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# Copyright (c) 2011 Openstack, LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
ZoneManager oversees all communications with child Zones.
import datetime
import thread
import traceback
from novaclient import v1_1 as novaclient
from eventlet import greenpool
from nova import db
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils
flags.DEFINE_integer('zone_db_check_interval', 60,
'Seconds between getting fresh zone info from db.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('zone_failures_to_offline', 3,
'Number of consecutive errors before marking zone offline')
class ZoneState(object):
"""Holds the state of all connected child zones."""
def __init__(self):
self.is_active = True = None
self.capabilities = None
self.attempt = 0
self.last_seen = datetime.datetime.min
self.last_exception = None
self.last_exception_time = None
def update_credentials(self, zone):
"""Update zone credentials from db"""
self.zone_id = =
self.api_url = zone.api_url
self.username = zone.username
self.password = zone.password
self.weight_offset = zone.weight_offset
self.weight_scale = zone.weight_scale
def update_metadata(self, zone_metadata):
"""Update zone metadata after successful communications with
child zone."""
self.last_seen = utils.utcnow()
self.attempt = 0
self.capabilities = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v)
for k, v in zone_metadata.iteritems() if k != 'name'])
self.is_active = True
def to_dict(self):
return dict(, capabilities=self.capabilities,
is_active=self.is_active, api_url=self.api_url,
id=self.zone_id, weight_scale=self.weight_scale,
def log_error(self, exception):
"""Something went wrong. Check to see if zone should be
marked as offline."""
self.last_exception = exception
self.last_exception_time = utils.utcnow()
api_url = self.api_url
logging.warning(_("'%(exception)s' error talking to "
"zone %(api_url)s") % locals())
max_errors = FLAGS.zone_failures_to_offline
self.attempt += 1
if self.attempt >= max_errors:
self.is_active = False
logging.error(_("No answer from zone %(api_url)s "
"after %(max_errors)d "
"attempts. Marking inactive.") % locals())
def _call_novaclient(zone):
"""Call novaclient. Broken out for testing purposes. Note that
we have to use the admin credentials for this since there is no
available context."""
client = novaclient.Client(zone.username, zone.password, None,
def _poll_zone(zone):
"""Eventlet worker to poll a zone."""
name =
url = zone.api_url
logging.debug(_("Polling zone: %(name)s @ %(url)s") % locals())
except Exception, e:
class ZoneManager(object):
"""Keeps the zone states updated."""
def __init__(self):
self.last_zone_db_check = datetime.datetime.min
self.zone_states = {} # { <zone_id> : ZoneState }
self.service_states = {} # { <host> : { <service> : { cap k : v }}}
self.green_pool = greenpool.GreenPool()
def get_zone_list(self):
"""Return the list of zones we know about."""
return [zone.to_dict() for zone in self.zone_states.values()]
def get_host_list(self):
"""Returns a list of dicts for each host that the Zone Manager
knows about. Each dict contains the host_name and the service
for that host.
all_hosts = self.service_states.keys()
ret = []
for host in self.service_states:
for svc in self.service_states[host]:
ret.append({"service": svc, "host_name": host})
return ret
def get_zone_capabilities(self, context):
"""Roll up all the individual host info to generic 'service'
capabilities. Each capability is aggregated into
<cap>_min and <cap>_max values."""
hosts_dict = self.service_states
# TODO(sandy) - be smarter about fabricating this structure.
# But it's likely to change once we understand what the Best-Match
# code will need better.
combined = {} # { <service>_<cap> : (min, max), ... }
stale_host_services = {} # { host1 : [svc1, svc2], host2 :[svc1]}
for host, host_dict in hosts_dict.iteritems():
for service_name, service_dict in host_dict.iteritems():
if not service_dict.get("enabled", True):
# Service is disabled; do no include it
#Check if the service capabilities became stale
if self.host_service_caps_stale(host, service_name):
if host not in stale_host_services:
stale_host_services[host] = [] # Adding host key once
for cap, value in service_dict.iteritems():
if cap == "timestamp": # Timestamp is not needed
key = "%s_%s" % (service_name, cap)
min_value, max_value = combined.get(key, (value, value))
min_value = min(min_value, value)
max_value = max(max_value, value)
combined[key] = (min_value, max_value)
# Delete the expired host services
return combined
def _refresh_from_db(self, context):
"""Make our zone state map match the db."""
# Add/update existing zones ...
zones = db.zone_get_all(context)
existing = self.zone_states.keys()
db_keys = []
for zone in zones:
if not in existing:
self.zone_states[] = ZoneState()
# Cleanup zones removed from db ...
keys = self.zone_states.keys() # since we're deleting
for zone_id in keys:
if zone_id not in db_keys:
del self.zone_states[zone_id]
def _poll_zones(self, context):
"""Try to connect to each child zone and get update."""
self.green_pool.imap(_poll_zone, self.zone_states.values())
def ping(self, context=None):
"""Ping should be called periodically to update zone status."""
diff = utils.utcnow() - self.last_zone_db_check
if diff.seconds >= FLAGS.zone_db_check_interval:
logging.debug(_("Updating zone cache from db."))
self.last_zone_db_check = utils.utcnow()
def update_service_capabilities(self, service_name, host, capabilities):
"""Update the per-service capabilities based on this notification."""
logging.debug(_("Received %(service_name)s service update from "
"%(host)s.") % locals())
service_caps = self.service_states.get(host, {})
capabilities["timestamp"] = utils.utcnow() # Reported time
service_caps[service_name] = capabilities
self.service_states[host] = service_caps
def host_service_caps_stale(self, host, service):
"""Check if host service capabilites are not recent enough."""
allowed_time_diff = FLAGS.periodic_interval * 3
caps = self.service_states[host][service]
if (utils.utcnow() - caps["timestamp"]) <= \
return False
return True
def delete_expired_host_services(self, host_services_dict):
"""Delete all the inactive host services information."""
for host, services in host_services_dict.iteritems():
service_caps = self.service_states[host]
for service in services:
del service_caps[service]
if len(service_caps) == 0: # Delete host if no services
del self.service_states[host]