The gettext.install() function installs a builtin _() function which translates a string in the translation domain supplied to the install() function. If gettext.install() is called multiple times, it's the last call to the function which wins and the last supplied translation domain which is used e.g. >>> import os >>> os.environ['LANG'] = 'ja.UTF-8' >>> import gettext >>> gettext.install('keystone', unicode=1, localedir='/opt/stack/keystone/keystone/locale') >>> print _('Invalid syslog facility') 無効な syslog ファシリティ >>> gettext.install('nova', unicode=1, localedir='/opt/stack/nova/nova/locale') >>> print _('Invalid syslog facility') Invalid syslog facility Usually this function is called early on in a toplevel script and we assume that no other code will call it and override the installed _(). However, in Nova, we have taken a shortcut to avoid having to call it explicitly from each script and instead call it from nova/__init__.py. This shortcut would be perfectly fine if we were absolutely sure that nova modules would never be imported from another program. It's probably quite incorrect for a program to use nova code (indeed, if we wanted to support this, Nova code shouldn't use the default _() function) but nevertheless there are some corner cases where it happens. For example, the keystoneclient auth_token middleware tries to import cfg from nova.openstack.common and this in turn causes gettext.install('nova') in other projects like glance or quantum. To avoid any doubt here, let's just rip out the shortcut and always call gettext.install() from the top-level script. Change-Id: If4125d6bcbde63df95de129ac5c83b4a6d6f130a
671 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
671 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012, Cloudscaling
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""nova HACKING file compliance testing
Built on top of pep8.py
import gettext
import imp
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tokenize
import traceback
import pep8
# Don't need this for testing
#N1xx comments
#N2xx except
#N3xx imports
#N4xx docstrings
#N5xx dictionaries/lists
#N6xx calling methods
#N7xx localization
#N8xx git commit messages
#N9xx other
IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS = ['sqlalchemy', 'migrate', 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.session',
# Paste is missing a __init__ in top level directory
START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE = ['u"""', 'r"""', '"""', "u'''", "r'''", "'''"]
END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE = ['"""', "'''"]
_missingImport = set([])
# Monkey patch broken excluded filter in pep8
# See https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/pull/111
def excluded(self, filename):
"""Check if options.exclude contains a pattern that matches filename."""
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
return any((pep8.filename_match(filename, self.options.exclude,
pep8.filename_match(basename, self.options.exclude,
def input_dir(self, dirname):
"""Check all files in this directory and all subdirectories."""
dirname = dirname.rstrip('/')
if self.excluded(dirname):
return 0
counters = self.options.report.counters
verbose = self.options.verbose
filepatterns = self.options.filename
runner = self.runner
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
if verbose:
print('directory ' + root)
counters['directories'] += 1
for subdir in sorted(dirs):
if self.excluded(os.path.join(root, subdir)):
for filename in sorted(files):
# contain a pattern that matches?
if ((pep8.filename_match(filename, filepatterns) and
not self.excluded(filename))):
runner(os.path.join(root, filename))
def is_import_exception(mod):
return (mod in IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS or
any(mod.startswith(m + '.') for m in IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS))
def import_normalize(line):
# convert "from x import y" to "import x.y"
# handle "from x import y as z" to "import x.y as z"
split_line = line.split()
if ("import" in line and line.startswith("from ") and "," not in line and
split_line[2] == "import" and split_line[3] != "*" and
split_line[1] != "__future__" and
(len(split_line) == 4 or
(len(split_line) == 6 and split_line[4] == "as"))):
return "import %s.%s" % (split_line[1], split_line[3])
return line
def nova_todo_format(physical_line, tokens):
"""Check for 'TODO()'.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for TODO:
Include your name with TODOs as in "#TODO(termie)"
Okay: #TODO(sdague)
N101: #TODO fail
N101: #TODO (jogo) fail
# TODO(sdague): TODO check shouldn't fail inside of space
pos = physical_line.find('TODO')
pos1 = physical_line.find('TODO(')
pos2 = physical_line.find('#') # make sure it's a comment
if (pos != pos1 and pos2 >= 0 and pos2 < pos and len(tokens) == 0):
return pos, "N101: Use TODO(NAME)"
def nova_except_format(logical_line):
r"""Check for 'except:'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using except:
Do not write "except:", use "except Exception:" at the very least
Okay: except Exception:
N201: except:
if logical_line.startswith("except:"):
yield 6, "N201: no 'except:' at least use 'except Exception:'"
def nova_except_format_assert(logical_line):
r"""Check for 'assertRaises(Exception'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using assertRaises(Exception...):
Do not use overly broad Exception type
Okay: self.assertRaises(NovaException)
N202: self.assertRaises(Exception)
if logical_line.startswith("self.assertRaises(Exception"):
yield 1, "N202: assertRaises Exception too broad"
modules_cache = dict((mod, True) for mod in tuple(sys.modules.keys())
+ sys.builtin_module_names)
RE_RELATIVE_IMPORT = re.compile('^from\s*[.]')
def nova_import_rules(logical_line):
r"""Check for imports.
nova HACKING guide recommends one import per line:
Do not import more than one module per line
Okay: from nova.compute import api
N301: from nova.compute import api, utils
Imports should usually be on separate lines.
nova HACKING guide recommends importing only modules:
Do not import objects, only modules
Okay: from os import path
Okay: from os import path as p
Okay: from os import (path as p)
Okay: import os.path
Okay: from nova.compute import rpcapi
N302: from os.path import dirname as dirname2
N302: from os.path import (dirname as dirname2)
N303: from os.path import *
N304: from .compute import rpcapi
#NOTE(afazekas): An old style relative import example will not be able to
# pass the doctest, since the relativity depends on the file's locality
def is_module_for_sure(mod, search_path=sys.path):
mod = mod.replace('(', '') # Ignore parentheses
mod_name = mod
while '.' in mod_name:
pack_name, _sep, mod_name = mod.partition('.')
f, p, d = imp.find_module(pack_name, search_path)
search_path = [p]
imp.find_module(mod_name, search_path)
except ImportError:
# NOTE(vish): handle namespace modules
module = __import__(mod)
except ImportError, exc:
# NOTE(vish): the import error might be due
# to a missing dependency
missing = str(exc).split()[-1]
if (missing != mod.split('.')[-1] or
"cannot import" in str(exc)):
return True
return False
except Exception, exc:
# NOTE(jogo) don't stack trace if unexpected import error,
# log and continue.
return False
return True
def is_module(mod):
"""Checks for non module imports."""
if mod in modules_cache:
return modules_cache[mod]
res = is_module_for_sure(mod)
modules_cache[mod] = res
return res
current_path = os.path.dirname(pep8.current_file)
current_mod = os.path.basename(pep8.current_file)
if current_mod[-3:] == ".py":
current_mod = current_mod[:-3]
split_line = logical_line.split()
split_line_len = len(split_line)
if (split_line[0] in ('import', 'from') and split_line_len > 1 and
not is_import_exception(split_line[1])):
pos = logical_line.find(',')
if pos != -1:
if split_line[0] == 'from':
yield pos, "N301: one import per line"
return # ',' is not supported by the N302 checker yet
pos = logical_line.find('*')
if pos != -1:
yield pos, "N303: No wildcard (*) import."
if split_line_len in (2, 4, 6) and split_line[1] != "__future__":
if 'from' == split_line[0] and split_line_len > 3:
mod = '.'.join((split_line[1], split_line[3]))
if is_import_exception(mod):
if RE_RELATIVE_IMPORT.search(logical_line):
yield logical_line.find('.'), ("N304: No "
"relative imports. '%s' is a relative import"
% logical_line)
if not is_module(mod):
yield 0, ("N302: import only modules."
"'%s' does not import a module" % logical_line)
#NOTE(afazekas): import searches first in the package
# The import keyword just imports modules
# The guestfs module now imports guestfs
mod = split_line[1]
if (current_mod != mod and
not is_module(mod) and
is_module_for_sure(mod, [current_path])):
yield 0, ("N304: No relative imports."
" '%s' is a relative import"
% logical_line)
#TODO(jogo): import template: N305
def nova_import_alphabetical(logical_line, blank_lines, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level):
r"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
N306: import sys\nimport os
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
split_line = import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).lower().split()
split_previous = import_normalize(previous_logical.strip()).lower().split()
if blank_lines < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "N306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
def nova_import_no_db_in_virt(logical_line, filename):
"""Check for db calls from nova/virt
As of grizzly-2 all the database calls have been removed from
nova/virt, and we want to keep it that way.
if "nova/virt" in filename and not filename.endswith("fake.py"):
if logical_line.startswith("from nova import db"):
yield (0, "N307: nova.db import not allowed in nova/virt/*")
def is_docstring(physical_line, previous_logical):
"""Return True if found docstring
'A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a
module, function, class,'
line = physical_line.lstrip()
start = max([line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
end = max([line[-4:-1] == i for i in END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
if (previous_logical.startswith("def ") or
previous_logical.startswith("class ")):
if start is 0:
return True
# Handle multi line comments
return end and start in (-1, len(line) - 4)
def nova_docstring_start_space(physical_line, previous_logical):
r"""Check for docstring not start with space.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should not start with space
Okay: def foo():\n '''This is good.'''
Okay: def foo():\n a = ''' This is not a docstring.'''
Okay: def foo():\n pass\n ''' This is not.'''
N401: def foo():\n ''' This is not.'''
# short circuit so that we don't fail on our own fail test
# when running under external pep8
if physical_line.find("N401: def foo()") != -1:
# it's important that we determine this is actually a docstring,
# and not a doc block used somewhere after the first line of a
# function def
if is_docstring(physical_line, previous_logical):
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
if physical_line[pos + 3] == ' ':
return (pos, "N401: docstring should not start with"
" a space")
def nova_docstring_one_line(physical_line, previous_logical):
r"""Check one line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for one line docstring:
A one line docstring looks like this and ends in punctuation.
Okay: def foo():\n '''This is good.'''
Okay: def foo():\n '''This is good too!'''
Okay: def foo():\n '''How about this?'''
Okay: def foo():\n a = '''This is not a docstring'''
Okay: def foo():\n pass\n '''This is not a docstring'''
Okay: class Foo:\n pass\n '''This is not a docstring'''
N402: def foo():\n '''This is not'''
N402: def foo():\n '''Bad punctuation,'''
N402: class Foo:\n '''Bad punctuation,'''
#TODO(jogo) make this apply to multi line docstrings as well
line = physical_line.lstrip()
if is_docstring(physical_line, previous_logical):
pos = max([line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # start
end = max([line[-4:-1] == i for i in END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # end
if pos != -1 and end and len(line) > pos + 4:
if line[-5] not in ['.', '?', '!']:
return pos, "N402: one line docstring needs punctuation."
def nova_docstring_multiline_end(physical_line, previous_logical, tokens):
r"""Check multi line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should end on a new line
Okay: '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
Okay: def foo():\n '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
Okay: class Foo:\n '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
Okay: def foo():\n a = '''not\na\ndocstring'''
Okay: def foo():\n pass\n'''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n d'''
N403: def foo():\n '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\ndocstring'''
N403: class Foo:\n '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\ndocstring'''\n\n
# if find OP tokens, not a docstring
ops = [t for t, _, _, _, _ in tokens if t == tokenize.OP]
if (is_docstring(physical_line, previous_logical) and len(tokens) > 0 and
len(ops) == 0):
pos = max(physical_line.find(i) for i in END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE)
if physical_line.strip() not in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE:
return (pos, "N403: multi line docstring end on new line")
def nova_docstring_multiline_start(physical_line, previous_logical, tokens):
r"""Check multi line docstring start with summary.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should start with A multi line docstring has a one-line summary
Okay: '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
Okay: def foo():\n a = '''\nnot\na docstring\n'''
N404: def foo():\n'''\nfoo\nbar\n'''\n\n
if is_docstring(physical_line, previous_logical):
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
# start of docstring when len(tokens)==0
if len(tokens) == 0 and pos != -1 and len(physical_line) == pos + 4:
if physical_line.strip() in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE:
return (pos, "N404: multi line docstring "
"should start with a summary")
def nova_no_cr(physical_line):
r"""Check that we only use newlines not carriage returns.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
# pep8 doesn't yet replace \r in strings, will work on an
# upstream fix
N901 import os\r\nimport sys
pos = physical_line.find('\r')
if pos != -1 and pos == (len(physical_line) - 2):
return (pos, "N901: Windows style line endings not allowed in code")
FORMAT_RE = re.compile("%(?:"
"%|" # Ignore plain percents
"(\(\w+\))?" # mapping key
"([#0 +-]?" # flag
"(?:\d+|\*)?" # width
"(?:\.\d+)?" # precision
"[hlL]?" # length mod
"\w))") # type
class LocalizationError(Exception):
def check_i18n():
"""Generator that checks token stream for localization errors.
Expects tokens to be ``send``ed one by one.
Raises LocalizationError if some error is found.
while True:
token_type, text, _, _, line = yield
except GeneratorExit:
if (token_type == tokenize.NAME and text == "_" and
not line.startswith('def _(msg):')):
while True:
token_type, text, start, _, _ = yield
if token_type != tokenize.NL:
if token_type != tokenize.OP or text != "(":
continue # not a localization call
format_string = ''
while True:
token_type, text, start, _, _ = yield
if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
format_string += eval(text)
elif token_type == tokenize.NL:
if not format_string:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N701: Empty localization string")
if token_type != tokenize.OP:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N701: Invalid localization call")
if text != ")":
if text == "%":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Formatting operation should be outside"
" of localization method call")
elif text == "+":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Use bare string concatenation instead"
" of +")
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Argument to _ must be just a string")
format_specs = FORMAT_RE.findall(format_string)
positional_specs = [(key, spec) for key, spec in format_specs
if not key and spec]
# not spec means %%, key means %(smth)s
if len(positional_specs) > 1:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N703: Multiple positional placeholders")
def nova_localization_strings(logical_line, tokens):
r"""Check localization in line.
Okay: _("This is fine")
Okay: _("This is also fine %s")
N701: _('')
N702: _("Bob" + " foo")
N702: _("Bob %s" % foo)
# N703 check is not quite right, disabled by removing colon
N703 _("%s %s" % (foo, bar))
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
gen = check_i18n()
map(gen.send, tokens)
except LocalizationError as e:
yield e.args
#TODO(jogo) Dict and list objects
def nova_is_not(logical_line):
r"""Check localization in line.
Okay: if x is not y
N901: if not X is Y
N901: if not X.B is Y
split_line = logical_line.split()
if (len(split_line) == 5 and split_line[0] == 'if' and
split_line[1] == 'not' and split_line[3] == 'is'):
yield (logical_line.find('not'), "N901: Use the 'is not' "
"operator for when testing for unequal identities")
def nova_not_in(logical_line):
r"""Check localization in line.
Okay: if x not in y
Okay: if not (X in Y or X is Z)
Okay: if not (X in Y)
N902: if not X in Y
N902: if not X.B in Y
split_line = logical_line.split()
if (len(split_line) == 5 and split_line[0] == 'if' and
split_line[1] == 'not' and split_line[3] == 'in' and not
yield (logical_line.find('not'), "N902: Use the 'not in' "
"operator for collection membership evaluation")
current_file = ""
def readlines(filename):
"""Record the current file being tested."""
pep8.current_file = filename
return open(filename).readlines()
def add_nova():
"""Monkey patch in nova guidelines.
Look for functions that start with nova_ and have arguments
and add them to pep8 module
Assumes you know how to write pep8.py checks
for name, function in globals().items():
if not inspect.isfunction(function):
args = inspect.getargspec(function)[0]
if args and name.startswith("nova"):
exec("pep8.%s = %s" % (name, name))
def once_git_check_commit_title():
"""Check git commit messages.
nova HACKING recommends not referencing a bug or blueprint in first line,
it should provide an accurate description of the change
N802 Title limited to 72 chars
#Get title of most recent commit
subp = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--pretty=%s', '-1'],
title = subp.communicate()[0]
if subp.returncode:
raise Exception("git log failed with code %s" % subp.returncode)
#From https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ci-puppet
# /blob/master/modules/gerrit/manifests/init.pp#L74
git_keywords = (r'(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})|'
GIT_REGEX = re.compile(git_keywords)
error = False
#NOTE(jogo) if match regex but over 3 words, acceptable title
if GIT_REGEX.search(title) is not None and len(title.split()) <= 3:
print ("N801: git commit title ('%s') should provide an accurate "
"description of the change, not just a reference to a bug "
"or blueprint" % title.strip())
error = True
# HACKING.rst recommends commit titles 50 chars or less, but enforces
# a 72 character limit
if len(title.decode('utf-8')) > 72:
print ("N802: git commit title ('%s') should be under 50 chars"
% title.strip())
error = True
return error
imports_on_separate_lines_N301_compliant = r"""
Imports should usually be on separate lines.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
E401: import sys, os
N301: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
Okay: from myclas import MyClass
Okay: from foo.bar.yourclass import YourClass
Okay: import myclass
Okay: import foo.bar.yourclass
if __name__ == "__main__":
gettext.install('nova', unicode=1)
#include nova path
#Run once tests (not per line)
once_error = once_git_check_commit_title()
#NOVA error codes start with an N
pep8.SELFTEST_REGEX = re.compile(r'(Okay|[EWN]\d{3}):\s(.*)')
pep8.ERRORCODE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[EWN]\d{3}')
pep8.current_file = current_file
pep8.readlines = readlines
pep8.StyleGuide.excluded = excluded
pep8.StyleGuide.input_dir = input_dir
# we need to kill this doctring otherwise the self tests fail
pep8.imports_on_separate_lines.__doc__ = \
if len(_missingImport) > 0:
print >> sys.stderr, ("%i imports missing in this test environment"
% len(_missingImport))