Dan Smith c2ba0ef21e Add NovaEphemeralObject class for non-persistent objects
This adds a NovaEphemeralObject class, which inherits from NovaObject
and also from EphemeralObject. The latter is proposed against o.vo,
and is copied here for expediency.

In the past, all of our objects were representations of rows of columns
in the database and thus it was very important to not default fields
in objects when working on a record remotely that may have values in
the database for those fields which we did not wish to overwrite. Lately,
we have a lot of objects that are used purely over RPC, or which are stored
in the database as a blob and for which the explicit defaulting nature
is annoying. This is an attempt to classify such objects in a single
hierarchy and allow them to behave differently.

We already have some objects in the tree which do their own defaulting
in __init__, against what should be our policy. Some of those can be
made to inherit from the new class and continue, while others need to
be fixed. This patch adds a test to ensure that things comply with the
policy henceforth. Objects that had to be changed in the same patch as
the test are fixed here.

Specific object changes are:

- Diagnostics: Not persisted, can be converted to ephemeral
- InstanceNUMACell: Stored as a blob, can be converted to ephemeral.
                    Removes a test that asserted no dirty fields left
                    after init, but for no reason and not compatible
                    with the base class.
- PCIDevice: Persited row-based, so cannot be ephemeral. Converts it
             to set default for the one field on lazy-load
- Quotas, QuotasNoOp: Stored row-based, so cannot be ephemeral.
                      Converts it to set default on lazy-load,
                      and persists the resetting of dirty fields for
                      compatibility with what is there (even though it
                      is probably not needed).
- RequestGroup: Not persisted, can be converted to ephemeral.
- Service: Does defaulting in init, but specifically because we *want*
           to always overwrite what is in the database on save. This is
           part of how service version works to always know the version of
           compute (et al) services once they start up.

For the objects that were converted to Ephemeral, some hashes changed but
only because defaults were added, so no need to bump the version, just update
the hash. The hash checker is trying to make sure we bump the version when
necessary, but in this case, a default does not affect RPC or object behavior
in an incompatible way, so no bump is needed.

Change-Id: Ica9f217d0318fc7c2db4bcdea12d00aad749c30c
2020-01-14 08:13:18 -08:00

490 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Intel Corporation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from oslo_utils import versionutils
import six
from nova.db import api as db
from nova import exception
from nova import objects
from nova.objects import base
from nova.objects import fields
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def compare_pci_device_attributes(obj_a, obj_b):
if not isinstance(obj_b, PciDevice):
return False
pci_ignore_fields = base.NovaPersistentObject.fields.keys()
for name in obj_a.obj_fields:
if name in pci_ignore_fields:
is_set_a = obj_a.obj_attr_is_set(name)
is_set_b = obj_b.obj_attr_is_set(name)
if is_set_a != is_set_b:
return False
if is_set_a:
if getattr(obj_a, name) != getattr(obj_b, name):
return False
return True
class PciDevice(base.NovaPersistentObject, base.NovaObject):
"""Object to represent a PCI device on a compute node.
PCI devices are managed by the compute resource tracker, which discovers
the devices from the hardware platform, claims, allocates and frees
devices for instances.
The PCI device information is permanently maintained in a database.
This makes it convenient to get PCI device information, like physical
function for a VF device, adjacent switch IP address for a NIC,
hypervisor identification for a PCI device, etc. It also provides a
convenient way to check device allocation information for administrator
A device can be in available/claimed/allocated/deleted/removed state.
A device is available when it is discovered..
A device is claimed prior to being allocated to an instance. Normally the
transition from claimed to allocated is quick. However, during a resize
operation the transition can take longer, because devices are claimed in
prep_resize and allocated in finish_resize.
A device becomes removed when hot removed from a node (i.e. not found in
the next auto-discover) but not yet synced with the DB. A removed device
should not be allocated to any instance, and once deleted from the DB,
the device object is changed to deleted state and no longer synced with
the DB.
Filed notes::
| 'dev_id':
| Hypervisor's identification for the device, the string format
| is hypervisor specific
| 'extra_info':
| Device-specific properties like PF address, switch ip address etc.
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: String attributes updated to support unicode
# Version 1.2: added request_id field
# Version 1.3: Added field to represent PCI device NUMA node
# Version 1.4: Added parent_addr field
# Version 1.5: Added 2 new device statuses: UNCLAIMABLE and UNAVAILABLE
# Version 1.6: Added uuid field
VERSION = '1.6'
fields = {
'id': fields.IntegerField(),
'uuid': fields.UUIDField(),
# Note(yjiang5): the compute_node_id may be None because the pci
# device objects are created before the compute node is created in DB
'compute_node_id': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'address': fields.StringField(),
'vendor_id': fields.StringField(),
'product_id': fields.StringField(),
'dev_type': fields.PciDeviceTypeField(),
'status': fields.PciDeviceStatusField(),
'dev_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'label': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'instance_uuid': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'request_id': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
'extra_info': fields.DictOfStringsField(default={}),
'numa_node': fields.IntegerField(nullable=True),
'parent_addr': fields.StringField(nullable=True),
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if target_version < (1, 2) and 'request_id' in primitive:
del primitive['request_id']
if target_version < (1, 4) and 'parent_addr' in primitive:
if primitive['parent_addr'] is not None:
extra_info = primitive.get('extra_info', {})
extra_info['phys_function'] = primitive['parent_addr']
del primitive['parent_addr']
if target_version < (1, 5) and 'parent_addr' in primitive:
added_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.UNCLAIMABLE,
status = primitive['status']
if status in added_statuses:
raise exception.ObjectActionError(
reason='status=%s not supported in version %s' % (
status, target_version))
if target_version < (1, 6) and 'uuid' in primitive:
del primitive['uuid']
def update_device(self, dev_dict):
"""Sync the content from device dictionary to device object.
The resource tracker updates the available devices periodically.
To avoid meaningless syncs with the database, we update the device
object only if a value changed.
# Note(yjiang5): status/instance_uuid should only be updated by
# functions like claim/allocate etc. The id is allocated by
# database. The extra_info is created by the object.
no_changes = ('status', 'instance_uuid', 'id', 'extra_info')
for key in no_changes:
dev_dict.pop(key, None)
# NOTE(ndipanov): This needs to be set as it's accessed when matching
for k, v in dev_dict.items():
if k in self.fields.keys():
setattr(self, k, v)
# NOTE(yjiang5): extra_info.update does not update
# obj_what_changed, set it explicitly
# NOTE(ralonsoh): list of parameters currently added to
# "extra_info" dict:
# - "capabilities": dict of (strings/list of strings)
extra_info = self.extra_info
data = (v if isinstance(v, six.string_types) else
extra_info.update({k: data})
self.extra_info = extra_info
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PciDevice, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# NOTE(ndipanov): These are required to build an in-memory device tree
# but don't need to be proper fields (and can't easily be as they would
# hold circular references)
self.parent_device = None
self.child_devices = []
def obj_load_attr(self, attr):
if attr in ['extra_info']:
# NOTE(danms): extra_info used to be defaulted during init,
# so make sure any bare instantiations of this object can
# rely on the expectation that referencing that field will
# not fail.
super(PciDevice, self).obj_load_attr(attr)
def __eq__(self, other):
return compare_pci_device_attributes(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def _from_db_object(context, pci_device, db_dev):
for key in pci_device.fields:
if key == 'uuid' and db_dev['uuid'] is None:
# Older records might not have a uuid field set in the
# database so we need to skip those here and auto-generate
# a uuid later below.
elif key != 'extra_info':
setattr(pci_device, key, db_dev[key])
extra_info = db_dev.get("extra_info")
pci_device.extra_info = jsonutils.loads(extra_info)
pci_device._context = context
# TODO(jaypipes): Remove in 2.0 version of object. This does an inline
# migration to populate the uuid field. A similar inline migration is
# performed in the save() method.
if db_dev['uuid'] is None:
pci_device.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
return pci_device
def get_by_dev_addr(cls, context, compute_node_id, dev_addr):
db_dev = db.pci_device_get_by_addr(
context, compute_node_id, dev_addr)
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(), db_dev)
def get_by_dev_id(cls, context, id):
db_dev = db.pci_device_get_by_id(context, id)
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(), db_dev)
def create(cls, context, dev_dict):
"""Create a PCI device based on hypervisor information.
As the device object is just created and is not synced with db yet
thus we should not reset changes here for fields from dict.
pci_device = cls()
# NOTE(danms): extra_info used to always be defaulted during init,
# so make sure we replicate that behavior outside of init here
# for compatibility reasons.
pci_device.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE
pci_device.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
pci_device._context = context
return pci_device
def save(self):
if self.status == fields.PciDeviceStatus.REMOVED:
self.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.DELETED
db.pci_device_destroy(self._context, self.compute_node_id,
elif self.status != fields.PciDeviceStatus.DELETED:
# TODO(jaypipes): Remove in 2.0 version of object. This does an
# inline migration to populate the uuid field. A similar migration
# is done in the _from_db_object() method to migrate objects as
# they are read from the DB.
if 'uuid' not in self:
self.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
updates = self.obj_get_changes()
if 'extra_info' in updates:
updates['extra_info'] = jsonutils.dumps(updates['extra_info'])
if updates:
db_pci = db.pci_device_update(self._context,
self.address, updates)
self._from_db_object(self._context, self, db_pci)
def _bulk_update_status(dev_list, status):
for dev in dev_list:
dev.status = status
def claim(self, instance_uuid):
if self.status != fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE:
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidStatus(
address=self.address, status=self.status,
if self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_PF:
# Update PF status to CLAIMED if all of it dependants are free
# and set their status to UNCLAIMABLE
vfs_list = self.child_devices
if not all([vf.is_available() for vf in vfs_list]):
raise exception.PciDeviceVFInvalidStatus(
elif self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_VF:
# Update VF status to CLAIMED if it's parent has not been
# previously allocated or claimed
# When claiming/allocating a VF, it's parent PF becomes
# unclaimable/unavailable. Therefore, it is expected to find the
# parent PF in an unclaimable/unavailable state for any following
# claims to a sibling VF
parent_ok_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE,
parent = self.parent_device
if parent:
if parent.status not in parent_ok_statuses:
raise exception.PciDevicePFInvalidStatus(
address=self.parent_addr, status=self.status,
# Set PF status
if parent.status == fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE:
parent.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.UNCLAIMABLE
LOG.debug('Physical function addr: %(pf_addr)s parent of '
'VF addr: %(vf_addr)s was not found',
{'pf_addr': self.parent_addr,
'vf_addr': self.address})
self.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.CLAIMED
self.instance_uuid = instance_uuid
def allocate(self, instance):
ok_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE,
parent_ok_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE,
dependants_ok_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE,
if self.status not in ok_statuses:
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidStatus(
address=self.address, status=self.status,
if (self.status == fields.PciDeviceStatus.CLAIMED and
self.instance_uuid != instance['uuid']):
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidOwner(
address=self.address, owner=self.instance_uuid,
if self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_PF:
vfs_list = self.child_devices
if not all([vf.status in dependants_ok_statuses for
vf in vfs_list]):
raise exception.PciDeviceVFInvalidStatus(
elif (self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_VF):
parent = self.parent_device
if parent:
if parent.status not in parent_ok_statuses:
raise exception.PciDevicePFInvalidStatus(
address=self.parent_addr, status=self.status,
# Set PF status
parent.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.UNAVAILABLE
LOG.debug('Physical function addr: %(pf_addr)s parent of '
'VF addr: %(vf_addr)s was not found',
{'pf_addr': self.parent_addr,
'vf_addr': self.address})
self.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.ALLOCATED
self.instance_uuid = instance['uuid']
# Notes(yjiang5): remove this check when instance object for
# compute manager is finished
if isinstance(instance, dict):
if 'pci_devices' not in instance:
instance['pci_devices'] = []
def remove(self):
if self.status != fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE:
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidStatus(
address=self.address, status=self.status,
self.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.REMOVED
self.instance_uuid = None
self.request_id = None
def free(self, instance=None):
ok_statuses = (fields.PciDeviceStatus.ALLOCATED,
free_devs = []
if self.status not in ok_statuses:
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidStatus(
address=self.address, status=self.status,
if instance and self.instance_uuid != instance['uuid']:
raise exception.PciDeviceInvalidOwner(
address=self.address, owner=self.instance_uuid,
if self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_PF:
# Set all PF dependants status to AVAILABLE
vfs_list = self.child_devices
if self.dev_type == fields.PciDeviceType.SRIOV_VF:
# Set PF status to AVAILABLE if all of it's VFs are free
parent = self.parent_device
if not parent:
LOG.debug('Physical function addr: %(pf_addr)s parent of '
'VF addr: %(vf_addr)s was not found',
{'pf_addr': self.parent_addr,
'vf_addr': self.address})
vfs_list = parent.child_devices
if all([vf.is_available() for vf in vfs_list
if !=]):
parent.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE
old_status = self.status
self.status = fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE
self.instance_uuid = None
self.request_id = None
if old_status == fields.PciDeviceStatus.ALLOCATED and instance:
# Notes(yjiang5): remove this check when instance object for
# compute manager is finished
existed = next((dev for dev in instance['pci_devices']
if ==
if isinstance(instance, dict):
return free_devs
def is_available(self):
return self.status == fields.PciDeviceStatus.AVAILABLE
class PciDeviceList(base.ObjectListBase, base.NovaObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# PciDevice <= 1.1
# Version 1.1: PciDevice 1.2
# Version 1.2: PciDevice 1.3
# Version 1.3: Adds get_by_parent_address
VERSION = '1.3'
fields = {
'objects': fields.ListOfObjectsField('PciDevice'),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PciDeviceList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if 'objects' not in kwargs:
self.objects = []
def get_by_compute_node(cls, context, node_id):
db_dev_list = db.pci_device_get_all_by_node(context, node_id)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), objects.PciDevice,
def get_by_instance_uuid(cls, context, uuid):
db_dev_list = db.pci_device_get_all_by_instance_uuid(context, uuid)
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), objects.PciDevice,
def get_by_parent_address(cls, context, node_id, parent_addr):
db_dev_list = db.pci_device_get_all_by_parent_addr(context,
return base.obj_make_list(context, cls(context), objects.PciDevice,