Joe Gordon 4845fc2720 Fix hacking N302 import only modules
* Includes some general tools/hacking cleanup
* Fix several N302 cases
* Disable N302 until all cases are fixed

Change-Id: Iddba07ff13e10dc41a6930749044bb8c0572d279
2013-01-24 09:52:58 -05:00

594 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012, Cloudscaling
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""nova HACKING file compliance testing
Built on top of
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tokenize
import warnings
import pep8
# Don't need this for testing
#N1xx comments
#N2xx except
#N3xx imports
#N4xx docstrings
#N5xx dictionaries/lists
#N6xx calling methods
#N7xx localization
#N8xx git commit messages
IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS = ['sqlalchemy', 'migrate', 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.session']
START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE = ['u"""', 'r"""', '"""', "u'''", "r'''", "'''"]
END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE = ['"""', "'''"]
_missingImport = set([])
# Monkey patch broken excluded filter in pep8
# See
def excluded(self, filename):
"""Check if options.exclude contains a pattern that matches filename."""
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
return any((pep8.filename_match(filename, self.options.exclude,
pep8.filename_match(basename, self.options.exclude,
def input_dir(self, dirname):
"""Check all files in this directory and all subdirectories."""
dirname = dirname.rstrip('/')
if self.excluded(dirname):
return 0
counters =
verbose = self.options.verbose
filepatterns = self.options.filename
runner = self.runner
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
if verbose:
print('directory ' + root)
counters['directories'] += 1
for subdir in sorted(dirs):
if self.excluded(os.path.join(root, subdir)):
for filename in sorted(files):
# contain a pattern that matches?
if ((pep8.filename_match(filename, filepatterns) and
not self.excluded(filename))):
runner(os.path.join(root, filename))
def is_import_exception(mod):
return (mod in IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS or
any(mod.startswith(m + '.') for m in IMPORT_EXCEPTIONS))
def import_normalize(line):
# convert "from x import y" to "import x.y"
# handle "from x import y as z" to "import x.y as z"
split_line = line.split()
if ("import" in line and line.startswith("from ") and "," not in line and
split_line[2] == "import" and split_line[3] != "*" and
split_line[1] != "__future__" and
(len(split_line) == 4 or
(len(split_line) == 6 and split_line[4] == "as"))):
return "import %s.%s" % (split_line[1], split_line[3])
return line
def nova_todo_format(physical_line, tokens):
"""Check for 'TODO()'.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for TODO:
Include your name with TODOs as in "#TODO(termie)"
Okay: #TODO(sdague)
N101: #TODO fail
N101: #TODO (jogo) fail
# TODO(sdague): TODO check shouldn't fail inside of space
pos = physical_line.find('TODO')
pos1 = physical_line.find('TODO(')
pos2 = physical_line.find('#') # make sure it's a comment
if (pos != pos1 and pos2 >= 0 and pos2 < pos and len(tokens) == 0):
return pos, "N101: Use TODO(NAME)"
def nova_except_format(logical_line):
r"""Check for 'except:'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using except:
Do not write "except:", use "except Exception:" at the very least
Okay: except Exception:
N201: except:
if logical_line.startswith("except:"):
yield 6, "N201: no 'except:' at least use 'except Exception:'"
def nova_except_format_assert(logical_line):
r"""Check for 'assertRaises(Exception'.
nova HACKING guide recommends not using assertRaises(Exception...):
Do not use overly broad Exception type
Okay: self.assertRaises(NovaException)
N202: self.assertRaises(Exception)
if logical_line.startswith("self.assertRaises(Exception"):
yield 1, "N202: assertRaises Exception too broad"
def nova_one_import_per_line(logical_line):
r"""Check for import format.
nova HACKING guide recommends one import per line:
Do not import more than one module per line
Okay: from nova.rpc.common import RemoteError
N301: from nova.rpc.common import RemoteError, LOG
pos = logical_line.find(',')
parts = logical_line.split()
if (pos > -1 and (parts[0] == "import" or
parts[0] == "from" and parts[2] == "import") and
not is_import_exception(parts[1])):
yield pos, "N301: one import per line"
def nova_import_module_only(logical_line):
r"""Check for import module only.
nova HACKING guide recommends importing only modules:
Do not import objects, only modules
Okay: from os import path
Okay: import os.path
N302: from os.path import dirname as dirname2
N303 from os.path import *
N304 import flakes
# N302 import only modules
# N303 Invalid Import
# N304 Relative Import
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
# TODO(jogo) simplify this code
def import_module_check(mod, parent=None, added=False):
"""Checks for relative, modules and invalid imports.
If can't find module on first try, recursively check for relative
When parsing 'from x import y,' x is the parent.
current_path = os.path.dirname(pep8.current_file)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
valid = True
if parent:
parent_mod = __import__(parent, globals(), locals(),
[mod], -1)
valid = inspect.ismodule(getattr(parent_mod, mod))
__import__(mod, globals(), locals(), [], -1)
valid = inspect.ismodule(sys.modules[mod])
if not valid:
if added:
added = False
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N304: No "
"relative imports. '%s' is a relative import"
% logical_line)
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N302: import only "
"modules. '%s' does not import a module"
% logical_line)
except (ImportError, NameError) as exc:
if not added:
added = True
return import_module_check(mod, parent, added)
name = logical_line.split()[1]
if name not in _missingImport:
print >> sys.stderr, ("ERROR: import '%s' in %s "
"failed: %s" %
(name, pep8.current_file, exc))
added = False
except AttributeError:
# Invalid import
if "import *" in logical_line:
# TODO(jogo): handle "from x import *, by checking all
# "objects in x"
return logical_line.find(mod), ("N303: Invalid import, "
"%s" % mod)
split_line = logical_line.split()
if (", " not in logical_line and
split_line[0] in ('import', 'from') and
(len(split_line) in (2, 4, 6)) and
split_line[1] != "__future__"):
if is_import_exception(split_line[1]):
if "from" == split_line[0]:
rval = import_module_check(split_line[3], parent=split_line[1])
rval = import_module_check(split_line[1])
if rval is not None:
yield rval
#TODO(jogo): import template: N305
def nova_import_alphabetical(logical_line, blank_lines, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level):
r"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
N306: import sys\nimport os
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
split_line = import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).lower().split()
split_previous = import_normalize(previous_logical.strip()).lower().split()
if blank_lines < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "N306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
def nova_import_no_db_in_virt(logical_line, filename):
"""Check for db calls from nova/virt
As of grizzly-2 all the database calls have been removed from
nova/virt, and we want to keep it that way.
if "nova/virt" in filename and not filename.endswith(""):
if logical_line.startswith("from nova import db"):
yield (0, "N307: nova.db import not allowed in nova/virt/*")
def in_docstring_position(previous_logical):
return (previous_logical.startswith("def ") or
previous_logical.startswith("class "))
def nova_docstring_start_space(physical_line, previous_logical):
r"""Check for docstring not start with space.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should not start with space
Okay: def foo():\n '''This is good.'''
N401: def foo():\n ''' This is not.'''
# short circuit so that we don't fail on our own fail test
# when running under external pep8
if physical_line.find("N401: def foo()") != -1:
# it's important that we determine this is actually a docstring,
# and not a doc block used somewhere after the first line of a
# function def
if in_docstring_position(previous_logical):
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
if pos != -1 and len(physical_line) > pos + 4:
if physical_line[pos + 3] == ' ':
return (pos, "N401: docstring should not start with"
" a space")
def nova_docstring_one_line(physical_line):
r"""Check one line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for one line docstring:
A one line docstring looks like this and ends in punctuation.
Okay: '''This is good.'''
Okay: '''This is good too!'''
Okay: '''How about this?'''
N402: '''This is not'''
N402: '''Bad punctuation,'''
#TODO(jogo) make this apply to multi line docstrings as well
line = physical_line.lstrip()
if line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("'"):
pos = max([line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # start
end = max([line[-4:-1] == i for i in END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE]) # end
if pos != -1 and end and len(line) > pos + 4:
if line[-5] not in ['.', '?', '!']:
return pos, "N402: one line docstring needs punctuation."
def nova_docstring_multiline_end(physical_line, previous_logical):
r"""Check multi line docstring end.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should end on a new line
Okay: '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
N403: def foo():\n'''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n d'''\n\n
if in_docstring_position(previous_logical):
pos = max(physical_line.find(i) for i in END_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE)
if pos != -1 and len(physical_line) == pos + 4:
if physical_line.strip() not in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE:
return (pos, "N403: multi line docstring end on new line")
def nova_docstring_multiline_start(physical_line, previous_logical, tokens):
r"""Check multi line docstring start with summary.
nova HACKING guide recommendation for docstring:
Docstring should start with A multi line docstring has a one-line summary
Okay: '''foobar\nfoo\nbar\n'''
N404: def foo():\n'''\nfoo\nbar\n''' \n\n
if in_docstring_position(previous_logical):
pos = max([physical_line.find(i) for i in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE])
# start of docstring when len(tokens)==0
if len(tokens) == 0 and pos != -1 and len(physical_line) == pos + 4:
if physical_line.strip() in START_DOCSTRING_TRIPLE:
return (pos, "N404: multi line docstring "
"should start with a summary")
def nova_no_cr(physical_line):
r"""Check that we only use newlines not cariage returns.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
# pep8 doesn't yet replace \r in strings, will work on an
# upstream fix
N901 import os\r\nimport sys
pos = physical_line.find('\r')
if pos != -1 and pos == (len(physical_line) - 2):
return (pos, "N901: Windows style line endings not allowed in code")
FORMAT_RE = re.compile("%(?:"
"%|" # Ignore plain percents
"(\(\w+\))?" # mapping key
"([#0 +-]?" # flag
"(?:\d+|\*)?" # width
"(?:\.\d+)?" # precision
"[hlL]?" # length mod
"\w))") # type
class LocalizationError(Exception):
def check_i18n():
"""Generator that checks token stream for localization errors.
Expects tokens to be ``send``ed one by one.
Raises LocalizationError if some error is found.
while True:
token_type, text, _, _, line = yield
except GeneratorExit:
if (token_type == tokenize.NAME and text == "_" and
not line.startswith('def _(msg):')):
while True:
token_type, text, start, _, _ = yield
if token_type != tokenize.NL:
if token_type != tokenize.OP or text != "(":
continue # not a localization call
format_string = ''
while True:
token_type, text, start, _, _ = yield
if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
format_string += eval(text)
elif token_type == tokenize.NL:
if not format_string:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N701: Empty localization string")
if token_type != tokenize.OP:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N701: Invalid localization call")
if text != ")":
if text == "%":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Formatting operation should be outside"
" of localization method call")
elif text == "+":
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Use bare string concatenation instead"
" of +")
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N702: Argument to _ must be just a string")
format_specs = FORMAT_RE.findall(format_string)
positional_specs = [(key, spec) for key, spec in format_specs
if not key and spec]
# not spec means %%, key means %(smth)s
if len(positional_specs) > 1:
raise LocalizationError(start,
"N703: Multiple positional placeholders")
def nova_localization_strings(logical_line, tokens):
r"""Check localization in line.
Okay: _("This is fine")
Okay: _("This is also fine %s")
N701: _('')
N702: _("Bob" + " foo")
N702: _("Bob %s" % foo)
# N703 check is not quite right, disabled by removing colon
N703 _("%s %s" % (foo, bar))
# TODO(sdague) actually get these tests working
gen = check_i18n()
map(gen.send, tokens)
except LocalizationError as e:
yield e.args
#TODO(jogo) Dict and list objects
current_file = ""
def readlines(filename):
"""Record the current file being tested."""
pep8.current_file = filename
return open(filename).readlines()
def add_nova():
"""Monkey patch in nova guidelines.
Look for functions that start with nova_ and have arguments
and add them to pep8 module
Assumes you know how to write checks
for name, function in globals().items():
if not inspect.isfunction(function):
args = inspect.getargspec(function)[0]
if args and name.startswith("nova"):
exec("pep8.%s = %s" % (name, name))
def once_git_check_commit_title():
"""Check git commit messages.
nova HACKING recommends not referencing a bug or blueprint in first line,
it should provide an accurate description of the change
N802 Title limited to 50 chars
#Get title of most recent commit
subp = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--pretty=%s', '-1'],
title = subp.communicate()[0]
if subp.returncode:
raise Exception("git log failed with code %s" % subp.returncode)
# /blob/master/modules/gerrit/manifests/init.pp#L74
git_keywords = (r'(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})|'
GIT_REGEX = re.compile(git_keywords)
error = False
#NOTE(jogo) if match regex but over 3 words, acceptable title
if is not None and len(title.split()) <= 3:
print ("N801: git commit title ('%s') should provide an accurate "
"description of the change, not just a reference to a bug "
"or blueprint" % title.strip())
error = True
if len(title.decode('utf-8')) > 72:
print ("N802: git commit title ('%s') should be under 50 chars"
% title.strip())
error = True
return error
imports_on_separate_lines_N301_compliant = r"""
Imports should usually be on separate lines.
Okay: import os\nimport sys
E401: import sys, os
N301: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
Okay: from myclas import MyClass
Okay: from import YourClass
Okay: import myclass
Okay: import
if __name__ == "__main__":
#include nova path
#Run once tests (not per line)
once_error = once_git_check_commit_title()
#NOVA error codes start with an N
pep8.SELFTEST_REGEX = re.compile(r'(Okay|[EWN]\d{3}):\s(.*)')
pep8.ERRORCODE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[EWN]\d{3}')
pep8.current_file = current_file
pep8.readlines = readlines
pep8.StyleGuide.excluded = excluded
pep8.StyleGuide.input_dir = input_dir
# we need to kill this doctring otherwise the self tests fail
pep8.imports_on_separate_lines.__doc__ = \
if len(_missingImport) > 0:
print >> sys.stderr, ("%i imports missing in this test environment"
% len(_missingImport))