Davanum Srinivas 6df6ad3ff3 Omnibus stable/liberty fix
There are currently 3 different blocking issues in stable/liberty due
to library releases: webob 1.5, oslo.db 3.0.0, and
oslo.versionedobjects 0.11.0. This is a squashed fix for all of them
as none can land without the others.

Issue #1 - oslo.db

Add testresources used by oslo.db fixture

If we use oslo.db fixtures, we'll need the package or
the next version of oslo.db release will break us.

(Cherry-picked from 4bcc264878)

Closes-Bug: #1503501

Issue #2 - oslo.versionedobjects

Drop unused obj_to_primitive() override

This was a band-aid override until o.vo gained the obj_relationships fix
that this method overrides. That has been in place since o.vo 0.8.0, which
means this is long since no longer necessary (and is actually blocking our
ability to absorb bug fixes to this code in o.vo). Further, we no longer
use this directly because we're doing backports based on version manifests,
which means we no longer consult child_versions _or_ obj_relationships.

(cherry picked from commit 142f1d9cc4)

Issue #3 - webob

Default ConvertedException code to 500

webob 1.5.0 released on 10/11 has change f6c749011 which
strictly enforces status codes in exceptions, and 0 is not
a valid status code so tests fail.

Change the default to 500 to match the default in the parent
class in webob.

Closes-Bug: #1505153
(cherry picked from commit 10438c0fc3)

Change-Id: I1e06e77308a7dd23209124f0807d61fb52470188
2015-10-13 07:57:52 -04:00

431 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Nova common internal object model"""
import contextlib
import datetime
import functools
import traceback
import netaddr
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_messaging as messaging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_versionedobjects import base as ovoo_base
from oslo_versionedobjects import exception as ovoo_exc
import six
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import fields as obj_fields
from nova import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger('object')
def get_attrname(name):
"""Return the mangled name of the attribute's underlying storage."""
# FIXME(danms): This is just until we use o.vo's class properties
# and object base.
return '_obj_' + name
class NovaObjectRegistry(ovoo_base.VersionedObjectRegistry):
def registration_hook(self, cls, index):
# NOTE(danms): This is called when an object is registered,
# and is responsible for maintaining nova.objects.$OBJECT
# as the highest-versioned implementation of a given object.
version = utils.convert_version_to_tuple(cls.VERSION)
if not hasattr(objects, cls.obj_name()):
setattr(objects, cls.obj_name(), cls)
cur_version = utils.convert_version_to_tuple(
getattr(objects, cls.obj_name()).VERSION)
if version >= cur_version:
setattr(objects, cls.obj_name(), cls)
remotable_classmethod = ovoo_base.remotable_classmethod
remotable = ovoo_base.remotable
class NovaObject(ovoo_base.VersionedObject):
"""Base class and object factory.
This forms the base of all objects that can be remoted or instantiated
via RPC. Simply defining a class that inherits from this base class
will make it remotely instantiatable. Objects should implement the
necessary "get" classmethod routines as well as "save" object methods
as appropriate.
OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE = 'nova_object'
# NOTE(danms): Keep the compatibility bits in nova separate from o.vo
# for the time being so that we can keep changes required to use
# the base version of those risky methods separate from the rest of the
# simple inherited methods.
def obj_calculate_child_version(self, target_version, child):
"""Calculate the appropriate version for a child object.
This is to be used when backporting an object for an older client.
A sub-object will need to be backported to a suitable version for
the client as well, and this method will calculate what that
version should be, based on obj_relationships.
:param target_version: Version this object is being backported to
:param child: The child field for which the appropriate version
is to be calculated
:returns: None if the child should be omitted from the backport,
otherwise, the version to which the child should be
target_version = utils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
for index, versions in enumerate(self.obj_relationships[child]):
my_version, child_version = versions
my_version = utils.convert_version_to_tuple(my_version)
if target_version < my_version:
if index == 0:
# We're backporting to a version from before this
# subobject was added: delete it from the primitive.
return None
# We're in the gap between index-1 and index, so
# backport to the older version
return self.obj_relationships[child][index - 1][1]
elif target_version == my_version:
# This is the first mapping that satisfies the
# target_version request: backport the object.
return child_version
# No need to backport, as far as we know, so return the latest
# version of the sub-object we know about
return self.obj_relationships[child][-1][1]
# NOTE(danms): This has some minor change between the nova and o.vo
# version, so avoid inheriting it for the moment so we can make that
# transition separately for clarity.
def obj_reset_changes(self, fields=None, recursive=False):
"""Reset the list of fields that have been changed.
.. note::
- This is NOT "revert to previous values"
- Specifying fields on recursive resets will only be honored at the
top level. Everything below the top will reset all.
:param fields: List of fields to reset, or "all" if None.
:param recursive: Call obj_reset_changes(recursive=True) on
any sub-objects within the list of fields
being reset.
if recursive:
for field in self.obj_get_changes():
# Ignore fields not in requested set (if applicable)
if fields and field not in fields:
# Skip any fields that are unset
if not self.obj_attr_is_set(field):
value = getattr(self, field)
# Don't reset nulled fields
if value is None:
# Reset straight Object and ListOfObjects fields
if isinstance(self.fields[field], obj_fields.ObjectField):
elif isinstance(self.fields[field],
for thing in value:
if fields:
self._changed_fields -= set(fields)
# NOTE(danms): This is nova-specific
def obj_alternate_context(self, context):
original_context = self._context
self._context = context
self._context = original_context
# NOTE(danms): This is nova-specific
def obj_as_admin(self):
"""Context manager to make an object call as an admin.
This temporarily modifies the context embedded in an object to
be elevated() and restores it after the call completes. Example
with obj.obj_as_admin():
if self._context is None:
raise exception.OrphanedObjectError(method='obj_as_admin',
original_context = self._context
self._context = self._context.elevated()
self._context = original_context
class NovaObjectDictCompat(ovoo_base.VersionedObjectDictCompat):
def __iter__(self):
for name in self.obj_fields:
if (self.obj_attr_is_set(name) or
name in self.obj_extra_fields):
yield name
def keys(self):
return list(self)
class NovaTimestampObject(object):
"""Mixin class for db backed objects with timestamp fields.
Sqlalchemy models that inherit from the oslo_db TimestampMixin will include
these fields and the corresponding objects will benefit from this mixin.
fields = {
'created_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
'updated_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
class NovaPersistentObject(object):
"""Mixin class for Persistent objects.
This adds the fields that we use in common for most persistent objects.
fields = {
'created_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
'updated_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
'deleted_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
'deleted': obj_fields.BooleanField(default=False),
class ObjectListBase(ovoo_base.ObjectListBase):
# NOTE(danms): These are for transition to using the oslo
# base object and can be removed when we move to it.
def _obj_primitive_key(cls, field):
return 'nova_object.%s' % field
def _obj_primitive_field(cls, primitive, field,
key = cls._obj_primitive_key(field)
if default == obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault:
return primitive[key]
return primitive.get(key, default)
class NovaObjectSerializer(messaging.NoOpSerializer):
"""A NovaObject-aware Serializer.
This implements the Oslo Serializer interface and provides the
ability to serialize and deserialize NovaObject entities. Any service
that needs to accept or return NovaObjects as arguments or result values
should pass this to its RPCClient and RPCServer objects.
def conductor(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_conductor'):
from nova import conductor
self._conductor = conductor.API()
return self._conductor
def _process_object(self, context, objprim):
objinst = NovaObject.obj_from_primitive(objprim, context=context)
except ovoo_exc.IncompatibleObjectVersion:
objver = objprim['nova_object.version']
if objver.count('.') == 2:
# NOTE(danms): For our purposes, the .z part of the version
# should be safe to accept without requiring a backport
objprim['nova_object.version'] = \
return self._process_object(context, objprim)
objname = objprim['']
version_manifest = ovoo_base.obj_tree_get_versions(objname)
if objname in version_manifest:
objinst = self.conductor.object_backport_versions(
context, objprim, version_manifest)
return objinst
def _process_iterable(self, context, action_fn, values):
"""Process an iterable, taking an action on each value.
:param:context: Request context
:param:action_fn: Action to take on each item in values
:param:values: Iterable container of things to take action on
:returns: A new container of the same type (except set) with
items from values having had action applied.
iterable = values.__class__
if issubclass(iterable, dict):
return iterable(**{k: action_fn(context, v)
for k, v in six.iteritems(values)})
# NOTE(danms, gibi) A set can't have an unhashable value inside,
# such as a dict. Convert the set to list, which is fine, since we
# can't send them over RPC anyway. We convert it to list as this
# way there will be no semantic change between the fake rpc driver
# used in functional test and a normal rpc driver.
if iterable == set:
iterable = list
return iterable([action_fn(context, value) for value in values])
def serialize_entity(self, context, entity):
if isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set, dict)):
entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.serialize_entity,
elif (hasattr(entity, 'obj_to_primitive') and
entity = entity.obj_to_primitive()
return entity
def deserialize_entity(self, context, entity):
if isinstance(entity, dict) and '' in entity:
entity = self._process_object(context, entity)
elif isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set, dict)):
entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.deserialize_entity,
return entity
def obj_to_primitive(obj):
"""Recursively turn an object into a python primitive.
A NovaObject becomes a dict, and anything that implements ObjectListBase
becomes a list.
if isinstance(obj, ObjectListBase):
return [obj_to_primitive(x) for x in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, NovaObject):
result = {}
for key in obj.obj_fields:
if obj.obj_attr_is_set(key) or key in obj.obj_extra_fields:
result[key] = obj_to_primitive(getattr(obj, key))
return result
elif isinstance(obj, netaddr.IPAddress):
return str(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, netaddr.IPNetwork):
return str(obj)
return obj
def obj_make_list(context, list_obj, item_cls, db_list, **extra_args):
"""Construct an object list from a list of primitives.
This calls item_cls._from_db_object() on each item of db_list, and
adds the resulting object to list_obj.
:param:context: Request context
:param:list_obj: An ObjectListBase object
:param:item_cls: The NovaObject class of the objects within the list
:param:db_list: The list of primitives to convert to objects
:param:extra_args: Extra arguments to pass to _from_db_object()
:returns: list_obj
list_obj.objects = []
for db_item in db_list:
item = item_cls._from_db_object(context, item_cls(), db_item,
list_obj._context = context
return list_obj
def serialize_args(fn):
"""Decorator that will do the arguments serialization before remoting."""
def wrapper(obj, *args, **kwargs):
args = [timeutils.strtime(at=arg) if isinstance(arg, datetime.datetime)
else arg for arg in args]
for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
if k == 'exc_val' and v:
kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v)
elif k == 'exc_tb' and v and not isinstance(v, six.string_types):
kwargs[k] = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(v))
elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
kwargs[k] = timeutils.strtime(at=v)
if hasattr(fn, '__call__'):
return fn(obj, *args, **kwargs)
# NOTE(danms): We wrap a descriptor, so use that protocol
return fn.__get__(None, obj)(*args, **kwargs)
# NOTE(danms): Make this discoverable
wrapper.remotable = getattr(fn, 'remotable', False)
wrapper.original_fn = fn
return (functools.wraps(fn)(wrapper) if hasattr(fn, '__call__')
else classmethod(wrapper))
def obj_equal_prims(obj_1, obj_2, ignore=None):
"""Compare two primitives for equivalence ignoring some keys.
This operation tests the primitives of two objects for equivalence.
Object primitives may contain a list identifying fields that have been
changed - this is ignored in the comparison. The ignore parameter lists
any other keys to be ignored.
:param:obj1: The first object in the comparison
:param:obj2: The second object in the comparison
:param:ignore: A list of fields to ignore
:returns: True if the primitives are equal ignoring changes
and specified fields, otherwise False.
def _strip(prim, keys):
if isinstance(prim, dict):
for k in keys:
prim.pop(k, None)
for v in prim.values():
_strip(v, keys)
if isinstance(prim, list):
for v in prim:
_strip(v, keys)
return prim
if ignore is not None:
keys = ['nova_object.changes'] + ignore
keys = ['nova_object.changes']
prim_1 = _strip(obj_1.obj_to_primitive(), keys)
prim_2 = _strip(obj_2.obj_to_primitive(), keys)
return prim_1 == prim_2