Yesterday, openstack@lists.launchpad.org was migrated with all users to openstack@list.openstack.org. This patch updates references to the old mailing list with the new, to ensure that people encountering them don't accidentally try and join the old list! Change-Id: I76242f4f4f0c8c2418068ea709ab2f7aa4502fd5
OpenStack Nova Documentation README
Included documents:
- developer reference guide(devref)
- man pages
Building the docs
From the root nova directory:
python setup.py build_sphinx
Building just the man pages
from the root nova directory:
python setup.py build_sphinx -b man
Installing the man pages
After building the man pages, they can be found in
. You can install the man page onto your
system by following the following steps:
Example for nova-scheduler
mkdir /usr/local/man/man1
install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 doc/build/man/nova-scheduler.1 /usr/local/man/man1/nova-scheduler.1
gzip /usr/local/man/man1/nova-scheduler.1
man nova-scheduler