Vishvananda Ishaya 076cb9d983 Fix issues with device autoassignment in xenapi
This is a workaround for two issues in xenapi. The first is that
does not set the instance default_root_device to /dev/xvda so it
defaults to /dev/sda. The proper fix for this involves setting the
default_root_device in xenapi and a db migration to set the proper
default_root_device for existing instances.

This patch works around this issue by explicitly setting the prefix
to /dev/xvd if the compute driver is xenapi.

The second issue is that xenapi never updates the instance record
to include default_swap_device and default_ephemeral device. The
fix for this involes adding the appropriate update to the instance
record and a migration that sets the proper values for all existing

This patch works around this issue by explicily checking the
instance_type and removing the devices from the list if the compute
driver is xenapi.

Fixes bug 1055715 and bug 1055712

Change-Id: I61aa15e69eb0a22430bb22ea5149b1f0735b3328
(cherry picked from commit 6956476396)
2012-09-25 15:01:57 -07:00

225 lines
8.3 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Compute-related Utilities and helpers."""
import re
import string
import traceback
from nova import block_device
from nova.compute import instance_types
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from import model as network_model
from nova import notifications
from nova.openstack.common import log
from nova.openstack.common.notifier import api as notifier_api
from nova import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def add_instance_fault_from_exc(context, instance_uuid, fault, exc_info=None):
"""Adds the specified fault to the database."""
code = 500
if hasattr(fault, "kwargs"):
code = fault.kwargs.get('code', 500)
details = unicode(fault)
if exc_info and code == 500:
tb = exc_info[2]
details += '\n' + ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
values = {
'instance_uuid': instance_uuid,
'code': code,
'message': fault.__class__.__name__,
'details': unicode(details),
db.instance_fault_create(context, values)
def get_device_name_for_instance(context, instance, device):
"""Validates (or generates) a device name for instance.
If device is not set, it will generate a unique device appropriate
for the instance. It uses the block device mapping table to find
valid device names. If the device name is valid but applicable to
a different backend (for example /dev/vdc is specified but the
backend uses /dev/xvdc), the device name will be converted to the
appropriate format.
req_prefix = None
req_letters = None
if device:
req_prefix, req_letters = block_device.match_device(device)
except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError):
raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=device)
bdms = db.block_device_mapping_get_all_by_instance(context,
mappings = block_device.instance_block_mapping(instance, bdms)
prefix = block_device.match_device(mappings['root'])[0]
except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError):
raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=mappings['root'])
# NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is setting default_root_device
if (FLAGS.connection_type == 'xenapi' or
prefix = '/dev/xvd'
if req_prefix != prefix:
LOG.debug(_("Using %(prefix)s instead of %(req_prefix)s") % locals())
letters_list = []
for _name, device in mappings.iteritems():
letter = block_device.strip_prefix(device)
# NOTE(vish): delete numbers in case we have something like
# /dev/sda1
letter = re.sub("\d+", "", letter)
used_letters = set(letters_list)
# NOTE(vish): remove this when xenapi is properly setting
# default_ephemeral_device and default_swap_device
if (FLAGS.connection_type == 'xenapi' or
instance_type_id = instance['instance_type_id']
instance_type = instance_types.get_instance_type(instance_type_id)
if instance_type['ephemeral_gb']:
if instance_type['swap']:
if not req_letters:
req_letters = _get_unused_letters(used_letters)
if req_letters in used_letters:
raise exception.DevicePathInUse(path=device)
return prefix + req_letters
def _get_unused_letters(used_letters):
doubles = [first + second for second in string.ascii_lowercase
for first in string.ascii_lowercase]
all_letters = set(list(string.ascii_lowercase) + doubles)
letters = list(all_letters - used_letters)
# NOTE(vish): prepend ` so all shorter sequences sort first
letters.sort(key=lambda x: x.rjust(2, '`'))
return letters[0]
def notify_usage_exists(context, instance_ref, current_period=False,
system_metadata=None, extra_usage_info=None):
"""Generates 'exists' notification for an instance for usage auditing
:param current_period: if True, this will generate a usage for the
current usage period; if False, this will generate a usage for the
previous audit period.
:param ignore_missing_network_data: if True, log any exceptions generated
while getting network info; if False, raise the exception.
:param system_metadata: system_metadata DB entries for the instance,
if not None. *NOTE*: Currently unused here in trunk, but needed for
potential custom modifications.
:param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or
override in the notification if not None.
audit_start, audit_end = notifications.audit_period_bounds(current_period)
bw = notifications.bandwidth_usage(instance_ref, audit_start,
if system_metadata is None:
system_metadata = db.instance_system_metadata_get(
context, instance_ref['uuid'])
except exception.NotFound:
system_metadata = {}
# add image metadata to the notification:
image_meta = notifications.image_meta(system_metadata)
extra_info = dict(audit_period_beginning=str(audit_start),
bandwidth=bw, image_meta=image_meta)
if extra_usage_info:
notify_about_instance_usage(context, instance_ref, 'exists',
system_metadata=system_metadata, extra_usage_info=extra_info)
def notify_about_instance_usage(context, instance, event_suffix,
network_info=None, system_metadata=None,
extra_usage_info=None, host=None):
Send a notification about an instance.
:param event_suffix: Event type like "delete.start" or "exists"
:param network_info: Networking information, if provided.
:param system_metadata: system_metadata DB entries for the instance,
if provided.
:param extra_usage_info: Dictionary containing extra values to add or
override in the notification.
:param host: Compute host for the instance, if specified. Default is
if not host:
host =
if not extra_usage_info:
extra_usage_info = {}
usage_info = notifications.info_from_instance(context, instance,
network_info, system_metadata, **extra_usage_info)
notifier_api.notify(context, 'compute.%s' % host,
'compute.instance.%s' % event_suffix,
notifier_api.INFO, usage_info)
def get_nw_info_for_instance(instance):
info_cache = instance['info_cache'] or {}
cached_nwinfo = info_cache.get('network_info') or []
return network_model.NetworkInfo.hydrate(cached_nwinfo)
def has_audit_been_run(context, host, timestamp=None):
begin, end = utils.last_completed_audit_period(before=timestamp)
task_log = db.task_log_get(context, "instance_usage_audit",
begin, end, host)
if task_log:
return True
return False
def start_instance_usage_audit(context, begin, end, host, num_instances):
db.task_log_begin_task(context, "instance_usage_audit", begin, end, host,
num_instances, "Instance usage audit started...")
def finish_instance_usage_audit(context, begin, end, host, errors, message):
db.task_log_end_task(context, "instance_usage_audit", begin, end, host,
errors, message)