Dan Smith 56d3cd7aa7 Add a way to exit early from a wait_for_instance_event()
In some situations, we may enter into a race-safe wait context for an
external event and then determine within the context that the event
would have already fired or for some other reason waiting is not required.
In that case, this introduces a VirtAPI method to abort the wait for
specific events in a clean way.

This should be used sparingly and only in certain circumstances where
it is clear that the event has already occurred. For example, if the
action triggering the event was initiated outside of the wait context,
we can enter the wait context (establishing a waiting event to capture),
and then poll once for completion of that thing. If incomplete, we will
block and wait on context exit as usual. If the thing we are waiting for
has already completed, then we can avoid the long wait by calling the
early-exit helper and avoid what would ultimately be a timeout and

We are specifically adding this to address the cyborg scenario as follows:

Once we select a host in the conductor for an instance build, we can call
to cyborg to start the preparation (i.e. programming) of the device on the
destination host. This takes time, and by kicking it off early, we can
overlap that process with other work we have to do. Because that will send
an event upon completion, which will be routed to the compute, we will race
to start the build process on the compute and begin the race-safe event
wait in the compute manager. Instead of collapsing the window and waiting
synchronously, we can trigger it early, then start the wait in the compute
later, check for early completion *after* the wait has been set up, and then
exit the wait early if we determine that the event had already been sent.
This allows us to be async with cyborg across two services while still being
safe in the critical region where we need to setup the wait before we rely
on the event being sent.

Change-Id: I8e5a0683069b2f322cb059d6eb501d732d1bd851
2019-12-02 07:00:26 -08:00

233 lines
8.7 KiB

# Copyright 2012 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import mock
import os_traits
from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
from nova.compute import manager as compute_manager
from nova import context as nova_context
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
from nova.scheduler.client import report
from nova import test
from nova.virt import fake
from nova.virt import virtapi
class VirtAPIBaseTest(test.NoDBTestCase, test.APICoverage):
cover_api = virtapi.VirtAPI
def setUp(self):
super(VirtAPIBaseTest, self).setUp()
def set_up_virtapi(self):
self.virtapi = virtapi.VirtAPI()
def assertExpected(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
getattr(self.virtapi, method),
*args, **kwargs)
def test_wait_for_instance_event(self):
'instance', ['event'])
def test_exit_wait_early(self):
self.assertExpected('exit_wait_early', [])
def test_update_compute_provider_status(self):
nova_context.get_admin_context(), uuids.rp_uuid,
class FakeVirtAPITest(VirtAPIBaseTest):
cover_api = fake.FakeVirtAPI
def set_up_virtapi(self):
self.virtapi = fake.FakeVirtAPI()
def assertExpected(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
if method == 'wait_for_instance_event':
run = False
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event(*args, **kwargs):
run = True
elif method == 'exit_wait_early':
self.virtapi.exit_wait_early(*args, **kwargs)
elif method == 'update_compute_provider_status':
self.virtapi.update_compute_provider_status(*args, **kwargs)
else:"Unhandled FakeVirtAPI method: %s" % method)
class FakeCompute(object):
def __init__(self):
self.conductor_api = mock.MagicMock()
self.db = mock.MagicMock()
self._events = []
self.instance_events = mock.MagicMock()
self.instance_events.prepare_for_instance_event.side_effect = \
self.reportclient = mock.Mock(spec=report.SchedulerReportClient)
# Keep track of the traits set on each provider in the test.
self.provider_traits = collections.defaultdict(set)
self.reportclient.get_provider_traits.side_effect = (
self.reportclient.set_traits_for_provider.side_effect = (
def _get_provider_traits(self, context, rp_uuid):
return mock.Mock(traits=self.provider_traits[rp_uuid])
def _set_traits_for_provider(self, context, rp_uuid, traits):
self.provider_traits[rp_uuid] = traits
def _event_waiter(self):
event = mock.MagicMock()
event.status = 'completed'
return event
def _prepare_for_instance_event(self, instance, name, tag):
m = mock.MagicMock()
m.instance = instance = name
m.tag = tag
m.event_name = '%s-%s' % (name, tag)
m.wait.side_effect = self._event_waiter
return m
class ComputeVirtAPITest(VirtAPIBaseTest):
cover_api = compute_manager.ComputeVirtAPI
def set_up_virtapi(self):
self.compute = FakeCompute()
self.virtapi = compute_manager.ComputeVirtAPI(self.compute)
def test_exit_wait_early(self):
[('foo', 'bar'),
('foo', 'baz')])
def test_wait_for_instance_event(self):
and_i_ran = ''
event_1_tag = objects.InstanceExternalEvent.make_key(
event_2_tag = objects.InstanceExternalEvent.make_key(
'event2', 'tag')
events = {
('event1', None): event_1_tag,
('event2', 'tag'): event_2_tag,
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event('instance', events.keys()):
and_i_ran = 'I ran so far a-waa-y'
self.assertEqual('I ran so far a-waa-y', and_i_ran)
self.assertEqual(2, len(self.compute._events))
for event in self.compute._events:
self.assertEqual('instance', event.instance)
self.assertIn((, event.tag), events.keys())
def test_wait_for_instance_event_failed(self):
def _failer():
event = mock.MagicMock()
event.status = 'failed'
return event
@mock.patch.object(self.virtapi._compute, '_event_waiter', _failer)
def do_test():
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event('instance',
[('foo', 'bar')]):
self.assertRaises(exception.NovaException, do_test)
def test_wait_for_instance_event_failed_callback(self):
def _failer():
event = mock.MagicMock()
event.status = 'failed'
return event
@mock.patch.object(self.virtapi._compute, '_event_waiter', _failer)
def do_test():
callback = mock.MagicMock()
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event('instance',
[('foo', None)],
callback.assert_called_with('foo', 'instance')
def test_wait_for_instance_event_timeout(self):
@mock.patch.object(self.virtapi._compute, '_event_waiter',
def do_test(mock_timeout, mock_waiter):
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event('instance',
[('foo', 'bar')]):
self.assertRaises(test.TestingException, do_test)
def test_wait_for_instance_event_exit_early(self):
# Wait for two events, exit early skipping one.
# Make sure we waited for one and did not wait for the other
with self.virtapi.wait_for_instance_event('instance',
[('foo', 'bar'),
('foo', 'baz')]):
self.virtapi.exit_wait_early([('foo', 'baz')])'never gonna happen')
self.assertEqual(2, len(self.compute._events))
for event in self.compute._events:
if event.tag == 'bar':
def test_update_compute_provider_status(self):
"""Tests scenarios for adding/removing the COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED
trait on a given compute node resource provider.
ctxt = nova_context.get_admin_context()
# Start by adding the trait to a disabled provider.
self.assertNotIn(uuids.rp_uuid, self.compute.provider_traits)
ctxt, uuids.rp_uuid, enabled=False)
# Now run it again to make sure nothing changed.
with mock.patch.object(self.compute.reportclient,
ctxt, uuids.rp_uuid, enabled=False)
# Now enable the provider and make sure the trait is removed.
ctxt, uuids.rp_uuid, enabled=True)
self.assertEqual(set(), self.compute.provider_traits[uuids.rp_uuid])