John Griffith 6d70d6adf9 Implement new attach Cinder flow
This change integrates support of the Cinder 3.44
volume attachment API.

The patch bumps the compute service version to
check whether all the compute nodes are upgraded to the
version that can handle attach and detach with the new

To enable the new flow we also need the 3.44 or higher
microversion from Cinder. We check that in the API and
if it's not available we fall back to the old
attach/detach flow.

Co-Authored-By: Ildiko Vancsa <>

Partially Implements: blueprint cinder-new-attach-apis
Change-Id: Ifc01dbf98545104c998ab96f65ff8623a6db0f28
2017-12-07 10:29:15 -05:00

682 lines
28 KiB

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Handles all requests relating to volumes + cinder.
import collections
import copy
import functools
import sys
from cinderclient import api_versions as cinder_api_versions
from cinderclient import client as cinder_client
from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exception
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as keystone_exception
from keystoneauth1 import loading as ks_loading
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
import six
from nova import availability_zones as az
import nova.conf
from nova import exception
from nova.i18n import _
from nova.i18n import _LE
from nova.i18n import _LW
from nova import service_auth
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def reset_globals():
"""Testing method to reset globals.
global _SESSION
def _check_microversion(url, microversion):
"""Checks to see if the requested microversion is supported by the current
version of python-cinderclient and the volume API endpoint.
:param url: Cinder API endpoint URL.
:param microversion: Requested microversion. If not available at the given
API endpoint URL, a CinderAPIVersionNotAvailable exception is raised.
:returns: The microversion if it is available. This can be used to
construct the cinder v3 client object.
:raises: CinderAPIVersionNotAvailable if the microversion is not available.
max_api_version = cinder_client.get_highest_client_server_version(url)
# get_highest_client_server_version returns a float which we need to cast
# to a str and create an APIVersion object to do our version comparison.
max_api_version = cinder_api_versions.APIVersion(str(max_api_version))
# Check if the max_api_version matches the requested minimum microversion.
if max_api_version.matches(microversion):
# The requested microversion is supported by the client and the server.
return microversion
raise exception.CinderAPIVersionNotAvailable(version=microversion)
def _get_cinderclient_parameters(context):
global _SESSION
if not _SESSION:
_SESSION = ks_loading.load_session_from_conf_options(
url = None
auth = service_auth.get_auth_plugin(context)
service_type, service_name, interface = CONF.cinder.catalog_info.split(':')
service_parameters = {'service_type': service_type,
'service_name': service_name,
'interface': interface,
'region_name': CONF.cinder.os_region_name}
if CONF.cinder.endpoint_template:
url = CONF.cinder.endpoint_template % context.to_dict()
url = _SESSION.get_endpoint(auth, **service_parameters)
return auth, service_parameters, url
def is_microversion_supported(context, microversion):
_, _, url = _get_cinderclient_parameters(context)
_check_microversion(url, microversion)
def cinderclient(context, microversion=None, skip_version_check=False):
"""Constructs a cinder client object for making API requests.
:param context: The nova request context for auth.
:param microversion: Optional microversion to check against the client.
This implies that Cinder v3 is required for any calls that require a
microversion. If the microversion is not available, this method will
raise an CinderAPIVersionNotAvailable exception.
:param skip_version_check: If True and a specific microversion is
requested, the version discovery check is skipped and the microversion
is used directly. This should only be used if a previous check for the
same microversion was successful.
endpoint_override = None
auth, service_parameters, url = _get_cinderclient_parameters(context)
if CONF.cinder.endpoint_template:
endpoint_override = url
# TODO(jamielennox): This should be using proper version discovery from
# the cinder service rather than just inspecting the URL for certain string
# values.
version = cinder_client.get_volume_api_from_url(url)
if version != '3':
raise exception.UnsupportedCinderAPIVersion(version=version)
version = '3.0'
# Check to see a specific microversion is requested and if so, can it
# be handled by the backing server.
if microversion is not None:
if skip_version_check:
version = microversion
version = _check_microversion(url, microversion)
return cinder_client.Client(version,
def _untranslate_volume_summary_view(context, vol):
"""Maps keys for volumes summary view."""
d = {}
d['id'] =
d['status'] = vol.status
d['size'] = vol.size
d['availability_zone'] = vol.availability_zone
d['created_at'] = vol.created_at
# TODO(jdg): The calling code expects attach_time and
# mountpoint to be set. When the calling
# code is more defensive this can be
# removed.
d['attach_time'] = ""
d['mountpoint'] = ""
d['multiattach'] = getattr(vol, 'multiattach', False)
if vol.attachments:
d['attachments'] = collections.OrderedDict()
for attachment in vol.attachments:
a = {attachment['server_id']:
{'attachment_id': attachment.get('attachment_id'),
'mountpoint': attachment.get('device')}
d['attach_status'] = 'attached'
d['attach_status'] = 'detached'
d['display_name'] =
d['display_description'] = vol.description
# TODO(jdg): Information may be lost in this translation
d['volume_type_id'] = vol.volume_type
d['snapshot_id'] = vol.snapshot_id
d['bootable'] = strutils.bool_from_string(vol.bootable)
d['volume_metadata'] = {}
for key, value in vol.metadata.items():
d['volume_metadata'][key] = value
if hasattr(vol, 'volume_image_metadata'):
d['volume_image_metadata'] = copy.deepcopy(vol.volume_image_metadata)
return d
def _untranslate_snapshot_summary_view(context, snapshot):
"""Maps keys for snapshots summary view."""
d = {}
d['id'] =
d['status'] = snapshot.status
d['progress'] = snapshot.progress
d['size'] = snapshot.size
d['created_at'] = snapshot.created_at
d['display_name'] =
d['display_description'] = snapshot.description
d['volume_id'] = snapshot.volume_id
d['project_id'] = snapshot.project_id
d['volume_size'] = snapshot.size
return d
def _translate_attachment_ref(attachment_ref):
"""Building old style connection_info by adding the 'data' key back."""
translated_con_info = {}
connection_info_data = attachment_ref.pop('connection_info', None)
if connection_info_data:
connection_info_data.pop('attachment_id', None)
translated_con_info['driver_volume_type'] = \
connection_info_data.pop('driver_volume_type', None)
translated_con_info['data'] = connection_info_data
translated_con_info['status'] = attachment_ref.pop('status', None)
translated_con_info['instance'] = attachment_ref.pop('instance', None)
translated_con_info['attach_mode'] = attachment_ref.pop('attach_mode',
translated_con_info['attached_at'] = attachment_ref.pop('attached_at',
translated_con_info['detached_at'] = attachment_ref.pop('detached_at',
# Now the catch all...
for k, v in attachment_ref.items():
if k != "id":
translated_con_info[k] = v
attachment_ref['connection_info'] = translated_con_info
return attachment_ref
def translate_cinder_exception(method):
"""Transforms a cinder exception but keeps its traceback intact."""
def wrapper(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs):
res = method(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
except (cinder_exception.ConnectionError,
keystone_exception.ConnectionError) as exc:
err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc)
except (keystone_exception.BadRequest,
cinder_exception.BadRequest) as exc:
err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc)
except (keystone_exception.Forbidden,
cinder_exception.Forbidden) as exc:
err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(exc)
return res
return wrapper
def translate_volume_exception(method):
"""Transforms the exception for the volume but keeps its traceback intact.
def wrapper(self, ctx, volume_id, *args, **kwargs):
res = method(self, ctx, volume_id, *args, **kwargs)
except (keystone_exception.NotFound, cinder_exception.NotFound):
except cinder_exception.OverLimit as e:
return res
return translate_cinder_exception(wrapper)
def translate_attachment_exception(method):
"""Transforms the exception for the attachment but keeps its traceback intact.
def wrapper(self, ctx, attachment_id, *args, **kwargs):
res = method(self, ctx, attachment_id, *args, **kwargs)
except (keystone_exception.NotFound, cinder_exception.NotFound):
return res
return translate_cinder_exception(wrapper)
def translate_snapshot_exception(method):
"""Transforms the exception for the snapshot but keeps its traceback
def wrapper(self, ctx, snapshot_id, *args, **kwargs):
res = method(self, ctx, snapshot_id, *args, **kwargs)
except (keystone_exception.NotFound, cinder_exception.NotFound):
return res
return translate_cinder_exception(wrapper)
def translate_mixed_exceptions(method):
"""Transforms exceptions that can come from both volumes and snapshots."""
def wrapper(self, ctx, res_id, *args, **kwargs):
res = method(self, ctx, res_id, *args, **kwargs)
except (keystone_exception.NotFound, cinder_exception.NotFound):
except cinder_exception.OverLimit:
return res
return translate_cinder_exception(wrapper)
def _reraise(desired_exc):
six.reraise(type(desired_exc), desired_exc, sys.exc_info()[2])
class API(object):
"""API for interacting with the volume manager."""
def get(self, context, volume_id):
item = cinderclient(context).volumes.get(volume_id)
return _untranslate_volume_summary_view(context, item)
def get_all(self, context, search_opts=None):
search_opts = search_opts or {}
items = cinderclient(context).volumes.list(detailed=True,
rval = []
for item in items:
rval.append(_untranslate_volume_summary_view(context, item))
return rval
def check_attached(self, context, volume):
if volume['status'] != "in-use":
msg = _("volume '%(vol)s' status must be 'in-use'. Currently in "
"'%(status)s' status") % {"vol": volume['id'],
"status": volume['status']}
raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
def check_availability_zone(self, context, volume, instance=None):
"""Ensure that the availability zone is the same."""
# TODO(walter-boring): move this check to Cinder as part of
# the reserve call.
if instance and not CONF.cinder.cross_az_attach:
instance_az = az.get_instance_availability_zone(context, instance)
if instance_az != volume['availability_zone']:
msg = _("Instance %(instance)s and volume %(vol)s are not in "
"the same availability_zone. Instance is in "
"%(ins_zone)s. Volume is in %(vol_zone)s") % {
"instance": instance.uuid,
"vol": volume['id'],
'ins_zone': instance_az,
'vol_zone': volume['availability_zone']}
raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
def reserve_volume(self, context, volume_id):
def unreserve_volume(self, context, volume_id):
def begin_detaching(self, context, volume_id):
def roll_detaching(self, context, volume_id):
def attach(self, context, volume_id, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw'):
cinderclient(context).volumes.attach(volume_id, instance_uuid,
mountpoint, mode=mode)
def detach(self, context, volume_id, instance_uuid=None,
client = cinderclient(context)
if attachment_id is None:
volume = self.get(context, volume_id)
if volume['multiattach']:
attachments = volume.get('attachments', {})
if instance_uuid:
attachment_id = attachments.get(instance_uuid, {}).\
if not attachment_id:
LOG.warning(_LW("attachment_id couldn't be retrieved "
"for volume %(volume_id)s with "
"instance_uuid %(instance_id)s. The "
"volume has the 'multiattach' flag "
"enabled, without the attachment_id "
"Cinder most probably cannot perform "
"the detach."),
{'volume_id': volume_id,
'instance_id': instance_uuid})
LOG.warning(_LW("attachment_id couldn't be retrieved for "
"volume %(volume_id)s. The volume has the "
"'multiattach' flag enabled, without the "
"attachment_id Cinder most probably "
"cannot perform the detach."),
{'volume_id': volume_id})
client.volumes.detach(volume_id, attachment_id)
def initialize_connection(self, context, volume_id, connector):
connection_info = cinderclient(
context).volumes.initialize_connection(volume_id, connector)
connection_info['connector'] = connector
return connection_info
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(_LE('Initialize connection failed for volume '
'%(vol)s on host %(host)s. Error: %(msg)s '
'Code: %(code)s. Attempting to terminate '
{'vol': volume_id,
'host': connector.get('host'),
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': ex.code})
self.terminate_connection(context, volume_id, connector)
except Exception as exc:
LOG.error(_LE('Connection between volume %(vol)s and host '
'%(host)s might have succeeded, but attempt '
'to terminate connection has failed. '
'Validate the connection and determine if '
'manual cleanup is needed. Error: %(msg)s '
'Code: %(code)s.'),
{'vol': volume_id,
'host': connector.get('host'),
'msg': six.text_type(exc),
'code': (
exc.code if hasattr(exc, 'code') else None)})
def terminate_connection(self, context, volume_id, connector):
return cinderclient(context).volumes.terminate_connection(volume_id,
def migrate_volume_completion(self, context, old_volume_id, new_volume_id,
return cinderclient(context).volumes.migrate_volume_completion(
old_volume_id, new_volume_id, error)
def create(self, context, size, name, description, snapshot=None,
image_id=None, volume_type=None, metadata=None,
client = cinderclient(context)
if snapshot is not None:
snapshot_id = snapshot['id']
snapshot_id = None
kwargs = dict(snapshot_id=snapshot_id,
item = client.volumes.create(size, **kwargs)
return _untranslate_volume_summary_view(context, item)
def delete(self, context, volume_id):
def update(self, context, volume_id, fields):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id):
item = cinderclient(context).volume_snapshots.get(snapshot_id)
return _untranslate_snapshot_summary_view(context, item)
def get_all_snapshots(self, context):
items = cinderclient(context).volume_snapshots.list(detailed=True)
rvals = []
for item in items:
rvals.append(_untranslate_snapshot_summary_view(context, item))
return rvals
def create_snapshot(self, context, volume_id, name, description):
item = cinderclient(context).volume_snapshots.create(volume_id,
return _untranslate_snapshot_summary_view(context, item)
def create_snapshot_force(self, context, volume_id, name, description):
item = cinderclient(context).volume_snapshots.create(volume_id,
return _untranslate_snapshot_summary_view(context, item)
def delete_snapshot(self, context, snapshot_id):
def get_volume_encryption_metadata(self, context, volume_id):
return cinderclient(context).volumes.get_encryption_metadata(volume_id)
def update_snapshot_status(self, context, snapshot_id, status):
vs = cinderclient(context).volume_snapshots
# '90%' here is used to tell Cinder that Nova is done
# with its portion of the 'creating' state. This can
# be removed when we are able to split the Cinder states
# into 'creating' and a separate state of
# 'creating_in_nova'. (Same for 'deleting' state.)
{'status': status,
'progress': '90%'}
def attachment_create(self, context, volume_id, instance_id,
"""Create a volume attachment. This requires microversion >= 3.44.
The attachment_create call was introduced in microversion 3.27. We
need 3.44 as minmum here as we need attachment_complete to finish the
attaching process and it which was introduced in version 3.44.
:param context: The nova request context.
:param volume_id: UUID of the volume on which to create the attachment.
:param instance_id: UUID of the instance to which the volume will be
:param connector: host connector dict; if None, the attachment will
be 'reserved' but not yet attached.
:returns: a dict created from the
cinderclient.v3.attachments.VolumeAttachment object with a backward
compatible connection_info dict
attachment_ref = cinderclient(context, '3.44').attachments.create(
volume_id, connector, instance_id)
return _translate_attachment_ref(attachment_ref)
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(('Create attachment failed for volume '
'%(volume_id)s. Error: %(msg)s Code: %(code)s'),
{'volume_id': volume_id,
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': getattr(ex, 'code', None)},
def attachment_get(self, context, attachment_id):
"""Gets a volume attachment.
:param context: The nova request context.
:param attachment_id: UUID of the volume attachment to get.
:returns: a dict created from the
cinderclient.v3.attachments.VolumeAttachment object with a backward
compatible connection_info dict
attachment_ref = cinderclient(
context, '3.44', skip_version_check=True)
translated_attach_ref = _translate_attachment_ref(
return translated_attach_ref
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(('Show attachment failed for attachment '
'%(id)s. Error: %(msg)s Code: %(code)s'),
{'id': attachment_id,
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': getattr(ex, 'code', None)})
def attachment_update(self, context, attachment_id, connector):
"""Updates the connector on the volume attachment. An attachment
without a connector is considered reserved but not fully attached.
:param context: The nova request context.
:param attachment_id: UUID of the volume attachment to update.
:param connector: host connector dict. This is required when updating
a volume attachment. To terminate a connection, the volume
attachment for that connection must be deleted.
:returns: a dict created from the
cinderclient.v3.attachments.VolumeAttachment object with a backward
compatible connection_info dict
attachment_ref = cinderclient(
context, '3.44', skip_version_check=True).attachments.update(
attachment_id, connector)
translated_attach_ref = _translate_attachment_ref(
translated_attach_ref['connection_info']['connector'] = connector
return translated_attach_ref
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(('Update attachment failed for attachment '
'%(id)s. Error: %(msg)s Code: %(code)s'),
{'id': attachment_id,
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': getattr(ex, 'code', None)})
def attachment_delete(self, context, attachment_id):
context, '3.44', skip_version_check=True).attachments.delete(
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(('Delete attachment failed for attachment '
'%(id)s. Error: %(msg)s Code: %(code)s'),
{'id': attachment_id,
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': getattr(ex, 'code', None)})
def attachment_complete(self, context, attachment_id):
"""Marks a volume attachment complete.
This call should be used to inform Cinder that a volume attachment is
fully connected on the compute host so Cinder can apply the necessary
state changes to the volume info in its database.
:param context: The nova request context.
:param attachment_id: UUID of the volume attachment to update.
context, '3.44', skip_version_check=True).attachments.complete(
except cinder_exception.ClientException as ex:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error(('Complete attachment failed for attachment '
'%(id)s. Error: %(msg)s Code: %(code)s'),
{'id': attachment_id,
'msg': six.text_type(ex),
'code': getattr(ex, 'code', None)})