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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Tests for database migrations.
There are "opportunistic" tests which allows testing against all 3 databases
(sqlite in memory, mysql, pg) in a properly configured unit test environment.
For the opportunistic testing you need to set up db's named 'openstack_citest'
with user 'openstack_citest' and password 'openstack_citest' on localhost. The
test will then use that db and u/p combo to run the tests.
For postgres on Ubuntu this can be done with the following commands::
| sudo -u postgres psql
| postgres=# create user openstack_citest with createdb login password
| 'openstack_citest';
| postgres=# create database openstack_citest with owner openstack_citest;
import logging
import os
from migrate.versioning import repository
import mock
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_base
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_migrations
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
from nova.db import migration
from nova.db.sqlalchemy.api_migrations import migrate_repo
from nova.db.sqlalchemy import api_models
from nova.db.sqlalchemy import migration as sa_migration
from nova import test
class NovaAPIModelsSync(test_migrations.ModelsMigrationsSync):
"""Test that the models match the database after migrations are run."""
def db_sync(self, engine):
with mock.patch.object(sa_migration, 'get_engine',
def migrate_engine(self):
return self.engine
def get_engine(self):
return self.migrate_engine
def get_metadata(self):
return api_models.API_BASE.metadata
def include_object(self, object_, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
if type_ == 'table':
# migrate_version is a sqlalchemy-migrate control table and
# isn't included in the model.
if name == 'migrate_version':
return False
return True
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsSQLite(NovaAPIModelsSync,
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsMySQL(NovaAPIModelsSync,
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsPostgreSQL(NovaAPIModelsSync,
test_base.PostgreSQLOpportunisticTestCase, test.NoDBTestCase):
class NovaAPIMigrationsWalk(test_migrations.WalkVersionsMixin):
def setUp(self):
super(NovaAPIMigrationsWalk, self).setUp()
# NOTE(viktors): We should reduce log output because it causes issues,
# when we run tests with testr
migrate_log = logging.getLogger('migrate')
old_level = migrate_log.level
self.addCleanup(migrate_log.setLevel, old_level)
def INIT_VERSION(self):
return migration.db_initial_version('api')
def REPOSITORY(self):
return repository.Repository(
def migration_api(self):
return sa_migration.versioning_api
def migrate_engine(self):
return self.engine
def test_walk_versions(self):
self.walk_versions(snake_walk=False, downgrade=False)
def assertColumnExists(self, engine, table_name, column):
self.assertTrue(db_utils.column_exists(engine, table_name, column),
'Column %s.%s does not exist' % (table_name, column))
def assertIndexExists(self, engine, table_name, index):
self.assertTrue(db_utils.index_exists(engine, table_name, index),
'Index %s on table %s does not exist' %
(index, table_name))
def assertUniqueConstraintExists(self, engine, table_name, columns):
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
constrs = inspector.get_unique_constraints(table_name)
constr_columns = [constr['column_names'] for constr in constrs]
self.assertIn(columns, constr_columns)
def assertTableNotExists(self, engine, table_name):
db_utils.get_table, engine, table_name)
def _check_001(self, engine, data):
for column in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'id', 'uuid', 'name',
'transport_url', 'database_connection']:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'cell_mappings', column)
self.assertIndexExists(engine, 'cell_mappings', 'uuid_idx')
self.assertUniqueConstraintExists(engine, 'cell_mappings',
def _check_002(self, engine, data):
for column in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'id', 'instance_uuid',
'cell_id', 'project_id']:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'instance_mappings', column)
for index in ['instance_uuid_idx', 'project_id_idx']:
self.assertIndexExists(engine, 'instance_mappings', index)
self.assertUniqueConstraintExists(engine, 'instance_mappings',
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
# There should only be one foreign key here
fk = inspector.get_foreign_keys('instance_mappings')[0]
self.assertEqual('cell_mappings', fk['referred_table'])
self.assertEqual(['id'], fk['referred_columns'])
self.assertEqual(['cell_id'], fk['constrained_columns'])
def _check_003(self, engine, data):
for column in ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'id',
'cell_id', 'host']:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'host_mappings', column)
self.assertIndexExists(engine, 'host_mappings', 'host_idx')
self.assertUniqueConstraintExists(engine, 'host_mappings',
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
# There should only be one foreign key here
fk = inspector.get_foreign_keys('host_mappings')[0]
self.assertEqual('cell_mappings', fk['referred_table'])
self.assertEqual(['id'], fk['referred_columns'])
self.assertEqual(['cell_id'], fk['constrained_columns'])
def _check_004(self, engine, data):
columns = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'id', 'instance_uuid', 'spec']
for column in columns:
self.assertColumnExists(engine, 'request_specs', column)
self.assertUniqueConstraintExists(engine, 'request_specs',
if != 'ibm_db_sa':
self.assertIndexExists(engine, 'request_specs',
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsWalkSQLite(NovaAPIMigrationsWalk,
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsWalkMySQL(NovaAPIMigrationsWalk,
class TestNovaAPIMigrationsWalkPostgreSQL(NovaAPIMigrationsWalk,
test_base.PostgreSQLOpportunisticTestCase, test.NoDBTestCase):