Use commit eaab5fae2502198e9fa57d0d90a7204a2bd83b16: Merge "sort options to make --help output prettier" (Wed Feb 13 12:52:14 2013 +0000). Changes: 9669767 Fix PEP8 error in oslo-rootwrap e3e5e0e Fixes "is not", "not in" syntax usage d156150 Implements import_group 0ce65aa sort options to make --help output prettier 580c259 Make tox run doctests d8c4e0c Change Exception MissingArgs's string 6d102bc Provide i18n to those messages without _() cf705c5 Make project pyflakes clean 9e5912f Fix pep8 E125 errors 4a1ec21 Support testing args for LocalhostMatchMaker 9fd6437 Exchanges should return directed topics a4b6c31 Allow running test in uninstalled source tree 1461135 timeutils: considers that now is soon a956f7a Import timeutils.is_soon from keystoneclient a4b6c31 Allow running test in uninstalled source tree 076e9e5 Add support for directly stringifying VersionInfo Change-Id: I427508f0882a528d040c89290ff9ca68a1e91bcd Fixes: bug #1124213
OpenStack Nova README
OpenStack Nova provides a cloud computing fabric controller, supporting a wide variety of virtualization technologies, including KVM, Xen, LXC, VMWare, and more. In addition to its native API, it includes compatibility with the commonly encountered Amazon EC2 and S3 APIs.
OpenStack Nova is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.
Nova primarily consists of a set of Python daemons, though it requires and integrates with a number of native system components for databases, messaging and virtualization capabilities.
To keep updated with new developments in the OpenStack project follow @openstack on Twitter.
To learn how to deploy OpenStack Nova, consult the documentation available online at:
In the unfortunate event that bugs are discovered, they should be reported to the appropriate bug tracker. If you obtained the software from a 3rd party operating system vendor, it is often wise to use their own bug tracker for reporting problems. In all other cases use the master OpenStack bug tracker, available at:
Developers wishing to work on the OpenStack Nova project should always base their work on the latest Nova code, available from the master GIT repository at:
Developers should also join the discussion on the mailing list, at:
Any new code must follow the development guidelines detailed in the HACKING.rst file, and pass all unit tests. Further developer focused documentation is available at:
For information on how to contribute to Nova, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.
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