bhagyashris 051f6f46fc Fix invalid import order
Made corrections in import order as per OpenStack import standards [1].



Change-Id: Idf90cec78f3853af246b8f98e0bb0308aa626c09
2016-07-04 16:14:20 +05:30

469 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import testtools
from testtools.tests.matchers import helpers
from nova.tests.unit import matchers
class TestDictMatches(testtools.TestCase, helpers.TestMatchersInterface):
matches_dict = OrderedDict(sorted({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'DONTCARE',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}}.items()))
matches_matcher = matchers.DictMatches(
matches_matches = [
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'noox', 'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux', 'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
matches_mismatches = [
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'},
{'foo': 'bop', 'baz': 'qux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
str_examples = [
describe_examples = [
("Keys in d1 and not d2: {0}. Keys in d2 and not d1: []"
.format(str(sorted(matches_dict.keys()))), {}, matches_matcher),
("Dictionaries do not match at fluffy. d1: False d2: True",
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}}, matches_matcher),
("Dictionaries do not match at foo. d1: bar d2: bop",
{'foo': 'bop', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}}, matches_matcher),
class TestDictListMatches(testtools.TestCase, helpers.TestMatchersInterface):
matches_matcher = matchers.DictListMatches(
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'DONTCARE',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'},
matches_matches = [
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qoox',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'}],
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': False,
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'}],
matches_mismatches = [
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qoox',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'}],
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': False,
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'cat': 'yorkie'}],
[{'foo': 'bop', 'baz': False,
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'}],
str_examples = [
("DictListMatches([{'baz': 'DONTCARE', 'cat':"
" {'fluffy': False, 'tabby': True}, 'foo': 'bar'},\n"
" {'dog': 'yorkie'}])",
describe_examples = [
("Length mismatch: len(L1)=2 != len(L2)=0", {}, matches_matcher),
("Dictionaries do not match at fluffy. d1: True d2: False",
[{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qoox',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}},
{'dog': 'yorkie'}],
class TestIsSubDictOf(testtools.TestCase, helpers.TestMatchersInterface):
matches_matcher = matchers.IsSubDictOf(
OrderedDict(sorted({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'DONTCARE',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}}.items()))
matches_matches = [
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'noox', 'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}
matches_mismatches = [
{'foo': 'bop', 'baz': 'qux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}},
{'foo': 'bar', 'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}, 'dog': None},
str_examples = [
str(OrderedDict(sorted({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'DONTCARE',
'cat': {'tabby': True,
'fluffy': False}}.items())))),
describe_examples = [
("Dictionaries do not match at fluffy. d1: False d2: True",
{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': True}}, matches_matcher),
("Dictionaries do not match at foo. d1: bar d2: bop",
{'foo': 'bop', 'baz': 'quux',
'cat': {'tabby': True, 'fluffy': False}}, matches_matcher),
class TestXMLMatches(testtools.TestCase, helpers.TestMatchersInterface):
matches_matcher = matchers.XMLMatches("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="DONTCARE"/>
<!--This is a comment-->
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<?spam processing instruction?>
</root>""", allow_mixed_nodes=False)
matches_matches = ["""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key2="spam" key1="spam"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<children><child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
matches_mismatches = ["""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>mismatch text</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key3="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="quux" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child4>child 4</child4>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
<child4>child 4</child4>
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="DONTCARE"/>
<!--This is a comment-->
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<?spam processing instruction?>
"""<?xml version="1.1"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="DONTCARE"/>
<!--This is a comment-->
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<?spam processing instruction?>
str_examples = [
("XMLMatches('<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\\n"
" <text>some text here</text>\\n"
" <text>some other text here</text>\\n"
" <attrs key1=\"spam\" key2=\"DONTCARE\"/>\\n"
" <children>\\n"
" <!--This is a comment-->\\n"
" <child1>child 1</child1>\\n"
" <child2>child 2</child2>\\n"
" <child3>DONTCARE</child3>\\n"
" <?spam processing instruction?>\\n"
" </children>\\n"
"</root>')", matches_matcher),
describe_examples = [
("/root/text[1]: XML text value mismatch: expected text value: "
"['some other text here']; actual value: ['mismatch text']",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>mismatch text</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/attrs[2]: XML attributes mismatch: keys only in expected: "
"key2; keys only in actual: key3",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key3="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/attrs[2]: XML attribute value mismatch: expected value of "
"attribute key1: 'spam'; actual value: 'quux'",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="quux" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/children[3]: XML tag mismatch at index 1: expected tag "
"<child2>; actual tag <child4>",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child4>child 4</child4>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/children[3]: XML expected child element <child3> not "
"present at index 2",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/children[3]: XML unexpected child element <child4> "
"present at index 3",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
<child4>child 4</child4>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/root/children[3]: XML tag mismatch at index 0: "
"expected tag <child1>; actual tag <child2>",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
("/: XML information mismatch(version, encoding) "
"expected version 1.0, expected encoding UTF-8; "
"actual version 1.1, actual encoding UTF-8",
"""<?xml version="1.1"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="DONTCARE"/>
<!--This is a comment-->
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<?spam processing instruction?>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
class TestXMLMatchesUnorderedNodes(testtools.TestCase,
matches_matcher = matchers.XMLMatches("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>some other text here</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="DONTCARE"/>
<!--This is a comment-->
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<?spam processing instruction?>
</root>""", allow_mixed_nodes=True)
matches_matches = ["""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<attrs key2="spam" key1="spam"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
<text>some other text here</text>
matches_mismatches = ["""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>mismatch text</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
describe_examples = [
("/root: XML expected child element <text> not present at index 4",
"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<text>some text here</text>
<text>mismatch text</text>
<attrs key1="spam" key2="quux"/>
<child1>child 1</child1>
<child2>child 2</child2>
<child3>child 3</child3>
</root>""", matches_matcher),
str_examples = []