Chris Dent def4b17934 Use nova.db.api directly
nova/db/ was importing * from nova.db.api. This meant that
any time any code anywhere within the nova.db package was imported
then nova.db.api was too, leading to a cascade of imports that may
not have been desired. Also, in general, code in is a pain.

Therefore, this change adjusts code that so that either:

* nova.db.api is used directly
* nova.db.api is imported as 'db'

In either case, the functionality remains the same.

The primary goal of this change was to make it possible to import the
model files without having to import the db api. Moving the model files
to a different place in the directory hierarchy was considered, but
given that "code in is a pain" this mode was chosen.

This looks like a very large change, but it is essentially adjusting
package names, many in mocks.

Change-Id: Ic1fd7c87ceda05eeb96735da2a415ef37060bb1a
2018-07-10 14:56:27 +00:00

214 lines
7.1 KiB

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# under the License.
Fakes For Cells tests.
from nova.cells import driver
from nova.cells import manager as cells_manager
from nova.cells import state as cells_state
from nova.cells import utils as cells_utils
import nova.conf
import nova.db.api
from nova.db import base
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
# Fake Cell Hierarchy
FAKE_CELL_LAYOUT = [{'child-cell1': []},
{'child-cell2': [{'grandchild-cell1': []}]},
{'child-cell3': [{'grandchild-cell2': []},
{'grandchild-cell3': []}]},
{'child-cell4': []}]
# build_cell_stub_infos() below will take the above layout and create
# a fake view of the DB from the perspective of each of the cells.
# For each cell, a CellStubInfo will be created with this info.
class FakeDBApi(object):
"""Cells uses a different DB in each cell. This means in order to
stub out things differently per cell, I need to create a fake DBApi
object that is instantiated by each fake cell.
def __init__(self, cell_db_entries):
self.cell_db_entries = cell_db_entries
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(nova.db.api, key)
def cell_get_all(self, ctxt):
return self.cell_db_entries
def instance_get_all_by_filters(self, ctxt, *args, **kwargs):
return []
def instance_get_by_uuid(self, ctxt, instance_uuid):
raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_uuid)
class FakeCellsDriver(driver.BaseCellsDriver):
class FakeCellState(cells_state.CellState):
def send_message(self, message):
message_runner = get_message_runner(
orig_ctxt = message.ctxt
json_message = message.to_json()
message = message_runner.message_from_json(json_message)
# Restore this so we can use mox and verify same context
message.ctxt = orig_ctxt
class FakeCellStateManager(cells_state.CellStateManagerDB):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FakeCellStateManager, self).__init__(*args,
cell_state_cls=FakeCellState, **kwargs)
class FakeCellsManager(cells_manager.CellsManager):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FakeCellsManager, self).__init__(*args,
class CellStubInfo(object):
def __init__(self, test_case, cell_name, db_entries):
self.test_case = test_case
self.cell_name = cell_name
self.db_entries = db_entries
def fake_base_init(_self, *args, **kwargs):
_self.db = FakeDBApi(db_entries)
def _fake_compute_node_get_all(context):
return []
def _fake_service_get_by_binary(context, binary):
return []
test_case.stubs.Set(base.Base, '__init__', fake_base_init)
test_case.stubs.Set(objects.ComputeNodeList, 'get_all',
test_case.stubs.Set(objects.ServiceList, 'get_by_binary',
self.cells_manager = FakeCellsManager()
# Fix the cell name, as it normally uses
msg_runner = self.cells_manager.msg_runner
msg_runner.our_name = self.cell_name = self.cell_name
def _build_cell_transport_url(cur_db_id):
username = 'username%s' % cur_db_id
password = 'password%s' % cur_db_id
hostname = 'rpc_host%s' % cur_db_id
port = 3090 + cur_db_id
virtual_host = 'rpc_vhost%s' % cur_db_id
return 'rabbit://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % (username, password, hostname, port,
def _build_cell_stub_info(test_case, our_name, parent_path, children):
cell_db_entries = []
cur_db_id = 1
sep_char = cells_utils.PATH_CELL_SEP
if parent_path:
cur_db_id += 1
our_path = parent_path + sep_char + our_name
our_path = our_name
for child in children:
for child_name, grandchildren in child.items():
_build_cell_stub_info(test_case, child_name, our_path,
cell_entry = dict(id=cur_db_id,
cur_db_id += 1
stub_info = CellStubInfo(test_case, our_name, cell_db_entries)
CELL_NAME_TO_STUB_INFO[our_name] = stub_info
def _build_cell_stub_infos(test_case):
_build_cell_stub_info(test_case, FAKE_TOP_LEVEL_CELL_NAME, '',
def init(test_case):
def _get_cell_stub_info(cell_name):
return CELL_NAME_TO_STUB_INFO[cell_name]
def get_state_manager(cell_name):
return _get_cell_stub_info(cell_name).cells_manager.state_manager
def get_cell_state(cur_cell_name, tgt_cell_name):
state_manager = get_state_manager(cur_cell_name)
cell = state_manager.child_cells.get(tgt_cell_name)
if cell is None:
cell = state_manager.parent_cells.get(tgt_cell_name)
return cell
def get_cells_manager(cell_name):
return _get_cell_stub_info(cell_name).cells_manager
def get_message_runner(cell_name):
return _get_cell_stub_info(cell_name).cells_manager.msg_runner
def stub_tgt_method(test_case, cell_name, method_name, method):
msg_runner = get_message_runner(cell_name)
tgt_msg_methods = msg_runner.methods_by_type['targeted']
setattr(tgt_msg_methods, method_name, method)
def stub_bcast_method(test_case, cell_name, method_name, method):
msg_runner = get_message_runner(cell_name)
tgt_msg_methods = msg_runner.methods_by_type['broadcast']
setattr(tgt_msg_methods, method_name, method)
def stub_bcast_methods(test_case, method_name, method):
for cell_name in CELL_NAME_TO_STUB_INFO.keys():
stub_bcast_method(test_case, cell_name, method_name, method)