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_for_export(self, context, volume_id):
raise NotImplementedError()