Matt Riedemann 3f0605c289 Sync COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED from API
This adds the os-services API change which will
call the compute service when the service's disabled
value changes to sync the COMPUTE_STATUS_DISABLED trait
on the compute node resource providers managed by the
updated compute service.

If the compute service is down or not yet upgraded to
the service version from change
Ia95de2f23f12b002b2189c9294ec190569a628ab then the
API will not call the service. In this case the change
from I3005b46221ac3c0e559e1072131a7e4846c9867c will
sync the trait when the compute service is restarted.

Since the compute service could be running the ironic
driver and managing hundreds or over 1000 compute nodes,
the set_host_enabled RPC call now uses the long_rpc_timeout
configuration option.

A functional test is added which covers the 2.53+
PUT /os-services/{service_id} API and pre-2.53 os-services
APIs for enabling/disabling and forcing down a service.
The functional test also covers the sync-on-restart behavior
from change I3005b46221ac3c0e559e1072131a7e4846c9867c.
The scheduler pre-filter added in change
I317cabbe49a337848325f96df79d478fd65811d9 is also tested
as part of the functional test.

Closes-Bug: #1805984

Implements blueprint pre-filter-disabled-computes

Change-Id: If32bca070185937ef83f689b7163d965a89ec10a
2019-07-02 18:57:38 -04:00

237 lines
9.3 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_utils import fixture as utils_fixture
from nova import exception
from nova.tests import fixtures as nova_fixtures
from nova.tests.functional.api_sample_tests import api_sample_base
from nova.tests.unit.api.openstack.compute import test_services
from nova.tests.unit.objects import test_compute_node
from nova.tests.unit.objects import test_host_mapping
class ServicesJsonTest(api_sample_base.ApiSampleTestBaseV21):
sample_dir = "os-services"
microversion = None
def setUp(self):
super(ServicesJsonTest, self).setUp()
self.api.microversion = self.microversion
# If we are not using real services, we need to stub out
# HostAPI._update_compute_provider_status so we don't actually
# try to call a fake service over RPC.
lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
def test_services_list(self):
"""Return a list of all agent builds."""
response = self._do_get('os-services')
subs = {'binary': 'nova-compute',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'nova',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up'}
self._verify_response('services-list-get-resp', subs, response, 200)
def test_service_enable(self):
"""Enable an existing agent build."""
subs = {"host": "host1",
'binary': 'nova-compute'}
response = self._do_put('os-services/enable',
'service-enable-put-req', subs)
self._verify_response('service-enable-put-resp', subs, response, 200)
def test_service_disable(self):
"""Disable an existing agent build."""
subs = {"host": "host1",
'binary': 'nova-compute'}
response = self._do_put('os-services/disable',
'service-disable-put-req', subs)
self._verify_response('service-disable-put-resp', subs, response, 200)
def test_service_disable_log_reason(self):
"""Disable an existing service and log the reason."""
subs = {"host": "host1",
'binary': 'nova-compute',
'disabled_reason': 'test2'}
response = self._do_put('os-services/disable-log-reason',
'service-disable-log-put-req', subs)
subs, response, 200)
def test_service_delete(self):
"""Delete an existing service."""
response = self._do_delete('os-services/1')
self.assertEqual(204, response.status_code)
self.assertEqual("", response.text)
class ServicesV211JsonTest(ServicesJsonTest):
microversion = '2.11'
# NOTE(gryf): There is no need to run those tests on v2 API. Only
# scenarios for v2_11 will be run.
scenarios = [('v2_11', {'api_major_version': 'v2.1'})]
def test_services_list(self):
"""Return a list of all agent builds."""
response = self._do_get('os-services')
subs = {'binary': 'nova-compute',
'host': 'host1',
'zone': 'nova',
'forced_down': 'false',
'status': 'disabled',
'state': 'up'}
self._verify_response('services-list-get-resp', subs, response, 200)
def test_force_down(self):
"""Set forced_down flag"""
subs = {"host": 'host1',
'binary': 'nova-compute',
'forced_down': 'true'}
response = self._do_put('os-services/force-down',
'service-force-down-put-req', subs)
self._verify_response('service-force-down-put-resp', subs,
response, 200)
class ServicesV253JsonTest(ServicesV211JsonTest):
microversion = '2.53'
scenarios = [('v2_53', {'api_major_version': 'v2.1'})]
def setUp(self):
super(ServicesV253JsonTest, self).setUp()
def db_service_get_by_uuid(ctxt, service_uuid):
for svc in test_services.fake_services_list:
if svc['uuid'] == service_uuid:
return svc
raise exception.ServiceNotFound(service_id=service_uuid)
def fake_cn_get_all_by_host(context, host):
cn = test_compute_node.fake_compute_node
cn['uuid'] = test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1
cn['host'] = host
return [cn]
def fake_hm_get_by_host(context, host):
hm = test_host_mapping.get_db_mapping()
hm['host'] = host
return hm
def fake_hm_destroy(context, host):
return 1
def test_service_enable(self):
"""Enable an existing service."""
response = self._do_put(
'os-services/%s' % test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1,
'service-enable-put-req', subs={})
self._verify_response('service-enable-put-resp', {}, response, 200)
def test_service_disable(self):
"""Disable an existing service."""
response = self._do_put(
'os-services/%s' % test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1,
'service-disable-put-req', subs={})
self._verify_response('service-disable-put-resp', {}, response, 200)
def test_service_disable_log_reason(self):
"""Disable an existing service and log the reason."""
subs = {'disabled_reason': 'maintenance'}
response = self._do_put(
'os-services/%s' % test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1,
'service-disable-log-put-req', subs)
subs, response, 200)
def test_service_delete(self):
"""Delete an existing service."""
response = self._do_delete(
'os-services/%s' % test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1)
self.assertEqual(204, response.status_code)
self.assertEqual("", response.text)
def test_force_down(self):
"""Set forced_down flag"""
subs = {'forced_down': 'true'}
response = self._do_put(
'os-services/%s' % test_services.FAKE_UUID_COMPUTE_HOST1,
'service-force-down-put-req', subs)
self._verify_response('service-force-down-put-resp', subs,
response, 200)
class ServicesV269JsonTest(api_sample_base.ApiSampleTestBaseV21):
sample_dir = "os-services"
microversion = '2.69'
scenarios = [('v2_69', {'api_major_version': 'v2.1'})]
def setUp(self):
super(ServicesV269JsonTest, self).setUp()
def _fake_cell_list(*args, **kwargs):
return [{'id': 1,
'updated_at': None,
'created_at': None,
'uuid': utils_fixture.uuidsentinel.cell1,
'name': 'onlycell',
'transport_url': 'fake://nowhere/',
'database_connection': 'sqlite:///',
'disabled': False}]
def fake_hostmappinglist_get(*args, **kwargs):
cm = _fake_cell_list()[0]
return [{'id': 1,
'updated_at': None,
'created_at': None,
'host': 'host1',
'cell_mapping': cm},
{'id': 2,
'updated_at': None,
'created_at': None,
'host': 'host2',
'cell_mapping': cm}]
def test_get_services_from_down_cells(self):
subs = {}
with nova_fixtures.DownCellFixture():
response = self._do_get('os-services')
self._verify_response('services-list-get-resp', subs,
response, 200)