Sean Dague 89de4ed5e9 Add upload/download vhd2 interfaces
This adds interfaces to the glance plugin for uploading / downloading
vhd files by glance url instead of with a host / port / use_ssl
tuple. This makes it possible to have glance hosted on a non root url
and still work with xenserver.

This bumps the plugin version to 1.3 as these are new functions exposed.

Convert xenapi driver to using up/down vhd2

All unit test converted to use this new functionality.

Change-Id: I73f60de0b1644827238961e1659b0119b80bf82f
2015-12-18 12:37:35 +00:00

386 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Stubouts, mocks and fixtures for the test suite."""
import pickle
import random
import sys
import fixtures
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
from nova import test
import nova.tests.unit.image.fake
from nova.virt.xenapi.client import session
from nova.virt.xenapi import fake
from nova.virt.xenapi import vm_utils
from nova.virt.xenapi import vmops
def stubout_firewall_driver(stubs, conn):
def fake_none(self, *args):
_vmops = conn._vmops
stubs.Set(_vmops.firewall_driver, 'prepare_instance_filter', fake_none)
stubs.Set(_vmops.firewall_driver, 'instance_filter_exists', fake_none)
def stubout_instance_snapshot(stubs):
def fake_fetch_image(context, session, instance, name_label, image, type):
return {'root': dict(uuid=_make_fake_vdi(), file=None),
'kernel': dict(uuid=_make_fake_vdi(), file=None),
'ramdisk': dict(uuid=_make_fake_vdi(), file=None)}
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_fetch_image', fake_fetch_image)
def fake_wait_for_vhd_coalesce(*args):
# TODO(sirp): Should we actually fake out the data here
return "fakeparent", "fakebase"
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_wait_for_vhd_coalesce', fake_wait_for_vhd_coalesce)
def stubout_session(stubs, cls, product_version=(5, 6, 2),
product_brand='XenServer', **opt_args):
"""Stubs out methods from XenAPISession."""
stubs.Set(session.XenAPISession, '_create_session',
lambda s, url: cls(url, **opt_args))
stubs.Set(session.XenAPISession, '_get_product_version_and_brand',
lambda s: (product_version, product_brand))
def stubout_get_this_vm_uuid(stubs):
def f(session):
vms = [rec['uuid'] for ref, rec
in six.iteritems(fake.get_all_records('VM'))
if rec['is_control_domain']]
return vms[0]
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'get_this_vm_uuid', f)
def stubout_image_service_download(stubs):
def fake_download(*args, **kwargs):
'download', fake_download)
def stubout_stream_disk(stubs):
def fake_stream_disk(*args, **kwargs):
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_stream_disk', fake_stream_disk)
def stubout_determine_is_pv_objectstore(stubs):
"""Assumes VMs stu have PV kernels."""
def f(*args):
return False
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_determine_is_pv_objectstore', f)
def stubout_is_snapshot(stubs):
"""Always returns true
xenapi fake driver does not create vmrefs for snapshots.
def f(*args):
return True
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'is_snapshot', f)
def stubout_lookup_image(stubs):
"""Simulates a failure in lookup image."""
def f(_1, _2, _3, _4):
raise Exception("Test Exception raised by fake lookup_image")
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'lookup_image', f)
def stubout_fetch_disk_image(stubs, raise_failure=False):
"""Simulates a failure in fetch image_glance_disk."""
def _fake_fetch_disk_image(context, session, instance, name_label, image,
if raise_failure:
raise fake.Failure("Test Exception raised by "
"fake fetch_image_glance_disk")
elif image_type == vm_utils.ImageType.KERNEL:
filename = "kernel"
elif image_type == vm_utils.ImageType.RAMDISK:
filename = "ramdisk"
filename = "unknown"
vdi_type = vm_utils.ImageType.to_string(image_type)
return {vdi_type: dict(uuid=None, file=filename)}
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_fetch_disk_image', _fake_fetch_disk_image)
def stubout_create_vm(stubs):
"""Simulates a failure in create_vm."""
def f(*args):
raise fake.Failure("Test Exception raised by fake create_vm")
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'create_vm', f)
def stubout_attach_disks(stubs):
"""Simulates a failure in _attach_disks."""
def f(*args):
raise fake.Failure("Test Exception raised by fake _attach_disks")
stubs.Set(vmops.VMOps, '_attach_disks', f)
def _make_fake_vdi():
sr_ref = fake.get_all('SR')[0]
vdi_ref = fake.create_vdi('', sr_ref)
vdi_rec = fake.get_record('VDI', vdi_ref)
return vdi_rec['uuid']
class FakeSessionForVMTests(fake.SessionBase):
"""Stubs out a XenAPISession for VM tests."""
_fake_iptables_save_output = ("# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.10 on "
"Sun Nov 6 22:49:02 2011\n"
":INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]\n"
":OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]\n"
"# Completed on Sun Nov 6 22:49:02 2011\n")
def host_call_plugin(self, _1, _2, plugin, method, _5):
if plugin == 'glance' and method in ('download_vhd', 'download_vhd2'):
root_uuid = _make_fake_vdi()
return pickle.dumps(dict(root=dict(uuid=root_uuid)))
elif (plugin, method) == ("xenhost", "iptables_config"):
return fake.as_json(out=self._fake_iptables_save_output,
return (super(FakeSessionForVMTests, self).
host_call_plugin(_1, _2, plugin, method, _5))
def VM_start(self, _1, ref, _2, _3):
vm = fake.get_record('VM', ref)
if vm['power_state'] != 'Halted':
raise fake.Failure(['VM_BAD_POWER_STATE', ref, 'Halted',
vm['power_state'] = 'Running'
vm['is_a_template'] = False
vm['is_control_domain'] = False
vm['domid'] = random.randrange(1, 1 << 16)
return vm
def VM_start_on(self, _1, vm_ref, host_ref, _2, _3):
vm_rec = self.VM_start(_1, vm_ref, _2, _3)
vm_rec['resident_on'] = host_ref
def VDI_snapshot(self, session_ref, vm_ref, _1):
sr_ref = "fakesr"
return fake.create_vdi('fakelabel', sr_ref, read_only=True)
def SR_scan(self, session_ref, sr_ref):
class FakeSessionForFirewallTests(FakeSessionForVMTests):
"""Stubs out a XenApi Session for doing IPTable Firewall tests."""
def __init__(self, uri, test_case=None):
super(FakeSessionForFirewallTests, self).__init__(uri)
if hasattr(test_case, '_in_rules'):
self._in_rules = test_case._in_rules
if hasattr(test_case, '_in6_filter_rules'):
self._in6_filter_rules = test_case._in6_filter_rules
self._test_case = test_case
def host_call_plugin(self, _1, _2, plugin, method, args):
"""Mock method four host_call_plugin to be used in unit tests
for the dom0 iptables Firewall drivers for XenAPI
if plugin == "xenhost" and method == "iptables_config":
# The command to execute is a json-encoded list
cmd_args = args.get('cmd_args', None)
cmd = jsonutils.loads(cmd_args)
if not cmd:
ret_str = ''
output = ''
process_input = args.get('process_input', None)
if cmd == ['ip6tables-save', '-c']:
output = '\n'.join(self._in6_filter_rules)
if cmd == ['iptables-save', '-c']:
output = '\n'.join(self._in_rules)
if cmd == ['iptables-restore', '-c', ]:
lines = process_input.split('\n')
if '*filter' in lines:
if self._test_case is not None:
self._test_case._out_rules = lines
output = '\n'.join(lines)
if cmd == ['ip6tables-restore', '-c', ]:
lines = process_input.split('\n')
if '*filter' in lines:
output = '\n'.join(lines)
ret_str = fake.as_json(out=output, err='')
return ret_str
return (super(FakeSessionForVMTests, self).
host_call_plugin(_1, _2, plugin, method, args))
def stub_out_vm_methods(stubs):
def fake_acquire_bootlock(self, vm):
def fake_release_bootlock(self, vm):
def fake_generate_ephemeral(*args):
def fake_wait_for_device(dev):
stubs.Set(vmops.VMOps, "_acquire_bootlock", fake_acquire_bootlock)
stubs.Set(vmops.VMOps, "_release_bootlock", fake_release_bootlock)
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'generate_ephemeral', fake_generate_ephemeral)
stubs.Set(vm_utils, '_wait_for_device', fake_wait_for_device)
class ReplaceModule(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Replace a module with a fake module."""
def __init__(self, name, new_value): = name
self.new_value = new_value
def _restore(self, old_value):
sys.modules[] = old_value
def setUp(self):
super(ReplaceModule, self).setUp()
old_value = sys.modules.get(
sys.modules[] = self.new_value
self.addCleanup(self._restore, old_value)
class FakeSessionForVolumeTests(fake.SessionBase):
"""Stubs out a XenAPISession for Volume tests."""
def VDI_introduce(self, _1, uuid, _2, _3, _4, _5,
_6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11):
valid_vdi = False
refs = fake.get_all('VDI')
for ref in refs:
rec = fake.get_record('VDI', ref)
if rec['uuid'] == uuid:
valid_vdi = True
if not valid_vdi:
raise fake.Failure([['INVALID_VDI', 'session', self._session]])
class FakeSessionForVolumeFailedTests(FakeSessionForVolumeTests):
"""Stubs out a XenAPISession for Volume tests: it injects failures."""
def VDI_introduce(self, _1, uuid, _2, _3, _4, _5,
_6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11):
# This is for testing failure
raise fake.Failure([['INVALID_VDI', 'session', self._session]])
def PBD_unplug(self, _1, ref):
rec = fake.get_record('PBD', ref)
rec['currently-attached'] = False
def SR_forget(self, _1, ref):
def stub_out_migration_methods(stubs):
fakesr = fake.create_sr()
def fake_import_all_migrated_disks(session, instance, import_root=True):
vdi_ref = fake.create_vdi(instance['name'], fakesr)
vdi_rec = fake.get_record('VDI', vdi_ref)
vdi_rec['other_config']['nova_disk_type'] = 'root'
return {"root": {'uuid': vdi_rec['uuid'], 'ref': vdi_ref},
"ephemerals": {}}
def fake_wait_for_instance_to_start(self, *args):
def fake_get_vdi(session, vm_ref, userdevice='0'):
vdi_ref_parent = fake.create_vdi('derp-parent', fakesr)
vdi_rec_parent = fake.get_record('VDI', vdi_ref_parent)
vdi_ref = fake.create_vdi('derp', fakesr,
sm_config={'vhd-parent': vdi_rec_parent['uuid']})
vdi_rec = session.call_xenapi("VDI.get_record", vdi_ref)
return vdi_ref, vdi_rec
def fake_sr(session, *args):
return fakesr
def fake_get_sr_path(*args):
return "fake"
def fake_destroy(*args, **kwargs):
def fake_generate_ephemeral(*args):
stubs.Set(vmops.VMOps, '_destroy', fake_destroy)
stubs.Set(vmops.VMOps, '_wait_for_instance_to_start',
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'import_all_migrated_disks',
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'scan_default_sr', fake_sr)
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'get_vdi_for_vm_safely', fake_get_vdi)
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'get_sr_path', fake_get_sr_path)
stubs.Set(vm_utils, 'generate_ephemeral', fake_generate_ephemeral)
class FakeSessionForFailedMigrateTests(FakeSessionForVMTests):
def VM_assert_can_migrate(self, session, vmref, migrate_data,
live, vdi_map, vif_map, options):
raise fake.Failure("XenAPI VM.assert_can_migrate failed")
def host_migrate_receive(self, session, hostref, networkref, options):
raise fake.Failure("XenAPI host.migrate_receive failed")
def VM_migrate_send(self, session, vmref, migrate_data, islive, vdi_map,
vif_map, options):
raise fake.Failure("XenAPI VM.migrate_send failed")
# FIXME(sirp): XenAPITestBase is deprecated, all tests should be converted
# over to use XenAPITestBaseNoDB
class XenAPITestBase(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(XenAPITestBase, self).setUp()
self.useFixture(ReplaceModule('XenAPI', fake))
class XenAPITestBaseNoDB(test.NoDBTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(XenAPITestBaseNoDB, self).setUp()
self.useFixture(ReplaceModule('XenAPI', fake))