ChangBo Guo(gcb) edec3e1b77 maint:Don't translate debug level logs
Our translation policy
( calls
for not translating debug level logs. This helps to prioritize log
There were some commits that fixed it but ignored the the style like
msg = _('this is debug info'); LOG.debug(msg)
This commit fixes this style of LOG.debug.

Change-Id: I2cc3fe563456ba0906f74262ab1ba6967301d6d1
2014-10-30 14:15:57 +08:00
drivers maint:Don't translate debug level logs 2014-10-30 14:15:57 +08:00 Fix IBM copyright strings 2013-03-01 14:18:23 -05:00 maint:Don't translate debug level logs 2014-10-30 14:15:57 +08:00