Soren Hansen 9117146ad8 Move cc_host and cc_port flags into nova/network/ They weren't used anywhere else.
Make cc_host default to nova.utils.get_my_ip() instead of cc_host is used to set up forwarding to the meta-data service, and the kernel doesn't allow routing to a loopback device, so is a poor default.
2010-12-01 11:50:25 +01:00

271 lines
9.9 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Package-level global flags are defined here, the rest are defined
where they're used.
import getopt
import os
import socket
import string
import sys
import gflags
class FlagValues(gflags.FlagValues):
"""Extension of gflags.FlagValues that allows undefined and runtime flags.
Unknown flags will be ignored when parsing the command line, but the
command line will be kept so that it can be replayed if new flags are
defined after the initial parsing.
def __init__(self, extra_context=None):
self.__dict__['__dirty'] = []
self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = False
self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = []
self.__dict__['__extra_context'] = extra_context
def __call__(self, argv):
# We're doing some hacky stuff here so that we don't have to copy
# out all the code of the original verbatim and then tweak a few lines.
# We're hijacking the output of getopt so we can still return the
# leftover args at the end
sneaky_unparsed_args = {"value": None}
original_argv = list(argv)
if self.IsGnuGetOpt():
orig_getopt = getattr(getopt, 'gnu_getopt')
orig_name = 'gnu_getopt'
orig_getopt = getattr(getopt, 'getopt')
orig_name = 'getopt'
def _sneaky(*args, **kw):
optlist, unparsed_args = orig_getopt(*args, **kw)
sneaky_unparsed_args['value'] = unparsed_args
return optlist, unparsed_args
setattr(getopt, orig_name, _sneaky)
args = gflags.FlagValues.__call__(self, argv)
except gflags.UnrecognizedFlagError:
# Undefined args were found, for now we don't care so just
# act like everything went well
# (these three lines are copied pretty much verbatim from the end
# of the __call__ function we are wrapping)
unparsed_args = sneaky_unparsed_args['value']
if unparsed_args:
if self.IsGnuGetOpt():
args = argv[:1] + unparsed_args
args = argv[:1] + original_argv[-len(unparsed_args):]
args = argv[:1]
setattr(getopt, orig_name, orig_getopt)
# Store the arguments for later, we'll need them for new flags
# added at runtime
self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = original_argv
self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = True
return args
def Reset(self):
self.__dict__['__dirty'] = []
self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed'] = False
self.__dict__['__stored_argv'] = []
def SetDirty(self, name):
"""Mark a flag as dirty so that accessing it will case a reparse."""
def IsDirty(self, name):
return name in self.__dict__['__dirty']
def ClearDirty(self):
self.__dict__['__is_dirty'] = []
def WasAlreadyParsed(self):
return self.__dict__['__was_already_parsed']
def ParseNewFlags(self):
if '__stored_argv' not in self.__dict__:
new_flags = FlagValues(self)
for k in self.__dict__['__dirty']:
new_flags[k] = gflags.FlagValues.__getitem__(self, k)
for k in self.__dict__['__dirty']:
setattr(self, k, getattr(new_flags, k))
def __setitem__(self, name, flag):
gflags.FlagValues.__setitem__(self, name, flag)
if self.WasAlreadyParsed():
def __getitem__(self, name):
if self.IsDirty(name):
return gflags.FlagValues.__getitem__(self, name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.IsDirty(name):
val = gflags.FlagValues.__getattr__(self, name)
if type(val) is str:
tmpl = string.Template(val)
context = [self, self.__dict__['__extra_context']]
return tmpl.substitute(StrWrapper(context))
return val
class StrWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper around FlagValues objects
Wraps FlagValues objects for string.Template so that we're
sure to return strings."""
def __init__(self, context_objs):
self.context_objs = context_objs
def __getitem__(self, name):
for context in self.context_objs:
val = getattr(context, name, False)
if val:
return str(val)
raise KeyError(name)
FLAGS = FlagValues()
gflags.FLAGS = FLAGS
gflags.DEFINE_flag(gflags.HelpFlag(), FLAGS)
def _wrapper(func):
def _wrapped(*args, **kw):
kw.setdefault('flag_values', FLAGS)
func(*args, **kw)
_wrapped.func_name = func.func_name
return _wrapped
DEFINE = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE)
DEFINE_string = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_string)
DEFINE_integer = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_integer)
DEFINE_bool = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_bool)
DEFINE_boolean = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_boolean)
DEFINE_float = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_float)
DEFINE_enum = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_enum)
DEFINE_list = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_list)
DEFINE_spaceseplist = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_spaceseplist)
DEFINE_multistring = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_multistring)
DEFINE_multi_int = _wrapper(gflags.DEFINE_multi_int)
def DECLARE(name, module_string, flag_values=FLAGS):
if module_string not in sys.modules:
__import__(module_string, globals(), locals())
if name not in flag_values:
raise gflags.UnrecognizedFlag(
"%s not defined by %s" % (name, module_string))
# Define any app-specific flags in their own files, docs at:
'list of region=url pairs separated by commas')
DEFINE_string('connection_type', 'libvirt', 'libvirt, xenapi or fake')
DEFINE_string('aws_access_key_id', 'admin', 'AWS Access ID')
DEFINE_string('aws_secret_access_key', 'admin', 'AWS Access Key')
DEFINE_integer('s3_port', 3333, 's3 port')
DEFINE_string('s3_host', '', 's3 host')
DEFINE_string('compute_topic', 'compute', 'the topic compute nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('scheduler_topic', 'scheduler',
'the topic scheduler nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('volume_topic', 'volume', 'the topic volume nodes listen on')
DEFINE_string('network_topic', 'network', 'the topic network nodes listen on')
DEFINE_bool('verbose', False, 'show debug output')
DEFINE_boolean('fake_rabbit', False, 'use a fake rabbit')
DEFINE_bool('fake_network', False,
'should we use fake network devices and addresses')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_host', 'localhost', 'rabbit host')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_port', 5672, 'rabbit port')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_userid', 'guest', 'rabbit userid')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_password', 'guest', 'rabbit password')
DEFINE_string('rabbit_virtual_host', '/', 'rabbit virtual host')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_retry_interval', 10, 'rabbit connection retry interval')
DEFINE_integer('rabbit_max_retries', 12, 'rabbit connection attempts')
DEFINE_string('control_exchange', 'nova', 'the main exchange to connect to')
DEFINE_string('ec2_url', '',
'Url to ec2 api server')
DEFINE_string('default_image', 'ami-11111',
'default image to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('default_kernel', 'aki-11111',
'default kernel to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('default_ramdisk', 'ari-11111',
'default ramdisk to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('default_instance_type', 'm1.small',
'default instance type to use, testing only')
DEFINE_string('vpn_image_id', 'ami-CLOUDPIPE', 'AMI for cloudpipe vpn server')
'Suffix to add to project name for vpn key')
DEFINE_integer('auth_token_ttl', 3600, 'Seconds for auth tokens to linger')
DEFINE_string('state_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'),
"Top-level directory for maintaining nova's state")
'connection string for sql database')
DEFINE_string('compute_manager', 'nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager',
'Manager for compute')
DEFINE_string('network_manager', '',
'Manager for network')
DEFINE_string('volume_manager', 'nova.volume.manager.VolumeManager',
'Manager for volume')
DEFINE_string('scheduler_manager', 'nova.scheduler.manager.SchedulerManager',
'Manager for scheduler')
# The service to use for image search and retrieval
DEFINE_string('image_service', 'nova.image.local.LocalImageService',
'The service to use for retrieving and searching for images.')
DEFINE_string('host', socket.gethostname(),
'name of this node')
DEFINE_string('node_availability_zone', 'nova',
'availability zone of this node')