Michael Still 1d2c677641 We no longer need rootwrap.
(Well, except for starting privsep daemons, oh and of course
os-brick wants to know what our root helper is for some reason
that is a bit beyond me.)

Yes that's right, we now live in the future and no longer need
the run_as_root infrastructure in nova.utils. I'm sure this breaks
some out of tree drivers, but they've had several releases to
notice that we're moving in this direction and its pretty easy
for them to fix themselves these days.

Change-Id: I99c66558938db9beb0bda33d27a8e36b26b8fcac
2019-02-27 05:06:31 +00:00

399 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012 University Of Minho
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ddt
import mock
from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
from nova import exception
from nova import test
from nova.tests.unit.virt.libvirt import fakelibvirt
from nova.virt import fake
from nova.virt.libvirt import driver
from nova.virt.libvirt import host
from nova.virt.libvirt.volume import volume
SECRET_UUID = '2a0a0d6c-babf-454d-b93e-9ac9957b95e0'
class FakeSecret(object):
def __init__(self):
self.uuid = SECRET_UUID
def getUUIDString(self):
return self.uuid
def UUIDString(self):
return self.uuid
def setValue(self, value):
self.value = value
return 0
def getValue(self, value):
return self.value
def undefine(self):
self.value = None
return 0
class LibvirtBaseVolumeDriverSubclassSignatureTestCase(
def _get_base_class(self):
# We do this because it has the side-effect of loading all the
# volume drivers
driver.LibvirtDriver(fake.FakeVirtAPI(), False)
return volume.LibvirtBaseVolumeDriver
class LibvirtVolumeBaseTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
"""Contains common setup and helper methods for libvirt volume tests."""
def setUp(self):
super(LibvirtVolumeBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
self.fake_host = host.Host("qemu:///system")
self.connr = {
'ip': '',
'initiator': 'fake_initiator',
'host': 'fake_host'
self.disk_info = {
"bus": "virtio",
"dev": "vde",
"type": "disk",
} = 'volume-00000001'
self.location = ''
self.iqn = '' %
self.vol = {'id': 1, 'name':}
self.uuid = '875a8070-d0b9-4949-8b31-104d125c9a64'
self.user = 'foo'
def _assertFileTypeEquals(self, tree, file_path):
self.assertEqual('file', tree.get('type'))
self.assertEqual(file_path, tree.find('./source').get('file'))
class LibvirtISCSIVolumeBaseTestCase(LibvirtVolumeBaseTestCase):
"""Contains common setup and helper methods for iSCSI volume tests."""
def iscsi_connection(self, volume, location, iqn, auth=False,
dev_name = 'ip-%s-iscsi-%s-lun-1' % (location, iqn)
if transport is not None:
dev_name = 'pci-0000:00:00.0-' + dev_name
dev_path = '/dev/disk/by-path/%s' % (dev_name)
ret = {
'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
'data': {
'volume_id': volume['id'],
'target_portal': location,
'target_iqn': iqn,
'target_lun': 1,
'device_path': dev_path,
'qos_specs': {
# Note that read/write iops/bytes values cannot
# be used with total values.
# These are only here for illustrative purposes.
'total_bytes_sec': '102400',
'read_iops_sec': '200',
'read_bytes_sec_max': '150000',
'read_iops_sec_max': '2000',
'write_bytes_sec_max': '250000',
'write_iops_sec_max': '3000',
'total_bytes_sec_max': '400000',
'total_iops_sec_max': '4000',
'size_iops_sec': '16',
if auth:
ret['data']['auth_method'] = 'CHAP'
ret['data']['auth_username'] = 'foo'
ret['data']['auth_password'] = 'bar'
return ret
class LibvirtVolumeTestCase(LibvirtISCSIVolumeBaseTestCase):
def _assertDiskInfoEquals(self, tree, disk_info):
self.assertEqual(disk_info['type'], tree.get('device'))
self.assertEqual(disk_info['bus'], tree.find('./target').get('bus'))
self.assertEqual(disk_info['dev'], tree.find('./target').get('dev'))
def _test_libvirt_volume_driver_disk_info(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'device_path': '/foo',
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
self._assertDiskInfoEquals(tree, self.disk_info)
def test_libvirt_volume_disk_info_type(self):
self.disk_info['type'] = 'cdrom'
def test_libvirt_volume_disk_info_dev(self):
self.disk_info['dev'] = 'hdc'
def test_libvirt_volume_disk_info_bus(self):
self.disk_info['bus'] = 'scsi'
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_serial(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'device_path': '/foo',
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
self.assertEqual('block', tree.get('type'))
self.assertEqual('fake_serial', tree.find('./serial').text)
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_blockio(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'device_path': '/foo',
'logical_block_size': '4096',
'physical_block_size': '4096',
'serial': 'fake_serial',
disk_info = {
"bus": "virtio",
"dev": "vde",
"type": "disk",
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
blockio = tree.find('./blockio')
self.assertEqual('4096', blockio.get('logical_block_size'))
self.assertEqual('4096', blockio.get('physical_block_size'))
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_iotune(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
"device_path": "/foo",
'qos_specs': 'bar',
disk_info = {
"bus": "virtio",
"dev": "vde",
"type": "disk",
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
iotune = tree.find('./iotune')
# ensure invalid qos_specs is ignored
specs = {
'total_bytes_sec': '102400',
'read_bytes_sec': '51200',
'write_bytes_sec': '0',
'total_iops_sec': '0',
'read_iops_sec': '200',
'write_iops_sec': '200',
del connection_info['data']['qos_specs']
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
self.assertEqual('102400', tree.find('./iotune/total_bytes_sec').text)
self.assertEqual('51200', tree.find('./iotune/read_bytes_sec').text)
self.assertEqual('0', tree.find('./iotune/write_bytes_sec').text)
self.assertEqual('0', tree.find('./iotune/total_iops_sec').text)
self.assertEqual('200', tree.find('./iotune/read_iops_sec').text)
self.assertEqual('200', tree.find('./iotune/write_iops_sec').text)
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_readonly(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
"device_path": "/foo",
'access_mode': 'bar',
disk_info = {
"bus": "virtio",
"dev": "vde",
"type": "disk",
connection_info, self.disk_info)
connection_info['data']['access_mode'] = 'rw'
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
readonly = tree.find('./readonly')
connection_info['data']['access_mode'] = 'ro'
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
readonly = tree.find('./readonly')
def test_libvirt_volume_multiattach(self):
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
"device_path": "/foo",
'access_mode': 'rw',
'multiattach': True,
disk_info = {
"bus": "virtio",
"dev": "vde",
"type": "disk",
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
shareable = tree.find('./shareable')
connection_info['multiattach'] = False
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
shareable = tree.find('./shareable')
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_discard_true(self, mock_has_min_version):
# Check the discard attrib is present in driver section
mock_has_min_version.return_value = True
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'device_path': '/foo',
'discard': True,
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
driver_node = tree.find("driver[@discard]")
self.assertEqual('unmap', driver_node.attrib['discard'])
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_discard_false(self):
# Check the discard attrib is not present in driver section
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'device_path': '/foo',
'discard': False,
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_encryption(self):
fake_secret = FakeSecret()
fake_host = mock.Mock(spec=host.Host)
fake_host.find_secret.return_value = fake_secret
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'volume_id': uuids.volume_id,
'device_path': '/foo',
'discard': False,
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
encryption = tree.find("encryption")
secret = encryption.find("secret")
self.assertEqual('luks', encryption.attrib['format'])
self.assertEqual('passphrase', secret.attrib['type'])
self.assertEqual(SECRET_UUID, secret.attrib['uuid'])
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_encryption_missing_secret(self):
fake_host = mock.Mock(spec=host.Host)
fake_host.find_secret.return_value = None
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(fake_host)
connection_info = {
'driver_volume_type': 'fake',
'data': {
'volume_id': uuids.volume_id,
'device_path': '/foo',
'discard': False,
'serial': 'fake_serial',
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, self.disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
self.assertIsNone(tree.find("encryption")), None)
def test_libvirt_volume_driver_address_tag_scsi_unit(self, disk_unit):
# The address tag should be set if bus is scsi and unit is set.
# Otherwise, it should not be set at all.
libvirt_driver = volume.LibvirtVolumeDriver(self.fake_host)
connection_info = {'data': {'device_path': '/foo'}}
disk_info = {'bus': 'scsi', 'dev': 'sda', 'type': 'disk'}
if disk_unit:
disk_info['unit'] = disk_unit
conf = libvirt_driver.get_config(connection_info, disk_info)
tree = conf.format_dom()
address = tree.find('address')
if disk_unit:
self.assertEqual('0', address.attrib['controller'])
self.assertEqual(str(disk_unit), address.attrib['unit'])