We currently have three cells v2 documents in-tree:
- A 'user/cellsv2-layout' document that details the structure or
architecture of a cells v2 deployment (which is to say, any modern
nova deployment)
- A 'user/cells' document, which is written from a pre-cells v2
viewpoint and details the changes that cells v2 *will* require and the
benefits it *would* bring. It also includes steps for upgrading from
pre-cells v2 (that is, pre-Pike) deployment or a deployment with cells
v1 (which we removed in Train and probably broke long before)
- An 'admin/cells' document, which doesn't contain much other than some
advice for handling down cells
Clearly there's a lot of cruft to be cleared out as well as some
centralization of information that's possible. As such, we combine all
of these documents into one document, 'admin/cells'. This is chosen over
'users/cells' since cells are not an end-user-facing feature. References
to cells v1 and details on upgrading from pre-cells v2 deployments are
mostly dropped, as are some duplicated installation/configuration steps.
Formatting is fixed and Sphinx-isms used to cross reference config
option where possible. Finally, redirects are added so that people can
continue to find the relevant resources. The result is (hopefully) a
one stop shop for all things cells v2-related that operators can use to
configure and understand their deployments.
Change-Id: If39db50fd8b109a5a13dec70f8030f3663555065
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfin@redhat.com>