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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc
# Copyright 2017 Rackspace Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Helpers for filesystem related routines.
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
import nova.privsep
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def mount(fstype, device, mountpoint, options):
mount_cmd = ['mount']
if fstype:
mount_cmd.extend(['-t', fstype])
if options is not None:
mount_cmd.extend([device, mountpoint])
return processutils.execute(*mount_cmd)
def umount(mountpoint):
processutils.execute('umount', mountpoint, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True)
def lvcreate(size, lv, vg, preallocated=None):
cmd = ['lvcreate']
if not preallocated:
cmd.extend(['-L', '%db' % size])
cmd.extend(['-L', '%db' % preallocated,
'--virtualsize', '%db' % size])
cmd.extend(['-n', lv, vg])
processutils.execute(*cmd, attempts=3)
def vginfo(vg):
return processutils.execute('vgs', '--noheadings', '--nosuffix',
'--separator', '|', '--units', 'b',
'-o', 'vg_size,vg_free', vg)
def lvlist(vg):
return processutils.execute('lvs', '--noheadings', '-o', 'lv_name', vg)
def lvinfo(path):
return processutils.execute('lvs', '-o', 'vg_all,lv_all',
'--separator', '|', path)
def lvremove(path):
processutils.execute('lvremove', '-f', path, attempts=3)
def blockdev_size(path):
return processutils.execute('blockdev', '--getsize64', path)
def blockdev_flush(path):
return processutils.execute('blockdev', '--flushbufs', path)
def clear(path, volume_size, shred=False):
cmd = ['shred']
if shred:
cmd.extend(['-n0', '-z'])
cmd.extend(['-s%d' % volume_size, path])
def loopsetup(path):
return processutils.execute('losetup', '--find', '--show', path)
def loopremove(device):
return processutils.execute('losetup', '--detach', device, attempts=3)
def nbd_connect(device, image):
return processutils.execute('qemu-nbd', '-c', device, image)
def nbd_disconnect(device):
return processutils.execute('qemu-nbd', '-d', device)
def create_device_maps(device):
return processutils.execute('kpartx', '-a', device)
def remove_device_maps(device):
return processutils.execute('kpartx', '-d', device)
def get_filesystem_type(device):
return processutils.execute('blkid', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'TYPE', device,
check_exit_code=[0, 2])
def resize2fs(image, check_exit_code):
unprivileged_resize2fs(image, check_exit_code)
# NOTE(mikal): this method is deliberately not wrapped in a privsep entrypoint
def unprivileged_resize2fs(image, check_exit_code):
check_exit_code=[0, 1, 2])
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.debug("Checking the file system with e2fsck has failed, "
"the resize will be aborted. (%s)", exc)
def create_partition_table(device, style, check_exit_code=True):
processutils.execute('parted', '--script', device, 'mklabel', style,
def create_partition(device, style, start, end, check_exit_code=True):
processutils.execute('parted', '--script', device, '--',
'mkpart', style, start, end,
def list_partitions(device):
return unprivileged_list_partitions(device)
# NOTE(mikal): this method is deliberately not wrapped in a privsep entrypoint
def unprivileged_list_partitions(device):
"""Return partition information (num, size, type) for a device."""
out, _err = processutils.execute('parted', '--script', '--machine',
device, 'unit s', 'print')
lines = [line for line in out.split('\n') if line]
partitions = []
for line in lines[2:]:
line = line.rstrip(';')
num, start, end, size, fstype, name, flags = line.split(':')
num = int(num)
start = int(start.rstrip('s'))
end = int(end.rstrip('s'))
size = int(size.rstrip('s'))
LOG.debug(' %(num)s: %(fstype)s %(size)d sectors',
{'num': num, 'fstype': fstype, 'size': size})
partitions.append((num, start, size, fstype, name, flags))
return partitions
def resize_partition(device, start, end, bootable):
return unprivileged_resize_partition(device, start, end, bootable)
# NOTE(mikal): this method is deliberately not wrapped in a privsep entrypoint
def unprivileged_resize_partition(device, start, end, bootable):
processutils.execute('parted', '--script', device, 'rm', '1')
processutils.execute('parted', '--script', device, 'mkpart',
'primary', '%ds' % start, '%ds' % end)
if bootable:
processutils.execute('parted', '--script', device,
'set', '1', 'boot', 'on')