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Resource provider inventories
Each resource provider has inventory records for one or more classes
of resources. An inventory record contains information about the total
and reserved amounts of the resource and any consumption constraints
for that resource against the provider.
List resource provider inventories
.. rest_method:: GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories
Normal Response Codes: 200
Error response codes: itemNotFound(404)
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- uuid: resource_provider_uuid_path
.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml
- inventories: inventories
- resource_provider_generation: resource_provider_generation
- allocation_ratio: allocation_ratio
- max_unit: max_unit
- min_unit: min_unit
- reserved: reserved
- step_size: step_size
- total: total
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: get-inventories.json
:language: javascript