Daniel P. Berrange 2a04b4dadf console: introduce basic framework for security proxying
Introduce a framework to the websocketproxy to allow a security
negotiation to take place between the proxy and the target service,
prior to connecting the client tenant to the target service.

Based on earlier work by Solly Ross <>

Change-Id: Ifb9360be73864ab45129c758bd1323a9bab8e48c
Co-authored-by: Stephen Finucane <>
Implements: bp websocket-proxy-to-host-security
2017-09-28 16:39:22 +01:00

261 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Websocket proxy that is compatible with OpenStack Nova.
Leverages by Joel Martin
import socket
import sys
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from six.moves import http_cookies as Cookie
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
import websockify
import nova.conf
from nova.consoleauth import rpcapi as consoleauth_rpcapi
from nova import context
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
class TenantSock(object):
"""A socket wrapper for communicating with the tenant.
This class provides a socket-like interface to the internal
websockify send/receive queue for the client connection to
the tenant user. It is used with the security proxy classes.
def __init__(self, reqhandler):
self.reqhandler = reqhandler
self.queue = []
def recv(self, cnt):
# NB(sross): it's ok to block here because we know
# exactly the sequence of data arriving
while len(self.queue) < cnt:
# new_frames looks like ['abc', 'def']
new_frames, closed = self.reqhandler.recv_frames()
# flatten frames onto queue
for frame in new_frames:
# The socket returns (byte) strings in Python 2...
if six.PY2:
# ...and integers in Python 3. For the Python 3 case, we need
# to convert these to characters using 'chr' and then, as this
# returns unicode, convert the result to byte strings.
[six.binary_type(chr(c), 'ascii') for c in frame])
if closed:
popped = self.queue[0:cnt]
del self.queue[0:cnt]
return b''.join(popped)
def sendall(self, data):
def finish_up(self):
def close(self):
class NovaProxyRequestHandlerBase(object):
def address_string(self):
# NOTE(rpodolyaka): override the superclass implementation here and
# explicitly disable the reverse DNS lookup, which might fail on some
# deployments due to DNS configuration and break VNC access completely
return str(self.client_address[0])
def verify_origin_proto(self, connection_info, origin_proto):
access_url = connection_info.get('access_url')
if not access_url:
detail = _("No access_url in connection_info. "
"Cannot validate protocol")
raise exception.ValidationError(detail=detail)
expected_protos = [urlparse.urlparse(access_url).scheme]
# NOTE: For serial consoles the expected protocol could be ws or
# wss which correspond to http and https respectively in terms of
# security.
if 'ws' in expected_protos:
if 'wss' in expected_protos:
return origin_proto in expected_protos
def new_websocket_client(self):
"""Called after a new WebSocket connection has been established."""
# Reopen the eventlet hub to make sure we don't share an epoll
# fd with parent and/or siblings, which would be bad
from eventlet import hubs
# The nova expected behavior is to have token
# passed to the method GET of the request
parse = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
if parse.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
# From a bug in urlparse in Python < 2.7.4 we cannot support
# special schemes (cf:
if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 4):
raise exception.NovaException(
_("We do not support scheme '%s' under Python < 2.7.4, "
"please use http or https") % parse.scheme)
query = parse.query
token = urlparse.parse_qs(query).get("token", [""]).pop()
if not token:
# NoVNC uses it's own convention that forward token
# from the request to a cookie header, we should check
# also for this behavior
hcookie = self.headers.get('cookie')
if hcookie:
cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
for hcookie_part in hcookie.split(';'):
hcookie_part = hcookie_part.lstrip()
except Cookie.CookieError:
# NOTE(stgleb): Do not print out cookie content
# for security reasons.
LOG.warning('Found malformed cookie')
if 'token' in cookie:
token = cookie['token'].value
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
rpcapi = consoleauth_rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI()
connect_info = rpcapi.check_token(ctxt, token=token)
if not connect_info:
raise exception.InvalidToken(token=token)
# Verify Origin
expected_origin_hostname = self.headers.get('Host')
if ':' in expected_origin_hostname:
e = expected_origin_hostname
if '[' in e and ']' in e:
expected_origin_hostname = e.split(']')[0][1:]
expected_origin_hostname = e.split(':')[0]
expected_origin_hostnames = CONF.console.allowed_origins
origin_url = self.headers.get('Origin')
# missing origin header indicates non-browser client which is OK
if origin_url is not None:
origin = urlparse.urlparse(origin_url)
origin_hostname = origin.hostname
origin_scheme = origin.scheme
if origin_hostname == '' or origin_scheme == '':
detail = _("Origin header not valid.")
raise exception.ValidationError(detail=detail)
if origin_hostname not in expected_origin_hostnames:
detail = _("Origin header does not match this host.")
raise exception.ValidationError(detail=detail)
if not self.verify_origin_proto(connect_info, origin_scheme):
detail = _("Origin header protocol does not match this host.")
raise exception.ValidationError(detail=detail)
self.msg(_('connect info: %s'), str(connect_info))
host = connect_info['host']
port = int(connect_info['port'])
# Connect to the target
self.msg(_("connecting to: %(host)s:%(port)s") % {'host': host,
'port': port})
tsock = self.socket(host, port, connect=True)
# Handshake as necessary
if connect_info.get('internal_access_path'):
tsock.send("CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" %
end_token = "\r\n\r\n"
while True:
data = tsock.recv(4096, socket.MSG_PEEK)
token_loc = data.find(end_token)
if token_loc != -1:
if data.split("\r\n")[0].find("200") == -1:
raise exception.InvalidConnectionInfo()
# remove the response from recv buffer
tsock.recv(token_loc + len(end_token))
if self.server.security_proxy is not None:
tenant_sock = TenantSock(self)
tsock = self.server.security_proxy.connect(tenant_sock, tsock)
except exception.SecurityProxyNegotiationFailed:
LOG.exception("Unable to perform security proxying, shutting "
"down connection")
# Start proxying
except Exception:
if tsock:
self.vmsg(_("%(host)s:%(port)s: "
"Websocket client or target closed") %
{'host': host, 'port': port})
class NovaProxyRequestHandler(NovaProxyRequestHandlerBase,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
websockify.ProxyRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def socket(self, *args, **kwargs):
return websockify.WebSocketServer.socket(*args, **kwargs)
class NovaWebSocketProxy(websockify.WebSocketProxy):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""":param security_proxy: instance of
Create a new web socket proxy, optionally using the
@security_proxy instance to negotiate security layer
with the compute node.
self.security_proxy = kwargs.pop('security_proxy', None)
super(NovaWebSocketProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_logger():
return LOG