Surya Seetharaman 031314b6d8 Refactor scatter-gather utility to return exception objects
Scatter-gather utility returns a raised_exception_sentinel for
all kinds of exceptions that are caught and often times there
maybe situations where we may have to handle the different types
of exceptions differently. To facilitate that, it might be more
useful to return the Exception object itself instead of the dummy
raised_exception_sentinel so that based on the result's exception
type we can handle them differently.

Related to blueprint handling-down-cell

Change-Id: I861b223ee46b0f0a31f646a4b45f8a02410253cf
2018-10-31 15:18:07 -04:00

438 lines
18 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import copy
import datetime
import mock
from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
from nova.compute import multi_cell_list
from nova import context
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
from nova import test
class TestUtils(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_compare_simple(self):
dt1 = datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 5, 20, 30, 00)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(1955, 10, 25, 1, 21, 00)
inst1 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 'd', 'key2': 456, 'key4': dt1}
inst2 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 's', 'key2': 123, 'key4': dt2}
# Equal key0, inst == inst2
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0'], ['asc'])
self.assertEqual(0, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Equal key0, inst == inst2 (direction should not matter)
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0'], ['desc'])
self.assertEqual(0, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Ascending by key1, inst1 < inst2
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key1'], ['asc'])
self.assertEqual(-1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Descending by key1, inst2 < inst1
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key1'], ['desc'])
self.assertEqual(1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Ascending by key2, inst2 < inst1
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key2'], ['asc'])
self.assertEqual(1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Descending by key2, inst1 < inst2
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key2'], ['desc'])
self.assertEqual(-1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Ascending by key4, inst1 > inst2
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key4'], ['asc'])
self.assertEqual(1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Descending by key4, inst1 < inst2
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key4'], ['desc'])
self.assertEqual(-1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
def test_compare_multiple(self):
# key0 should not affect ordering, but key1 should
inst1 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 'd', 'key2': 456}
inst2 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 's', 'key2': 123}
# Should be equivalent to ascending by key1
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0', 'key1'],
['asc', 'asc'])
self.assertEqual(-1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
# Should be equivalent to descending by key1
ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0', 'key1'],
['asc', 'desc'])
self.assertEqual(1, ctx.compare_records(inst1, inst2))
def test_wrapper(self):
inst1 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 'd', 'key2': 456}
inst2 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 's', 'key2': 123}
ctx = context.RequestContext()
ctx.cell_uuid = uuids.cell
# Should sort by key1
sort_ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0', 'key1'],
['asc', 'asc'])
iw1 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx, inst1)
iw2 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx, inst2)
# Check this both ways to make sure we're comparing against -1
# and not just nonzero return from cmp()
self.assertTrue(iw1 < iw2)
self.assertFalse(iw2 < iw1)
# Should sort reverse by key1
sort_ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0', 'key1'],
['asc', 'desc'])
iw1 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx, inst1)
iw2 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx, inst2)
# Check this both ways to make sure we're comparing against -1
# and not just nonzero return from cmp()
self.assertTrue(iw1 > iw2)
self.assertFalse(iw2 > iw1)
# Make sure we can tell which cell a request came from
self.assertEqual(uuids.cell, iw1.cell_uuid)
def test_wrapper_sentinels(self):
inst1 = {'key0': 'foo', 'key1': 'd', 'key2': 456}
ctx = context.RequestContext()
ctx.cell_uuid = uuids.cell
sort_ctx = multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext(['key0', 'key1'],
['asc', 'asc'])
iw1 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx, inst1)
# Wrappers with sentinels
iw2 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx,
iw3 = multi_cell_list.RecordWrapper(ctx, sort_ctx,
# NOTE(danms): The sentinel wrappers always win
self.assertTrue(iw2 < iw1)
self.assertTrue(iw3 < iw1)
self.assertFalse(iw1 < iw2)
self.assertFalse(iw1 < iw3)
# NOTE(danms): Comparing two wrappers with sentinels will always return
# True for less-than because we're just naive about always favoring the
# left hand side. This is fine for our purposes but put it here to make
# it explicit.
self.assertTrue(iw2 < iw3)
self.assertTrue(iw3 < iw2)
def test_query_wrapper_success(self):
def test(ctx, data):
for thing in data:
yield thing
self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3],
None, test, [1, 2, 3])))
def test_query_wrapper_timeout(self):
def test(ctx):
raise exception.CellTimeout
[x._db_record for x in
mock.MagicMock(), test)])
def test_query_wrapper_fail(self):
def tester(ctx):
raise test.TestingException
# query_wrapper is a generator so we convert to a list and
# check the type on the first and only result
[x._db_record for x in multi_cell_list.query_wrapper(
mock.MagicMock(), tester)][0],
class TestListContext(multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext):
def compare_records(self, rec1, rec2):
return -1
class TestLister(multi_cell_list.CrossCellLister):
CONTEXT_CLS = TestListContext
def __init__(self, data, sort_keys, sort_dirs,
cells=None, batch_size=None):
self._data = data
self._count_by_cell = {}
super(TestLister, self).__init__(self.CONTEXT_CLS(sort_keys,
cells=cells, batch_size=batch_size)
def marker_identifier(self):
return 'id'
def _method_called(self, ctx, method, arg):
self._count_by_cell.setdefault(ctx.cell_uuid, {})
self._count_by_cell[ctx.cell_uuid].setdefault(method, [])
def call_summary(self, method):
results = {
'total': 0,
'count_by_cell': [],
'limit_by_cell': [],
'total_by_cell': [],
'called_in_cell': [],
for i, cell in enumerate(self._count_by_cell):
if method not in self._count_by_cell[cell]:
results['total'] += len(self._count_by_cell[cell][method])
# List of number of calls in each cell
# List of limits used in calls to each cell
# List of total results fetched from each cell
except TypeError:
# Don't do this for non-integer args
return results
def get_marker_record(self, ctx, marker):
self._method_called(ctx, 'get_marker_record', marker)
# Always assume this came from the second cell
cell = self.cells[1]
return cell.uuid, self._data[0]
def get_marker_by_values(self, ctx, values):
self._method_called(ctx, 'get_marker_by_values', values)
return self._data[0]
def get_by_filters(self, ctx, filters, limit, marker, **kwargs):
self._method_called(ctx, 'get_by_filters', limit)
if 'batch_size' in kwargs:
count = min(kwargs['batch_size'], limit)
count = limit
batch = self._data[:count]
self._data = self._data[count:]
return batch
def target_cell_cheater(context, target_cell):
# In order to help us do accounting, we need to mimic the real
# behavior where at least cell_uuid gets set on the context, which
# doesn't happen in the simple test fixture.
context = copy.deepcopy(context)
context.cell_uuid = target_cell.uuid
yield context
@mock.patch('nova.context.target_cell', new=target_cell_cheater)
class TestBatching(test.NoDBTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestBatching, self).setUp()
self._data = [{'id': 'foo-%i' % i}
for i in range(0, 1000)]
self._cells = [objects.CellMapping(uuid=getattr(uuids, 'cell%i' % i),
name='cell%i' % i)
for i in range(0, 10)]
def test_batches_not_needed(self):
lister = TestLister(self._data, [], [],
cells=self._cells, batch_size=10)
ctx = context.RequestContext()
res = list(lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 5, None))
self.assertEqual(5, len(res))
summary = lister.call_summary('get_by_filters')
# We only needed one batch per cell to hit the total,
# so we should have the same number of calls as cells
self.assertEqual(len(self._cells), summary['total'])
# One call per cell, hitting all cells
self.assertEqual(len(self._cells), len(summary['count_by_cell']))
cell_count == 1 for cell_count in summary['count_by_cell']]))
def test_batches(self):
lister = TestLister(self._data, [], [],
cells=self._cells, batch_size=10)
ctx = context.RequestContext()
res = list(lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 500, None))
self.assertEqual(500, len(res))
summary = lister.call_summary('get_by_filters')
# Since we got everything from one cell (due to how things are sorting)
# we should have made 500 / 10 calls to one cell, and 1 call to
# the rest
calls_expected = [1 for cell in self._cells[1:]] + [500 / 10]
self.assertEqual(calls_expected, summary['count_by_cell'])
# Since we got everything from one cell (due to how things are sorting)
# we should have received 500 from one cell and 10 from the rest
count_expected = [10 for cell in self._cells[1:]] + [500]
self.assertEqual(count_expected, summary['total_by_cell'])
# Since we got everything from one cell (due to how things are sorting)
# we should have a bunch of calls for batches of 10, one each for
# every cell except the one that served the bulk of the requests which
# should have 500 / 10 batches of 10.
limit_expected = ([[10] for cell in self._cells[1:]] +
[[10 for i in range(0, 500 // 10)]])
self.assertEqual(limit_expected, summary['limit_by_cell'])
def test_no_batches(self):
lister = TestLister(self._data, [], [],
ctx = context.RequestContext()
res = list(lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 50, None))
self.assertEqual(50, len(res))
summary = lister.call_summary('get_by_filters')
# Since we used no batches we should have one call per cell
calls_expected = [1 for cell in self._cells]
self.assertEqual(calls_expected, summary['count_by_cell'])
# Since we used no batches, each cell should have returned 50 results
count_expected = [50 for cell in self._cells]
self.assertEqual(count_expected, summary['total_by_cell'])
# Since we used no batches, each cell call should be for $limit
limit_expected = [[count] for count in count_expected]
self.assertEqual(limit_expected, summary['limit_by_cell'])
class FailureListContext(multi_cell_list.RecordSortContext):
def compare_records(self, rec1, rec2):
return 0
class FailureLister(TestLister):
CONTEXT_CLS = FailureListContext
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
super(FailureLister, self).__init__(*a, **k)
self._fails = {}
def set_fails(self, cell, fails):
self._fails[cell] = fails
def get_by_filters(self, ctx, *a, **k):
action = self._fails[ctx.cell_uuid].pop(0)
except (IndexError, KeyError):
action = None
if action == context.did_not_respond_sentinel:
raise exception.CellTimeout
elif isinstance(action, Exception):
raise test.TestingException
return super(FailureLister, self).get_by_filters(ctx, *a, **k)
@mock.patch('nova.context.target_cell', new=target_cell_cheater)
class TestBaseClass(test.NoDBTestCase):
def test_with_failing_cells(self):
data = [{'id': 'foo-%i' % i} for i in range(0, 100)]
cells = [objects.CellMapping(uuid=getattr(uuids, 'cell%i' % i),
name='cell%i' % i)
for i in range(0, 3)]
lister = FailureLister(data, [], [], cells=cells)
# Two of the cells will fail, one with timeout and one
# with an error
lister.set_fails(uuids.cell0, [context.did_not_respond_sentinel])
# Note that InstanceNotFound exception will never appear during
# instance listing, the aim is to only simulate a situation where
# there could be some type of exception arising.
lister.set_fails(uuids.cell1, exception.InstanceNotFound(
ctx = context.RequestContext()
result = lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 50, None, batch_size=10)
# We should still have 50 results since there are enough from the
# good cells to fill our limit.
self.assertEqual(50, len(list(result)))
# Make sure the counts line up
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_failed))
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_timed_out))
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_responded))
def test_with_failing_middle_cells(self):
data = [{'id': 'foo-%i' % i} for i in range(0, 100)]
cells = [objects.CellMapping(uuid=getattr(uuids, 'cell%i' % i),
name='cell%i' % i)
for i in range(0, 3)]
lister = FailureLister(data, [], [], cells=cells)
# One cell will succeed and then time out, one will fail immediately,
# and the last will always work
lister.set_fails(uuids.cell0, [None, context.did_not_respond_sentinel])
# Note that BuildAbortException will never appear during instance
# listing, the aim is to only simulate a situation where there could
# be some type of exception arising.
lister.set_fails(uuids.cell1, exception.BuildAbortException(
instance_uuid='fake', reason='fake'))
ctx = context.RequestContext()
result = lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 50, None,
# We should still have 50 results since there are enough from the
# good cells to fill our limit.
self.assertEqual(50, len(list(result)))
# Make sure the counts line up
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_responded))
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_failed))
self.assertEqual(1, len(lister.cells_timed_out))
def test_marker_cell_not_requeried(self):
data = [{'id': 'foo-%i' % i} for i in range(0, 100)]
cells = [objects.CellMapping(uuid=getattr(uuids, 'cell%i' % i),
name='cell%i' % i)
for i in range(0, 3)]
lister = TestLister(data, [], [], cells=cells)
ctx = context.RequestContext()
result = list(lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 10, None))
result = list(lister.get_records_sorted(ctx, {}, 10, result[-1]['id']))
# get_marker_record() is called untargeted and its result defines which
# cell we skip.
gmr_summary = lister.call_summary('get_marker_record')
self.assertEqual([None], gmr_summary['called_in_cell'])
# All cells other than the second one should have been called for
# a local marker
gmbv_summary = lister.call_summary('get_marker_by_values')
self.assertEqual(sorted([cell.uuid for cell in cells
if cell.uuid != uuids.cell1]),