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# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Matcher classes to be used inside of the testtools assertThat framework."""
import copy
import io
import pprint
from lxml import etree
import six
from testtools import content
import testtools.matchers
class DictKeysMismatch(object):
def __init__(self, d1only, d2only):
self.d1only = d1only
self.d2only = d2only
def describe(self):
return ('Keys in d1 and not d2: %(d1only)s.'
' Keys in d2 and not d1: %(d2only)s' %
{'d1only': self.d1only, 'd2only': self.d2only})
def get_details(self):
return {}
class DictMismatch(object):
def __init__(self, key, d1_value, d2_value):
self.key = key
self.d1_value = d1_value
self.d2_value = d2_value
def describe(self):
return ("Dictionaries do not match at %(key)s."
" d1: %(d1_value)s d2: %(d2_value)s" %
{'key': self.key, 'd1_value': self.d1_value,
'd2_value': self.d2_value})
def get_details(self):
return {}
class DictMatches(object):
def __init__(self, d1, approx_equal=False, tolerance=0.001):
self.d1 = d1
self.approx_equal = approx_equal
self.tolerance = tolerance
def __str__(self):
return 'DictMatches(%s)' % (pprint.pformat(self.d1))
# Useful assertions
def match(self, d2):
"""Assert two dicts are equivalent.
This is a 'deep' match in the sense that it handles nested
dictionaries appropriately.
If you don't care (or don't know) a given value, you can specify
the string DONTCARE as the value. This will cause that dict-item
to be skipped.
d1keys = set(self.d1.keys())
d2keys = set(d2.keys())
if d1keys != d2keys:
d1only = sorted(d1keys - d2keys)
d2only = sorted(d2keys - d1keys)
return DictKeysMismatch(d1only, d2only)
for key in d1keys:
d1value = self.d1[key]
d2value = d2[key]
error = abs(float(d1value) - float(d2value))
within_tolerance = error <= self.tolerance
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# If both values aren't convertible to float, just ignore
# ValueError if arg is a str, TypeError if it's something else
# (like None)
within_tolerance = False
if hasattr(d1value, 'keys') and hasattr(d2value, 'keys'):
matcher = DictMatches(d1value)
did_match = matcher.match(d2value)
if did_match is not None:
return did_match
elif 'DONTCARE' in (d1value, d2value):
elif self.approx_equal and within_tolerance:
elif d1value != d2value:
return DictMismatch(key, d1value, d2value)
class ListLengthMismatch(object):
def __init__(self, len1, len2):
self.len1 = len1
self.len2 = len2
def describe(self):
return ('Length mismatch: len(L1)=%(len1)d != '
'len(L2)=%(len2)d' % {'len1': self.len1, 'len2': self.len2})
def get_details(self):
return {}
class DictListMatches(object):
def __init__(self, l1, approx_equal=False, tolerance=0.001):
self.l1 = l1
self.approx_equal = approx_equal
self.tolerance = tolerance
def __str__(self):
return 'DictListMatches(%s)' % (pprint.pformat(self.l1))
# Useful assertions
def match(self, l2):
"""Assert a list of dicts are equivalent."""
l1count = len(self.l1)
l2count = len(l2)
if l1count != l2count:
return ListLengthMismatch(l1count, l2count)
for d1, d2 in zip(self.l1, l2):
matcher = DictMatches(d2,
did_match = matcher.match(d1)
if did_match:
return did_match
class SubDictMismatch(object):
def __init__(self,
self.key = key
self.sub_value = sub_value
self.super_value = super_value
self.keys = keys
def describe(self):
if self.keys:
return "Keys between dictionaries did not match"
return ("Dictionaries do not match at %s. d1: %s d2: %s"
% (self.key,
def get_details(self):
return {}
class IsSubDictOf(object):
def __init__(self, super_dict):
self.super_dict = super_dict
def __str__(self):
return 'IsSubDictOf(%s)' % (self.super_dict)
def match(self, sub_dict):
"""Assert a sub_dict is subset of super_dict."""
if not set(sub_dict.keys()).issubset(set(self.super_dict.keys())):
return SubDictMismatch(keys=True)
for k, sub_value in sub_dict.items():
super_value = self.super_dict[k]
if isinstance(sub_value, dict):
matcher = IsSubDictOf(super_value)
did_match = matcher.match(sub_value)
if did_match is not None:
return did_match
elif 'DONTCARE' in (sub_value, super_value):
if sub_value != super_value:
return SubDictMismatch(k, sub_value, super_value)
class FunctionCallMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, expected_func_calls):
self.expected_func_calls = expected_func_calls
self.actual_func_calls = []
def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
func_call = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}
def match(self):
dict_list_matcher = DictListMatches(self.expected_func_calls)
return dict_list_matcher.match(self.actual_func_calls)
class XMLMismatch(object):
"""Superclass for XML mismatch."""
def __init__(self, state):
self.path = str(state)
self.expected = state.expected
self.actual = state.actual
def describe(self):
return "%(path)s: XML does not match" % {'path': self.path}
def get_details(self):
return {
'expected': content.text_content(self.expected),
'actual': content.text_content(self.actual),
class XMLDocInfoMismatch(XMLMismatch):
"""XML version or encoding doesn't match."""
def __init__(self, state, expected_doc_info, actual_doc_info):
super(XMLDocInfoMismatch, self).__init__(state)
self.expected_doc_info = expected_doc_info
self.actual_doc_info = actual_doc_info
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML information mismatch(version, encoding) "
"expected version %(expected_version)s, "
"expected encoding %(expected_encoding)s; "
"actual version %(actual_version)s, "
"actual encoding %(actual_encoding)s" %
{'path': self.path,
'expected_version': self.expected_doc_info['version'],
'expected_encoding': self.expected_doc_info['encoding'],
'actual_version': self.actual_doc_info['version'],
'actual_encoding': self.actual_doc_info['encoding']})
class XMLTagMismatch(XMLMismatch):
"""XML tags don't match."""
def __init__(self, state, idx, expected_tag, actual_tag):
super(XMLTagMismatch, self).__init__(state)
self.idx = idx
self.expected_tag = expected_tag
self.actual_tag = actual_tag
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML tag mismatch at index %(idx)d: "
"expected tag <%(expected_tag)s>; "
"actual tag <%(actual_tag)s>" %
{'path': self.path, 'idx': self.idx,
'expected_tag': self.expected_tag,
'actual_tag': self.actual_tag})
class XMLAttrKeysMismatch(XMLMismatch):
"""XML attribute keys don't match."""
def __init__(self, state, expected_only, actual_only):
super(XMLAttrKeysMismatch, self).__init__(state)
self.expected_only = ', '.join(sorted(expected_only))
self.actual_only = ', '.join(sorted(actual_only))
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML attributes mismatch: "
"keys only in expected: %(expected_only)s; "
"keys only in actual: %(actual_only)s" %
{'path': self.path, 'expected_only': self.expected_only,
'actual_only': self.actual_only})
class XMLAttrValueMismatch(XMLMismatch):
"""XML attribute values don't match."""
def __init__(self, state, key, expected_value, actual_value):
super(XMLAttrValueMismatch, self).__init__(state)
self.key = key
self.expected_value = expected_value
self.actual_value = actual_value
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML attribute value mismatch: "
"expected value of attribute %(key)s: %(expected_value)r; "
"actual value: %(actual_value)r" %
{'path': self.path, 'key': self.key,
'expected_value': self.expected_value,
'actual_value': self.actual_value})
class XMLTextValueMismatch(XMLMismatch):
"""XML text values don't match."""
def __init__(self, state, expected_text, actual_text):
super(XMLTextValueMismatch, self).__init__(state)
self.expected_text = expected_text
self.actual_text = actual_text
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML text value mismatch: "
"expected text value: %(expected_text)r; "
"actual value: %(actual_text)r" %
{'path': self.path, 'expected_text': self.expected_text,
'actual_text': self.actual_text})
class XMLUnexpectedChild(XMLMismatch):
"""Unexpected child present in XML."""
def __init__(self, state, tag, idx):
super(XMLUnexpectedChild, self).__init__(state)
self.tag = tag
self.idx = idx
def describe(self):
return ("%(path)s: XML unexpected child element <%(tag)s> "
"present at index %(idx)d" %
{'path': self.path, 'tag': self.tag, 'idx': self.idx})
class XMLExpectedChild(XMLMismatch):
"""Expected child not present in XML.
idx indicates at which position the child was expected.
If idx is None, that indicates that strict ordering was not required.
def __init__(self, state, tag, idx):
super(XMLExpectedChild, self).__init__(state)
self.tag = tag
self.idx = idx
def describe(self):
s = ("%(path)s: XML expected child element <%(tag)s> "
"not present" %
{'path': self.path, 'tag': self.tag})
# If we are not requiring strict ordering then the child element
# can be expected at any index, so don't claim that it is expected
# at a particular one.
if self.idx is not None:
s += " at index %d" % self.idx
return s
class XMLMatchState(object):
"""Maintain some state for matching.
Tracks the XML node path and saves the expected and actual full
XML text, for use by the XMLMismatch subclasses.
def __init__(self, expected, actual):
self.path = []
self.expected = expected
self.actual = actual
def __str__(self):
return '/' + '/'.join(self.path)
def node(self, tag, idx):
"""Returns a new state based on the current one, with tag and idx
appended to the path. We avoid appending in place and popping
on exit from the context of the comparison at this level in
the XML tree, because this would mutate state objects embedded
in XMLMismatch objects which are bubbled up through recursive
calls to _compare_nodes. This would result in a misleading
error by the time the XMLMismatch object surfaced at the top
of the assertThat() part of the stack.
:param tag: The element tag
:param idx: If not None, the integer index of the element
within its parent. Not included in the path
element if None.
new_state = copy.deepcopy(self)
if idx is not None:
new_state.path.append("%s[%d]" % (tag, idx))
return new_state
class XMLMatches(object):
"""Compare XML strings. More complete than string comparison."""
SKIP_TAGS = (etree.Comment, etree.ProcessingInstruction)
def _parse(text_or_bytes):
if isinstance(text_or_bytes, six.text_type):
text_or_bytes = text_or_bytes.encode("utf-8")
parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding="UTF-8")
return etree.parse(io.BytesIO(text_or_bytes), parser)
def __init__(self, expected, allow_mixed_nodes=False,
skip_empty_text_nodes=True, skip_values=('DONTCARE',)):
self.expected_xml = expected
self.expected = self._parse(expected)
self.allow_mixed_nodes = allow_mixed_nodes
self.skip_empty_text_nodes = skip_empty_text_nodes
self.skip_values = set(skip_values)
def __str__(self):
return 'XMLMatches(%r)' % self.expected_xml
def match(self, actual_xml):
actual = self._parse(actual_xml)
state = XMLMatchState(self.expected_xml, actual_xml)
expected_doc_info = self._get_xml_docinfo(self.expected)
actual_doc_info = self._get_xml_docinfo(actual)
if expected_doc_info != actual_doc_info:
return XMLDocInfoMismatch(state, expected_doc_info,
result = self._compare_node(self.expected.getroot(),
actual.getroot(), state, None)
if result is False:
return XMLMismatch(state)
elif result is not True:
return result
def _get_xml_docinfo(xml_document):
return {'version': xml_document.docinfo.xml_version,
'encoding': xml_document.docinfo.encoding}
def _compare_text_nodes(self, expected, actual, state):
expected_text = [expected.text]
expected_text.extend(child.tail for child in expected)
actual_text = [actual.text]
actual_text.extend(child.tail for child in actual)
if self.skip_empty_text_nodes:
expected_text = [text for text in expected_text
if text and not text.isspace()]
actual_text = [text for text in actual_text
if text and not text.isspace()]
if self.skip_values.intersection(
expected_text + actual_text):
if self.allow_mixed_nodes:
# lets sort text nodes because they can be mixed
expected_text = sorted(expected_text)
actual_text = sorted(actual_text)
if expected_text != actual_text:
return XMLTextValueMismatch(state, expected_text, actual_text)
def _compare_node(self, expected, actual, state, idx):
"""Recursively compares nodes within the XML tree."""
# Start by comparing the tags
if expected.tag != actual.tag:
return XMLTagMismatch(state, idx, expected.tag, actual.tag)
new_state = state.node(expected.tag, idx)
# Compare the attribute keys
expected_attrs = set(expected.attrib.keys())
actual_attrs = set(actual.attrib.keys())
if expected_attrs != actual_attrs:
expected_only = expected_attrs - actual_attrs
actual_only = actual_attrs - expected_attrs
return XMLAttrKeysMismatch(new_state, expected_only, actual_only)
# Compare the attribute values
for key in expected_attrs:
expected_value = expected.attrib[key]
actual_value = actual.attrib[key]
if self.skip_values.intersection(
[expected_value, actual_value]):
elif expected_value != actual_value:
return XMLAttrValueMismatch(new_state, key, expected_value,
# Compare text nodes
text_nodes_mismatch = self._compare_text_nodes(
expected, actual, new_state)
if text_nodes_mismatch:
return text_nodes_mismatch
# Compare the contents of the node
matched_actual_child_idxs = set()
# first_actual_child_idx - pointer to next actual child
# used with allow_mixed_nodes=False ONLY
# prevent to visit actual child nodes twice
first_actual_child_idx = 0
result = None
for expected_child in expected:
if expected_child.tag in self.SKIP_TAGS:
related_actual_child_idx = None
if self.allow_mixed_nodes:
first_actual_child_idx = 0
for actual_child_idx in range(
first_actual_child_idx, len(actual)):
if actual[actual_child_idx].tag in self.SKIP_TAGS:
first_actual_child_idx += 1
if actual_child_idx in matched_actual_child_idxs:
# Compare the nodes
result = self._compare_node(expected_child,
new_state, actual_child_idx)
first_actual_child_idx += 1
if result is not True:
if self.allow_mixed_nodes:
return result
else: # nodes match
related_actual_child_idx = actual_child_idx
if related_actual_child_idx is not None:
if isinstance(result, XMLExpectedChild) or \
isinstance(result, XMLUnexpectedChild):
return result
if self.allow_mixed_nodes:
expected_child_idx = None
expected_child_idx = first_actual_child_idx
return XMLExpectedChild(new_state, expected_child.tag,
# Make sure we consumed all nodes in actual
for actual_child_idx, actual_child in enumerate(actual):
if (actual_child.tag not in self.SKIP_TAGS and
actual_child_idx not in matched_actual_child_idxs):
return XMLUnexpectedChild(new_state, actual_child.tag,
# The nodes match
return True
class EncodedByUTF8(object):
def match(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, six.binary_type):
if hasattr(obj, "decode"):
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return testtools.matchers.Mismatch(
"%s is not encoded in UTF-8." % obj)
elif isinstance(obj, six.text_type):
obj.encode("utf-8", "strict")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return testtools.matchers.Mismatch(
"%s cannot be encoded in UTF-8." % obj)
reason = ("Type of '%(obj)s' is '%(obj_type)s', "
"should be '%(correct_type)s'."
% {
"obj": obj,
"obj_type": type(obj).__name__,
"correct_type": six.binary_type.__name__
return testtools.matchers.Mismatch(reason)