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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright [2010] [Anso Labs, LLC]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Utility methods to resize, repartition, and modify disk images.
Includes injection of SSH PGP keys into authorized_keys file.
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from nova import vendor
from twisted.internet import defer
from nova import exception
def partition(infile, outfile, local_bytes=0, local_type='ext2', execute=None):
"""Takes a single partition represented by infile and writes a bootable
drive image into outfile.
The first 63 sectors (0-62) of the resulting image is a master boot record.
Infile becomes the first primary partition.
If local bytes is specified, a second primary partition is created and
formatted as ext2.
In the diagram below, dashes represent drive sectors.
0 a b c d e
+-----+------. . .-------+------. . .------+
| mbr | primary partiton | local partition |
+-----+------. . .-------+------. . .------+
sector_size = 512
file_size = os.path.getsize(infile)
if file_size % sector_size != 0:
logging.warn("Input partition size not evenly divisible by"
" sector size: %d / %d", file_size, sector_size)
primary_sectors = file_size / sector_size
if local_bytes % sector_size != 0:
logging.warn("Bytes for local storage not evenly divisible"
" by sector size: %d / %d", local_bytes, sector_size)
local_sectors = local_bytes / sector_size
mbr_last = 62 # a
primary_first = mbr_last + 1 # b
primary_last = primary_first + primary_sectors # c
local_first = primary_last + 1 # d
local_last = local_first + local_sectors # e
last_sector = local_last # e
# create an empty file
execute('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s count=1 seek=%d bs=%d'
% (outfile, last_sector, sector_size))
# make mbr partition
yield execute('parted --script %s mklabel msdos' % outfile)
# make primary partition
yield execute('parted --script %s mkpart primary %ds %ds'
% (outfile, primary_first, primary_last))
# make local partition
if local_bytes > 0:
yield execute('parted --script %s mkpartfs primary %s %ds %ds'
% (outfile, local_type, local_first, local_last))
# copy file into partition
yield execute('dd if=%s of=%s bs=%d seek=%d conv=notrunc,fsync'
% (infile, outfile, sector_size, primary_first))
def inject_key(key, image, partition=None, execute=None):
"""Injects a ssh key into a disk image.
It adds the specified key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
it will mount the image as a fully partitioned disk and attempt to inject
into the specified partition number.
If partition is not specified it mounts the image as a single partition.
out, err = yield execute('sudo losetup -f --show %s' % image)
if err:
raise exception.Error('Could not attach image to loopback: %s' % err)
device = out.strip()
if not partition is None:
# create partition
out, err = yield execute('sudo kpartx -a %s' % device)
if err:
raise exception.Error('Failed to load partition: %s' % err)
mapped_device = '/dev/mapper/%sp%s' % (device.split('/')[-1],
mapped_device = device
out, err = yield execute('sudo tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 %s' % mapped_device)
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# mount loopback to dir
out, err = yield execute(
'sudo mount %s %s' % (mapped_device, tmpdir))
if err:
raise exception.Error('Failed to mount filesystem: %s' % err)
# inject key file
yield _inject_into_fs(key, tmpdir, execute=execute)
# unmount device
yield execute('sudo umount %s' % mapped_device)
# remove temporary directory
# TODO(termie): scary, is there any thing we can check here?
yield execute('rm -rf %s' % tmpdir)
if not partition is None:
# remove partitions
yield execute('sudo kpartx -d %s' % device)
# remove loopback
yield execute('sudo losetup -d %s' % device)
def _inject_into_fs(key, fs, execute=None):
sshdir = os.path.join(os.path.join(fs, 'root'), '.ssh')
yield execute('sudo mkdir -p %s' % sshdir) # existing dir doesn't matter
yield execute('sudo chown root %s' % sshdir)
yield execute('sudo chmod 700 %s' % sshdir)
keyfile = os.path.join(sshdir, 'authorized_keys')
yield execute('sudo bash -c "cat >> %s"' % keyfile, '\n' + key + '\n')